(Need Verifications) Wear Rate for adhesive rubbing of 2 materials

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem of finding the surface thickness loss of rubber when rubbing against fiberglass, and the assumptions and equations used to solve this problem. The equations are based on the wear formula for adhesive wear, and it is suggested to validate them using experimental data or established equations. Suggestions are also made to clarify constants and consider the possibility of both materials undergoing deformation.
  • #1
Dear all members,

I just need anyone of you to verify my system and some equations I have worked out for my problem below. Please feel free to point out any flaws in my reasoning and formula applications.

Problem Definition: Two flat blocks (different materials, Fiberglass and Rubber) rubbing against each other on 1 flat plane in 1 direction. Find out when the amount of surface thickness loss of rubber reaches our defined limit, ℝ.

1) Only Rubber deforms and fiberglass's deformation is neglected.

Logics behind:
1) During the wearing process , strain rate/loading force decreases as the thickness of rubber decreases SO the equation has to be an integral instead. It should be defined in the range from 0 to X(meter). Presumably, when rubber has rubbed against fiberglass for distance x, the amount of thickness loss on rubber is equal to our designated limit, ℝ.


Wear formula (I assume it is an adhesive wear?):
w=k*L/H where k is a wear constant of rubber; L is the loading force and H is the hardness of material.
w will be in terms of Volume removed due to wear Per distance traveled by rubber(Contact surface, A) or fiberglass(infinite large Area).
Re-arrange w a little bit, dividing it by Area, A, and it become wt for which the unit is surface thickness loss/ distance traveled)

Equations Work Flow:

Total thickness loss from total distance x traveled equal to ℝ :

(intergral defined on range 0 to x)

∫ wt dx= ∫ (k*L/(H*A) ) dx<= ℝ

a) L= σ/A= Eε/A
b) ε=dL / L .....[dL denotes for current compressed thickness which is equal to dL0- ∫ wt dx(amount of thickness loss) WHILE L denotes for the current thickness of the rubber which is equal to L0(original thickness)- ∫ wt dx(amount of thickness loss)]

Define ε as a function of x (strain rate after traveling distance x)
Turns out ε is a function of itself which is a function of x.

Strain rate at distance x can be given by:

ε= (dL0- ∫ wt dx)/ (L0-∫ wt dx)


ε= [dL0- ∫(E*k*ε)/(A*H) dx]/ [L0-∫(E*k*ε)/(A*H) dx]

Then we solve ε:
ε becomes a quadratic equation

then find ε in terms of those constants and variable x.

then put ε into the original function below to find x,

∫ wt dx =∫ (k*L/(H*A) ) dx <= ℝ where L=σ/A=(E*ε)/A

um...is that workable...or just plain wrong?
Thanks Report
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  • #2

Thank you for sharing your problem and equations with us. I have reviewed your equations and have a few comments and suggestions for you to consider.

Firstly, I would like to clarify that the wear formula you have used is for adhesive wear, which occurs when two surfaces are in contact and slide against each other. There are other types of wear as well, such as abrasive wear, which occurs when particles or other hard surfaces rub against a material, causing it to wear down.

Secondly, I suggest including the specific values for the constants you have used in your equations. This will help in verifying the accuracy of your calculations and identifying any potential errors.

Thirdly, I noticed a potential issue with your assumption that only rubber deforms and fiberglass's deformation is neglected. While this may be true in some cases, it is possible for both materials to undergo some deformation during the rubbing process. I suggest considering this possibility in your equations.

Additionally, I recommend validating your equations with experimental data or by comparing them with established equations for wear. This will help in verifying the accuracy of your results and identifying any discrepancies.

Overall, your equations seem to have a logical flow and are based on sound principles. However, I would suggest further refining and validating them before using them for any practical applications.

I hope this helps and wish you all the best in your research.


Related to (Need Verifications) Wear Rate for adhesive rubbing of 2 materials

1. What is wear rate?

Wear rate is the measure of material loss over time due to rubbing or sliding against another material. It is typically expressed in units of volume or weight lost per unit time.

2. How is wear rate determined?

Wear rate is determined by conducting controlled experiments in which two materials are rubbed against each other under specific conditions, such as pressure and speed. The amount of material lost is then measured and used to calculate the wear rate.

3. Why is wear rate important?

Wear rate is important because it can affect the performance and lifespan of materials in various applications. For example, in industries such as automotive and aerospace, understanding the wear rate of materials can help in selecting the most suitable materials for specific components.

4. What factors can affect wear rate?

The wear rate of two materials can be affected by various factors including the surface roughness and hardness of the materials, the type and amount of lubrication present, the applied load and speed of rubbing, and the environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity.

5. How can wear rate be reduced?

Wear rate can be reduced by using materials with higher hardness and wear resistance, applying lubrication to reduce friction and wear, controlling the speed and load of rubbing, and minimizing exposure to harsh environmental conditions. Proper maintenance and regular inspections can also help in reducing wear rate.

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