N??Solving Electrostatic Fields Problems

In summary, the conversation discusses two problems involving electrostatic force and distance. The first problem involves a single isolated proton fixed on a surface and determining the location of another proton relative to it in order to balance the electrostatic force. The second problem involves two identical objects with opposite charges and determining the new force between them after they are touched and moved to a new distance. The solution for the first problem involves using the equation F=kq1q2/d^2 and assuming the objects are conductors, while the solution for the second problem involves finding the total charge on the objects after they touch and using the equation F=kq1q2/d^2 with a new distance of 2d.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A single isolated proton is fixed on a surface. Where must another proton be located in relation to the first in order that the electrostatic force of repulsion would just support its weight?

2)Two identical objects have charges from +6.0*10^-6 and -2.0*10^-6, respectively. When placed a distance d apart, their force of attraction is 2,0N. If the objects are touched together, then they moved to a distance of separation of 2d, what will be the new force between them?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

1) the electrostatic force would be zero? And then how would u solve for the distance??
2) I thought the inverse square law would mean that the new force would be 1/4 of its original (2.0) however the ans is .17
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  • #2
1) the electrostatic force would be zero? And then how would u solve for the distance??
Start by drawing a free body diagram for the object being levitated ... identify the forces (there's two) then write out the equations of those forces.

2) I thought the inverse square law would mean that the new force would be 1/4 of its original (2.0) however the ans is .17
What happens when the objects are touched together?
  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
Start by drawing a free body diagram for the object being levitated ... identify the forces (there's two) then write out the equations of those forces.

What happens when the objects are touched together?
Is there a gravitational force?
I tried that (putting the electrostatic force equal to gravitational force)put won't the r and d cancel out?

Also can u give me a hint of what happens when they touch?? Do they become neutral?
If they become neutral how does that help in solving it?
  • #4
Coco12 said:
Is there a gravitational force?
I tried that (putting the electrostatic force equal to gravitational force)put won't the r and d cancel out?
I'm guessing you are to assume that the proton is near the surface of the Earth. In other words, assume the force of gravity is Fg = mg. That's the way I understood the problem.

Also can u give me a hint of what happens when they touch?? Do they become neutral?
It seems that this problem makes the assumption that the objects are conductors. In other words, if the objects touch the charge can flow between them. How much total charge is on the objects altogether?

It's also important that the objects are identical (this was stated in the problem statement). That means that after the objects touch, whatever charge is left is split equally between the two of them.
  • #5
The ans for the first one is .12m and if I made mg= electrostatic force the d would not be equal.
Also what do u mean regarding the conductors?
  • #6
Coco12 said:
The ans for the first one is .12m
That's roughly the answer that I got. :smile:

and if I made mg= electrostatic force the d would not be equal.
:rolleyes: Assuming you don't stray too far from the surface of the Earth, the gravitation force is constant; it doesn't depend on d.

If you really wanted to use Newton's universal law of universal gravitation, you would use [itex] F_g = G\frac{mM_{Earth}}{r_{Earth}^2} [/itex], where [itex] M_{Earth} [/itex] is the mass of the Earth, and [itex] r_{Earth} [/itex] is the radius of the Earth -- not d, the distance between the hovering proton and the proton on the surface. The latter is a much shorter distance.

It's just much easier to approximate the gravitational force as [itex] F_g = mg [/itex]. Equate that to [itex] F = k \frac{q q}{d^2} [/itex].
Also what do u mean regarding the conductors?
If the objects were insulators, then touching them together wouldn't necessarily have much of an effect. The charge is stuck to the surface of the objects and stays stuck there (for the most part) even if the objects come in contact with each other. On the other hand if they are conductors, the charge can flow between them when they touch.
  • #7
Technically the problem should specify that the objects are conductors - but it may be implicit to this stage in the course that charge moves about between objects that touch each other. It will be in the earlier course notes.

For the initial situation you know that $$F=\frac{kq_1q_2}{r^2}=\frac{-12(\mu\text{C})^2k}{d^2(\text{m})}=-2(\text{N})\implies 2d^2=-12k$$ ... can you write the equivalent relation giving F (the unknown force) for the new charges and distance ##r=2d##
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  • #8
collinsmark said:
That's roughly the answer that I got. :smile: :rolleyes: Assuming you don't stray too far from the surface of the Earth, the gravitation force is constant; it doesn't depend on d.

If you really wanted to use Newton's universal law of universal gravitation, you would use [itex] F_g = G\frac{mM_{Earth}}{r_{Earth}^2} [/itex], where [itex] M_{Earth} [/itex] is the mass of the Earth, and [itex] r_{Earth} [/itex] is the radius of the Earth -- not d, the distance between the hovering proton and the proton on the surface. The latter is a much shorter distance.

It's just much easier to approximate the gravitational force as [itex] F_g = mg [/itex]. Equate that to [itex] F = k \frac{q q}{d^2} [/itex].

If the objects were insulators, then touching them together wouldn't necessarily have much of an effect. The charge is stuck to the surface of the objects and stays stuck there (for the most part) even if the objects come in contact with each other. On the other hand if they are conductors, the charge can flow between them when they touch.
I got the first one! Thank you
As for the 2nd you mean I add up the two charges to give me 4.0*10^-6 C?? Then what? I still don't really understand
  • #9
Simon Bridge said:
Technically the problem should specify that the objects are conductors - but it may be implicit to this stage in the course that charge moves about between objects that touch each other. It will be in the earlier course notes.

