Neutron Flux in a sub-critical reactor

In summary, the conversation discusses the derivation of a neutron flux equation for region A of a reactor, which consists of nested spheres. The equation is given as Φ(r) = S/4πD [1/r - 1/R2], and attempts at deriving it have resulted in exponential terms. The conversation also mentions the use of the diffusion equation and the assumption of symmetry to simplify the derivation process.
  • #1
Hi everyone,

I am supposed to derive the neutron flux equation provided for region A of my reactor. Just wondering if anyone can help me out since I stuck on the derivation for [1/r - 1/R2]; S/4πD aspect is very similar to a solving the constant for a point source spherical reactor

Here is my reactor diagram consisting of nested spheres (sorry, this is my first time posting):

Sphere 1 --> Lead target with radius of R0 (Target-region)
Sphere 2 --> Actinide Fuel surrounding lead target; has outer radius of R1 (A-region)
Sphere 3 --> Reflector surrounding the fuel with outer radius of R2 (E-region)

Neutron Flux vanished at R2 and the flux at A-region is given as:

Φ(r) = S/4πD [1/r - 1/R2]My attempts at deriving this equation always leaves me with exponential terms if I'm assuming I'm solving the diffusion equation for a finite spherical reactor with a point source. Can anyone help me?
  • #3
Assuming symmetry, the current at the center of the Pb is zero. The current at the boundaries/interfaces on one side must equal that on the other side.
  • #3

Hi there,

I'm not an expert in this topic, but I'll try my best to help. From what I understand, you are trying to derive the neutron flux equation for region A of your reactor. This equation is given as Φ(r) = S/4πD [1/r - 1/R2], where S is a constant, D is the diffusion coefficient, r is the distance from the center of the reactor, and R2 is the outer radius of the reflector.

To start, let's consider the diffusion equation for a finite spherical reactor with a point source:

∇²Φ(r) + B²Φ(r) = Sδ(r)

Where ∇² is the Laplacian operator, B² is the diffusion coefficient squared, Φ(r) is the neutron flux, and Sδ(r) is the point source term. To simplify things, let's assume that B² is constant and equal to D, and that the point source is located at the center of the reactor (r=0).

Integrating this equation over the volume of the reactor, we get:

∫∇²Φ(r) dV + ∫B²Φ(r) dV = ∫Sδ(r) dV

Using the divergence theorem, the first term on the left side becomes:

∫∇²Φ(r) dV = ∮ Φ(r) dA = 4πR²Φ(R)

Where R is the outer radius of the reactor. The second term on the left side is just D times the integral of Φ(r) over the volume of the reactor, which is just D times the total neutron flux.

Putting everything together, we get:

4πR²Φ(R) + DΦ = S

Solving for Φ, we get:

Φ(r) = S/4πD [1 - (R/r)²]

This equation is similar to the one given for region A, except that it is for the entire reactor and it includes a term for the distance from the center of the reactor. However, we can see that when r=R2, the neutron flux vanishes, which is consistent with the information given in the problem.

I hope this helps and that I didn't make any mistakes. Let me know if you have any questions or if anything is unclear. Good luck with your derivation!

Related to Neutron Flux in a sub-critical reactor

1. What is neutron flux in a sub-critical reactor?

Neutron flux in a sub-critical reactor refers to the number of neutrons present in the reactor at a given moment. It is a measure of the intensity of the neutron population, which is crucial for the sustained fission reactions that produce energy in a nuclear reactor.

2. How is neutron flux controlled in a sub-critical reactor?

Neutron flux in a sub-critical reactor is controlled by adjusting the concentration of neutron-absorbing materials, such as control rods, in the reactor core. These materials absorb neutrons and reduce the overall neutron population, thus controlling the rate of fission reactions and the amount of energy produced.

3. What happens if neutron flux is too high in a sub-critical reactor?

If neutron flux is too high in a sub-critical reactor, it can lead to an uncontrolled chain reaction and potentially cause a nuclear meltdown. This is why it is crucial to have effective control mechanisms in place to regulate neutron flux and maintain a stable reactor core.

4. How does neutron flux affect the efficiency of a sub-critical reactor?

The efficiency of a sub-critical reactor is directly affected by neutron flux. A higher neutron flux means more fission reactions are occurring, resulting in more energy being produced. However, if neutron flux is too high, it can also lead to safety hazards, so a balance must be maintained to ensure both efficiency and safety.

5. Can neutron flux be measured in a sub-critical reactor?

Yes, neutron flux can be measured in a sub-critical reactor using various techniques such as neutron detectors, radiation detectors, and neutron activation analysis. These measurements help operators monitor and control the reactor's performance and ensure safe and efficient operation.

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