NASA announces discovery of first Earth sized planets in the universe

In summary: A position very close to the star2. A position where the star's light is not blocked by the planet3. A position where the planet doesn't cause too much interference
Physics news on
  • #2

Five planets inside the orbit of Mercury. The Galaxy is a weird place.
  • #3

Earth is the only relatively cool one of the four, unfortunately. Cool in the sense of temperature, not in the sense of, "yeah, cool, man!" :)

I'm very excited about this - not because I didn't think these worlds were out there, but that now we've seen that Kepler has the capability to detect them, so hopefully we should start seeing more such discoveries soon.
  • #4

Jamie Kern said:
Earth is the only relatively cool one of the four, unfortunately. Cool in the sense of temperature, not in the sense of, "yeah, cool, man!" :)
So you're saying Earth is cool in temerature, but uncool as in not awesome? :-p

Maybe I should move to different planet then...
  • #5

This mainly demonstrates our ability to detect extrasolar Earth size planets is still limited to those very close to the host star.
  • #6's-give-theorists-a-super-headache-1.9636

These ‘super-Earths’ are emerging as a new category of planet — and they could be the most numerous of all (see ‘Super-Earths rising’). Their very existence upsets conventional models of planetary formation and, furthermore, most of them are in tight orbits around their host star, precisely where the modellers say they shouldn’t be.

“It poses a challenge,” says Douglas Lin, a planet-formation modeller and director of the Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University in Beijing, China. “You can’t just tweak the parameters. You need to think about the physics.”

Respectfully submitted,
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  • #7
Why the search for exoplanets when the government denies the existence of aliens and UFOs?

Also, since we can't get to them, can't communicate with them, or do anything with them, why bother?
  • #8
The government isn't denying the possibility of the existence of alien life in the universe.
What it denies is that it has secret knowledge of aliens which it keeps from the general public.

Why do scientists search?

1. Curiosity
2. For message transmission focus purposes
3. For future reference in case travel becomes feasible we know where to aim our ships..
  • #9

Chronos said:
This mainly demonstrates our ability to detect extrasolar Earth size planets is still limited to those very close to the host star.

Not necessarily; maybe the main obstacle is time. A planet in a larger orbit would need more time to show three transits (Earth would take three years). (Well, two-and-something. :)

Of course, the REAL obstacle is probably funding -- if given, the next few years of Kepler are going to be awesome. I can't wait.
  • #10
FtlIsAwesome said:
So you're saying Earth is cool in temerature, but uncool as in not awesome? :-p

I stand corrected! Earth is the coolest in both senses. :)

wildwohl said:
Also, since we can't get to them, can't communicate with them, or do anything with them, why bother?

I know one person already talked about this a bit, but I would like to mention that this is exactly the sort of attitude toward science that bothers me. We can't get to the stars either, or other galaxies, so why are we studying them?

Astronomers are searching for the answers to questions about the nature of our universe. Answering those questions is worthwhile even if there is no short-term benefit. The search for knowledge is one way in which humanity shapes itself and its philosophy (how we perceive the universe in turn affects how we perceive ourselves, and I feel this is worthwhile all by itself in the same way that the arts are).

I would like to know whether our universe is teeming with planets, or whether systems like our own are relatively rare. Maybe we can't get to one of these planets anytime soon, but that does not mean our descendents won't. The search for Earth-like planets is also the beginning of the search for life in other star systems, and many people would love to know whether or not there were other life forms out there - especially intelligent life forms. If we find a planet that is relatively close, we could send a transmission to it, and wait the appropriate amount of time to see if any transmission is returned. Would it take time? Yes.

There is no obvious short-term benefit to many scientific endeavors. However, scientific knowledge often has unexpected consequences for innovation. James Burke's Connections series drove that into me when I was a kid. Cutting off some area of research due to a lack of immediate measurable profit is, I believe, short-sighted.

Kepler is so worthwhile, and I sincerely hope its funding continues for a long time. :)
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  • #11
if the only way to detect a planet is to observe the dimming of a star(according to the link) that means we have to be in line with the observed star, now just imagine all of the other planets that are not detected my word there could be a lot more to discover .

Related to NASA announces discovery of first Earth sized planets in the universe

What is the significance of NASA's discovery of Earth-sized planets in the universe?

NASA's discovery of Earth-sized planets is significant because it provides evidence that there may be other habitable planets in the universe. This increases the chances of finding extraterrestrial life and expands our understanding of the universe.

How did NASA discover these Earth-sized planets?

NASA used the Kepler Space Telescope to observe and collect data on a large number of stars in a specific region of the Milky Way galaxy. Through analyzing the data, they were able to identify and confirm the existence of Earth-sized planets orbiting some of these stars.

How many Earth-sized planets did NASA discover?

NASA announced the discovery of seven Earth-sized planets orbiting a single star, named TRAPPIST-1. This is the largest number of Earth-sized planets found orbiting a single star to date.

Are these Earth-sized planets in the habitable zone?

Yes, all seven Earth-sized planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system are located within the habitable zone, meaning they are at a distance from their star where liquid water could potentially exist on their surface.

What do these Earth-sized planets tell us about the potential for extraterrestrial life?

The discovery of Earth-sized planets in the habitable zone of another star system increases the chances of finding extraterrestrial life. However, further research and exploration is necessary to determine if these planets actually have the conditions necessary for life to exist.

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