For the initial situation you know that $$\frac{kq_1q_2}{r^2}\frac{-12(\mu\text{C})k}{d^2(\text{m})}=2(\text{N})\implies 2d^2=-12k$$ ... can you write the equivalent relation giving F (the unknown force) for the new charges and distance ##r=2d##

Where is the -12 coming from?
  • #10
Coco12 said:
I got the first one! Thank you
Good job! Very nice. :smile:

As for the 2nd you mean I add up the two charges to give me 4.0*10^-6 C??
Yes, eventually. This part comes after the objects touch each other. Before that though, you'll need to find an expression for d in terms of other known variables. See Simon's post for help on that.

Later though, after the objects touch you can assume that the objects are equally charged. To find the total amount of charge you add up the +6.0 μC and -2.0 μC to get the total charge of +4.0 μC. (Conservation of charge.)

Then what? I still don't really understand
Then you can assume that the objects are equally charged. If the total charge is 4.0 μC, and half of that charge goes on one object, and the other half goes on the other object, how much charge does each object have?

Coco12 said:
Where is the -12 coming from?


(Keep in mind this is before the objects touch.)
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  • #11
collinsmark said:
Good job! Very nice. :smile:Yes, eventually. This part comes after the objects touch each other. Before that though, you'll need to find an expression for d in terms of other known variables. See Simon's post for help on that.

Later though, after the objects touch you can assume that the objects are equally charged. To find the total amount of charge you add up the +6.0 μC and -2.0 μC to get the total charge of +4.0 μC. (Conservation of charge.)Then you can assume that the objects are equally charged. If the total charge is 4.0 μC, and half of that charge goes on one object, and the other half goes on the other object, how much charge does each object have?

(Keep in mind this is before the objects touch.)

I got it! Thank you Collin and Simon. Can you explain to me why the force would be repulsive?
  • #12
Coco12 said:
I got it! Thank you Collin and Simon. Can you explain to me why the force would be repulsive?
You seriously need to reread the course notes from the very start of the section on electrostatics: like charges repel, opposite charges attract.

You can also see it from the sign of the force in Coulomb's Law.

Because like charges repel, surplus charge will always try to distribute itself so each tiny bit of charge is as far away from all the other bits as possible ... this means that two identical conductors in contact with each other will have the same net charge.

My equation had a typo - the units in the numerator should have been micro-Coulombs-squared ... If I read the problem statement corrcetly: q1=-2μC and q2=6μC so q1q2=-12(μC)2.

(I also left out an equals sign - all corrected in the original post now)

But you seem to have got it anyway.
  • #13
Simon Bridge said:
You seriously need to reread the course notes from the very start of the section on electrostatics: like charges repel, opposite charges attract.

You can also see it from the sign of the force in Coulomb's Law.

Because like charges repel, surplus charge will always try to distribute itself so each tiny bit of charge is as far away from all the other bits as possible ... this means that two identical conductors in contact with each other will have the same net charge.

My equation had a typo - the units in the numerator should have been micro-Coulombs-squared ... If I read the problem statement corrcetly: q1=-2μC and q2=6μC so q1q2=-12(μC)2.

(I also left out an equals sign - all corrected in the original post now)

But you seem to have got it anyway.

So just to clarified , since one was negative and the other object was positive at the beginning, when they touched some of the negative charges flowed to the positive, thus making both of them negative and since they now have like charges, they repel?
  • #14
Or when they touch they will both have a positive charge and the positive charge will repel?
  • #15
Coco12 said:
Or when they touch they will both have a positive charge and the positive charge will repel?
There you go. :smile:
  • #16
When the spheres touch, they share all the charge equally between them.
Thus, each gets 1μC of negative charge and 3μC of positive charge - making each sphere positive overall. So they are both positive.

If they were free to roll on a flat surface, you'd expect the spheres to roll towards each other, touch, then roll apart.

I'm serious about you needing to revise the basics.

Checking - I notice you've had trouble with electrostatics before.
  • Help with electric fields (in November) - involving the force on an alpha-particle between two charged "objects".
  • Coulomb Law (just last week) - involving the force between point charges.
... you seem to be going backwards - which can happen when you don't understand the basics.

I urge you to review the basics of electrostatics.
... go through lesson 1 in the link, from the beginning.
If you don't get this, you won't understand the rest.
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  • #17
I understand it after doing more practice problems.
  • #18
Well done.
If you don't practice you do tend to go backwards ;)

Related to N??Solving Electrostatic Fields Problems

What is an electrostatic field?

An electrostatic field is a type of electric field that is created by stationary electric charges. It exerts a force on other electric charges within its vicinity.

How do you solve electrostatic field problems?

To solve electrostatic field problems, you need to use the principles of Coulomb's Law, which states that the force between two electric charges is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. You also need to apply the principles of vector addition to determine the net electric field at a given point.

What are the units of an electrostatic field?

The units of an electrostatic field are newtons per coulomb (N/C) in the SI system. In the cgs system, the units are dynes per esu (dyne/esu).

What is the difference between an electrostatic field and an electric field?

An electrostatic field is a type of electric field that exists in the absence of any changing electric currents. It is created by stationary electric charges. On the other hand, an electric field can also be created by changing electric currents and can be either time-varying or time-invariant.

How do you calculate the electric potential in an electrostatic field?

The electric potential at a point in an electrostatic field is equal to the work done per unit charge to move a test charge from infinity to that point. It can be calculated using the formula V= kQ/r, where V is the electric potential, k is the Coulomb's constant, Q is the charge creating the field, and r is the distance between the charge and the point.

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