Music Learning: Appreciating Quality, Engaging in the Process

  • Music
  • Thread starter En_lizard
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In summary, the study of music teaches people to appreciate quality- those products of human creativity that represent the highest order of thinking, feeling, and technical achievement. Through music, people become engaged in the learning process and develop keener insights into how knowledge, skills, attitudes, feelings, and the senses interrelate. So if you're having problems understanding something and want to ask for help, doing so sooner rather than later will give you more time to learn and more time to wait for a response.
  • #1
could you please paraphrase these sentences for me? i have an en exam tomorrow but i know nothing!:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: i really appreciate your help!:redface:

"the study of music teaches people to appreciate quality- those products of human creativity that represent the highest order of thinking, feeling, and technical achievement."

"through music, people become engaged in the learning process and develop keener insights into how knowledge, skills, attitudes, feelings, and the sences interrellate.":confused:
Science news on
  • #2
nobody?:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  • #3
We're not allowed to do people's homework for them. Post the paraphraqses you've come up with, though, and people can offer pointers.
  • #4
I'd love to help you, lad, but I don't know anything about music.
  • #5
I'm curious to know if this person subscribed to PF only for solutions.
  • #6
Going on PF does not seem to me to be the best way to get advice on writing.
  • #7
HallsofIvy said:
Going on PF does not seem to me to be the best way to get advice on writing.

I certainly wouldn't think so either.

You can always go to a translating website, and translate it to another laugauge then back to english, and it will be different, hence paraphrasing. :rolleyes:
  • #8
En_lizard said:
could you please paraphrase these sentences for me? i have an en exam tomorrow but i know nothing!:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: i really appreciate your help!:redface:
First, no, we can't do your assignment for you. Second, in the future, it's best not to wait until the very last minute (night before an exam) to ask for help. If you keep up with the assignments all along and ask about stuff you don't understand right away, you have more time to learn it, and more time to wait for responses (especially if you're going to ask for help with music or English on a Physics Forum :-p).

I'm not sure what you're getting hung up on in these sentences. Here are a few tips, and that's all I can offer:
"the study of music teaches people to appreciate quality- those products of human creativity that represent the highest order of thinking, feeling, and technical achievement."
Everything following the hyphen is defining the term "quality" as used by the writer of the sentence. So, the main sentence is simply, "The study of music teaches people to appreciate quality."

"through music, people become engaged in the learning process and develop keener insights into how knowledge, skills, attitudes, feelings, and the sences interrellate.":confused:
I think the trouble you're having here is that the sentence is just long. It would probably have been best broken into two separate sentences. Sentence #1 would end before "...and..." Sentence #2 would share the same conditional clause, subject and verb as sentence #1, and then everything following "...and..." Since I'm not sure if this is for an English or music assignment, I'll leave it to you to know the grammar.
  • #9
I assume our reptilian friend is asking us to paraphrase these statements for him/her so that (s)he can understand them better, thus be better prepared for his/her exam.

The first statement appears to be the general one that exposure to art improves your mind by enabling you to appreciate the skill and inspiration of compositions and recognise such skill elsewhere. So by studying music you learn to appreciate why it is such an achievement, then enabling you to recognise quality in other works. And someone who appreciates quality in music is more likely to appreciate it in other arts, such as literature and cinema.
  • #10
El Hombre just gave a nice paraphrase, but until I'm sure if the person is studying music or English (i.e., if they need the sentences paraphrased for their own understanding or the assignment is to paraphrase them), I've temporarily deleted that reply. If we get clarification that this is for a music class, any mentor online can "undelete" and restore that reply. :smile:
  • #11
Just go somewhere else. Try something like (link deleted) which is not a physics-specific site and does not have moderators for whom the words 'benefit of doubt' hold no meaning. I've never used (site name deleted) myself, but my girlfriend has found it very useful.

Edit by Moonbear: Sorry, but that site simply provides answers, not help. We will not sponsor a link to such a site here as it is completely inconsistent with our philosophy of offering homework HELP, not doing people's homework for them.
Last edited by a moderator:
  • #12
but if we liked you we'd do your homework for you. You are batting a thousand on the "improper posts" tonight aren't you. If a kid ever asks me how to act I'm just going to point at moonbear.
  • #13
I wonder how the exam went. :rolleyes: I think our semi-suicidal social outcast has given up on us.
  • #14
Well, since the date of the exam passed and he never got back to us, I guess I'll undelete your answer for whatever good it's worth now. (I was kind of hoping he'd reply yesterday so I'd know to reveal it or not). :rolleyes:
  • #15
i guess i passed my exam with an A. you know i just wanted you to say it in other words. i myself knew what it meant. :rolleyes: i guess thanks anyway!

Related to Music Learning: Appreciating Quality, Engaging in the Process

1. What is music learning and why is it important?

Music learning refers to the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and understanding related to music. It is important because it allows individuals to appreciate and understand the complexities of music, develop musical abilities, and engage in creative expression.

2. How does music learning improve brain function?

Research has shown that music learning can improve brain function in various ways. It can enhance cognitive skills such as memory, attention, and problem-solving. It can also improve motor skills, emotional processing, and language development. Additionally, actively engaging in music can stimulate the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward, which can improve overall well-being.

3. What are the benefits of engaging in the process of music learning?

Engaging in the process of music learning has numerous benefits. It can improve self-discipline, self-confidence, and self-expression. It can also foster teamwork, communication, and collaboration. Furthermore, it can provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, and can serve as a form of stress relief and emotional expression.

4. How can one appreciate and evaluate the quality of music?

Appreciating and evaluating the quality of music is a subjective process and can vary from person to person. However, some factors that can be considered include technical proficiency, creativity, emotional impact, and cultural significance. It is also important to develop a critical ear and actively listen to different types of music to broaden one's understanding and appreciation.

5. How can music learning benefit individuals of all ages?

Music learning can benefit individuals of all ages in various ways. For children, it can aid in brain development, improve academic performance, and foster social and emotional skills. For adults, it can serve as a form of lifelong learning, provide a sense of fulfillment and relaxation, and help maintain cognitive function. Additionally, music can bring people of all ages together, creating a sense of community and connection.

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