Motivation behind vacuum Einstein equation

In summary: Is that what he is saying?In summary, Hartle justifies the existence of the Ricci curvature tensor by saying that it is a generalization of the Newtonian case where the graviational potential is zero. He goes on to say that one can proceed to the Ricci tensor by contracting the Riemann curvature tensor. However, he is not sure how this is done.
  • #1
McLaren Rulez

I am using Hartle to study GR and at one point, there is a leap that I don't understand. He finds the result for the geodesic deviation equation and introduces the Riemann curvature tensor.

Then, we are told that there is an object called the Ricci curvature tensor which is a contracted version of the Riemann curvature tensor and that in a vacuum, the components of the Ricci tensor go to zero.

Can anyone tell me what the motivation behind this is? Hartle's explanation is not very clear at all. After getting the Riemann curvature tensor, how would one logically go to the Ricci tensor and equate it to 0 for vacuum?

Thank you!
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  • #2
Let's work through this.

First, what is Einstein's equation?
  • #3
McLaren Rulez said:
that in a vacuum, the components of the Ricci tensor go to zero.

Can anyone tell me what the motivation behind this is? Hartle's explanation is not very clear at all. After getting the Riemann curvature tensor, how would one logically go to the Ricci tensor and equate it to 0 for vacuum?
Isn't the statement that Ricci tensor goes to zero equivalent to Einstein's equivalence principle?
It means that locally spacetime is Euclidean, right?

If that would be so then we just have to sort out why Ricci tensor would be non zero in presence of mass/energy.
  • #4
zonde said:
Isn't the statement that Ricci tensor goes to zero equivalent to Einstein's equivalence principle?
It means that locally spacetime is Euclidean, right?

In general, it is not a good idea to use the the equivalence principle as a substitute for a calculation. At any event in spacetime, it is always possible to find an orthonormal basis, even in the presence of matter. Also, even if the Ricci tensor is zero, the curvature tensor does not have to be zero.

The way to proceed is to start with Einstein's equation in its usual form, do a little calculation that transforms Einstein's equation to a slightly less usual form in which is obvious that Ricci is zero for a vacuum.
George Jones said:
My take on the equivalence principle is as follows. The equivalence principle, in the hands of Albert Einstein, was an amazing conceptual insight that led from special relativity to general relativity. Mere mortals like us who want to know what the now mature theory of relativity says about a given situation should grab hold of the metric appropriate for the situation and calculate. Use of the equivalence principle is not a substitute for calculation and can even be misleading. See comments 11, 12, 18 and 20 in

Sean is Sean Carroll.
  • #5
We haven't got to the Einstein equation yet. It was introduced first using [itex]R_{\alpha\beta}=0[/itex] in a vacuum. This is section 21.4 of Hartle, in case anyone has the book too.

Hartle justifies this as a generalization of the Newtonian version [itex]\nabla^{2}\phi=0[/itex] where [itex]\phi[/itex] is the graviational potential. His line of reasoning, if I understand correctly is as follows. Let's call [itex]\chi[/itex] the separation vector which measures the separation between two nearby particles as they fall freely. The Newtonian calculation yields
[tex]\frac{d^{2}\chi_{i}}{dt^{2}}=-\frac{\partial^{2}\phi}{\partial x_{i}\partial x_{k}}\chi_{k}[/tex]

We also have the relation [itex]\nabla^{2}\phi=4\pi G\mu[/itex] where [itex]\mu[/itex] is the mass distribution. In a vacuum, this is just [itex]\nabla^{2}\phi=0[/itex].

Then, there is the separation vector for nearby geodesics which obeys a similar relation as the Newtonian one but this time, the right hand side has the Riemann curvature tensor instead of the partial derivative of [itex]\phi[/itex]. The relationship is
[tex](\nabla_{\mu}\nabla_{\mu}\chi)^{\alpha}=-R^{\alpha}_{\beta\theta\delta}u^{\beta}u^{\delta} \chi^{\theta}[/tex]

From here, he somehow makes the conclusion that we must have the Ricci curvature zero to get the analog of the Newtonian case. But, I'm not sure how it came about. How does one even think of the contracting the Riemann tensor in such a way to get the Ricci curvature tensor?

I understand this is the sort of thing that can't be derived but I am looking for some sort of insight. I feel like I am missing something obvious because Hartle generally does proceed very logically. Thank you for your help!
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  • #6
When, I first responded, I did not have Hartle at hand; now I do.

Compare equation (21.27) to (21.13).
  • #7
Oh I see it now! Must have missed that earlier.

Thank you, George Jones!
  • #8
Compare equation (21.27) to (21.13).
Could someone who has the book reveal the answer to those of us who don't? Thanks!
  • #9
Sure, let me try to explain. I'm only sort of sure so if someone finds something wrong, please do correct it. Hartle takes the following equation in a local inertial frame.
[tex](\nabla_{\mu}\nabla_{\mu}\chi)^{\alpha}=-R^{\alpha}_{\beta\theta\delta}u^{\beta}u^{\delta} \chi^{\theta}[/tex]

This yields,
[tex]\frac{d^{2}\chi^{\alpha}}{d\tau^{2}}=R^{\alpha}_{ \beta \theta\delta}\chi^{\beta}[/tex]

The R here is the Riemann curvature tensor in the LIF.

Now, he uses the static weak field metric to work out this Riemann tensor and contracts it to get the Ricci tensor. This yields (approximately, since it is a weak perturbation of the flat space metric)

[tex]\frac{d^{2}\chi^{i}}{dt^{2}}=R^{i}_{ t j t}\chi^{j}[/tex]

[tex]R_{ij}=\frac{\partial^{2}\phi}{\partial x^{i}\partial x^{j}}[/tex]

Comparing with the Newtonian case, the Ricci tensor must be zero in a vacuum.
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Related to Motivation behind vacuum Einstein equation

1. What is the motivation behind the vacuum Einstein equation?

The vacuum Einstein equation, also known as the Einstein field equation, is a fundamental equation in general relativity that describes the relationship between the curvature of spacetime and the distribution of matter and energy. It was developed by Albert Einstein as part of his theory of gravity, and its motivation was to provide a more complete and accurate understanding of the universe.

2. How does the vacuum Einstein equation relate to the theory of relativity?

The vacuum Einstein equation is a key component of Einstein's theory of general relativity, which explains the force of gravity as a curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of matter and energy. The equation mathematically describes this relationship, and its solutions have been confirmed through numerous experiments and observations.

3. What are the implications of the vacuum Einstein equation?

The vacuum Einstein equation has several important implications for our understanding of the universe. It predicts the existence of gravitational waves, which have been observed and confirmed by scientists. It also provides a framework for understanding the behavior of massive objects, such as planets and stars, and has been used to make accurate predictions about their movements and interactions.

4. How does the vacuum Einstein equation impact our daily lives?

While the vacuum Einstein equation may seem abstract and complex, it has had a significant impact on our daily lives. The theory of relativity, of which the equation is a part, has been essential for developing technologies such as GPS, which rely on precise measurements of time and space. Additionally, the equation has deepened our understanding of the universe and our place within it.

5. What are some current research and developments related to the vacuum Einstein equation?

Scientists continue to study and build upon the vacuum Einstein equation in order to further our understanding of the universe. This includes exploring the nature of dark matter and dark energy, as well as investigating the possibility of a unified theory that combines general relativity with quantum mechanics. Additionally, advancements in technology have allowed for more accurate and detailed observations that can test and refine the predictions of the equation.

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