NASA release new world salinty from satellite map

In summary, the map shows different salinity levels around the world. Areas with more saline water are found near coasts, while areas with less saline water are found in the interior of continents. The salinity map could be used to predict droughts in areas like Texas.
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  • #2
Looks like a cool map. I think I can see the equator and the antarctic gyre. Drop off in salinity near coasts due to fresh water influx from rivers (Amazon in Brazil looks kind of obvious). India looks interesting: less saline off the east coast (brahma and indochinese rivers), and more saline off the west coast (indus river being the only major river). I am not seeing any deep sea features like mid-oceans ridges. Mediterranean must have very ristricted flow even with the Nile pouring into it.

Wonder how these could be used to measure droughts like we have here in Texas. Hopefully the project produces many more years worth of images without
  • #3
The mediterrian is renowned for it's saline concentration, due to high evaporation and limited drainage.

It could also be predicted that the horizontal bands with less saline water in the Pacific and atlantic situated just north of the equator around 5 degrees lattitude will have shifted south of the equator in about six months,
  • #4
Red and yellow colours denote areas of higher salinity; blues and purples represent areas of lower salinity. Areas coloured black represent gaps in the data.

Am I correct in assuming that the more or less saline are in relation to normal oceanic surface salinity and that all the purples are roughly the same salinity?
  • #5
What do you mean by normal? Do you really mean average?

The salinity map shows the 'normal' salinity for the location. That is the whole point arctic and certain equatorial zones have lower than average salinity, and certain tropical zones have higher than average salinity at all times.
  • #6
Standard sea water salinity is 35 psu (practical salinity units)

The average salinity of the ocean typically varies from 32 to 37 psu, but in polar regions, it may be less than 30 psu.

I went to the NASA Aquarius site hoping that it would provide more info and a color scale; but, computer at work locked up trying to load it.
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  • #7
Gannet said:
Am I correct in assuming that the more or less saline are in relation to normal oceanic surface salinity and that all the purples are roughly the same salinity?
The satellite has only been operational for two and a half weeks. That is almost certainly uncalibrated quick-look data. Two and a half weeks is not enough time to calibrate the sensors. The mission scientists almost certainly have an idea what the calibrations should be, but in remote telemetry those pre-launch calibrations can often be off by quite a bit, particularly so in the case of a new class of sensors.
  • #8
Continuing with my previous post:

Fortunately there is plenty of ground truth data that be used to calibrate those new satellite sensors. There are lots of scientific buoys out in the oceans equipped with various sensors such as salinity sensors and with GPS receivers. Oceanography research vessels add to the mix.

Scientists have been measuring salinity for quite some time now. Here, for example, is a snapshot of the global sea surface salinity for Sept 26 2011:


The next link is an animated gif of the last year's such snapshots (I made it a link, rather an image, because this animated gif is 365 times as big as the above one day image):

The site contains global ocean views as well as views that focus on specific oceans. For example, here's the Bay of Bengal, 12 month animated gif:
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  • #9
Thank you DH for the insight and links

Related to NASA release new world salinty from satellite map

1. What does the NASA release of new world salinity from satellite map mean?

The NASA release of new world salinity from satellite map means that the organization has collected data on the salt content of the Earth's ocean and created a map to show the distribution of salinity levels around the world. This map can provide valuable insights into ocean circulation patterns and how they may be changing over time.

2. How was the data for the salinity map collected?

The data for the salinity map was collected by a satellite called Aquarius/SAC-D, which was launched in 2011 specifically for the purpose of measuring ocean salinity. The satellite uses a specialized instrument called a radiometer to measure the natural microwave emissions from the ocean's surface, which can then be used to calculate the salinity levels.

3. Why is this salinity map important?

This salinity map is important because it can provide a better understanding of ocean circulation and how it affects global climate patterns. Changes in salinity levels can also impact marine life and ecosystems, making this data crucial for studying and predicting potential impacts on the environment.

4. How often will NASA update this salinity map?

NASA plans to update this salinity map every seven days, providing a near real-time view of the changing ocean salinity levels. This frequent updating will allow scientists to closely monitor any changes or trends in salinity levels over time.

5. Can I access this salinity map online?

Yes, the salinity map is available online through NASA's Ocean Salinity website. The website provides interactive tools to view the map and access data from specific regions. This information is also available to download for further analysis by scientists and researchers.

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