Misner Ex 6.8: Understanding Fermi-Walker Transport Equation

  • Thread starter Jim Kata
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In summary, the conversation discusses the equation for the Fermi Walker Transport and its origin in understanding parallel transport. The equation involves proper acceleration, velocity, rotation angle, and the Levi-Civita pseudo tensor. The conversation also explores the geodesic equation and the affine connection, as well as the spin connection and its relationship to the Fermi Walker Transport equation. There is also mention of using coordinate changes from orthonormal coordinate systems to another and the observation of particles at rest in a coordinate system. Finally, there is a mention of deriving the Fermi Walker Transport equation and a question about the connection in another coordinate system.
  • #1
Jim Kata
This is a multi part question so I'll just ask one part.

I never understood where the equation for the Fermi Walker Transport came from and I'd really like to understand this because I think it would be really good for pedagogical value and for better understanding parallel transport, maybe I'm wrong.

In this question I'll be using c=1

For those of you who don't know the equation is
\frac{{dv^\mu }}
{{d\tau }} = - \Omega ^{\mu \tau } v_\tau

\Omega ^{\mu \tau } = a^\mu u^\tau - a^\tau u^\mu + u_\alpha \theta _\beta \varepsilon ^{\alpha \beta \mu \tau }

Where [tex]{\mathbf{a}}[/tex] and [tex]{\mathbf{u}}[/tex] are the proper acceleration and velocity respectively,of your frame of reference, [tex]\theta[/tex] is an angle of rotation and [tex]\varepsilon[/tex] is the levi civita pseudo tensor.

Here's where I'm at

ignoring electromagnetism or anything like that particles follow geodesics given by the equation

\frac{{dv^\alpha }}
{{d\tau }} + \Gamma _{\beta \gamma }^\alpha v^\beta v^\gamma = 0

where [tex]{\mathbf{v}}[/tex] is the velocity of the particle being observed and [tex]
\Gamma [/tex] is the affine connection:

\left\langle {{\nabla _\gamma {\mathbf{e}}_\beta }}
\mathrel{\left | {\vphantom {{\nabla _\gamma {\mathbf{e}}_\beta } {{\mathbf{\omega }}^\alpha }}}
\right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace}
{{{\mathbf{\omega }}^\alpha }} \right\rangle = \Gamma _{\beta \gamma }^\alpha = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c}
\alpha \\
{\beta \gamma } \\

\end{array} } \right\} + \frac{1}
{2}\left( {c_{\beta \gamma } ^\alpha + c_\beta ^\alpha _\gamma + c_\gamma ^\alpha _\beta } \right)


\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c}
\alpha \\
{\beta \gamma } \\

\end{array} } \right\}
[/tex] is the christoffel symbol of the second kind

\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c}
\alpha \\
{\beta \gamma } \\

\end{array} } \right\} = \frac{1}
{2}g^{\alpha \tau } [\beta \gamma ,\tau ] = \frac{1}
{2}g^{\alpha \tau } \left( { - g_{\beta \gamma } ,_\tau + g_{\beta \tau } ,_\gamma + g_{\gamma \tau } ,_\beta } \right)

and [tex]c_{\beta \gamma } ^\alpha [/tex] are your structure coefficients

[{\mathbf{e}}_\beta ,{\mathbf{e}}_\gamma ] = \nabla _\beta {\mathbf{e}}_\gamma - \nabla _\gamma {\mathbf{e}}_\beta = c_{\beta \gamma } ^\alpha {\mathbf{e}}_\alpha

Lets consider a tetrad formulation for our locally at rest coordinate system

g_{\alpha \beta } = \eta _{\mu \tau } e^\mu _\alpha e^\tau _\beta

pick your tetrad to always orthonormal, [tex]
e^\mu _\alpha = \delta ^\mu _\alpha [/tex], in which case it can be shown that

{\mathbf{\omega }}^\alpha _\beta = \Gamma _{\beta \gamma }^\alpha {\mathbf{\omega }}^\gamma = \frac{1}
{2}\left( {c_{\beta \gamma } ^\alpha + c_\beta ^\alpha _\gamma + c_\gamma ^\alpha _\beta } \right){\mathbf{\omega }}^\gamma

where [tex]{\mathbf{\omega }}^\alpha _\beta[/tex] is the spin connection and in these orthonormal coordinates it has the property [tex]
{\mathbf{\omega }}_{\beta \alpha } = - {\mathbf{\omega }}_{\alpha \beta }

I claim that the spin connection is basically the same as [tex]\Omega ^{\mu \tau }[/tex]

Using the geodesic equation and the fact that we are using orthonormal tetrads we basically have it, but we have to work out [tex]\Omega ^{\mu \tau }[/tex]

Now, since we are doing coordinate changes from orthonormal coordinate system to another orthonormal coordinate system we have [tex]
\eta _{\alpha \beta } = \eta _{\mu \tau } \Lambda ^\mu _\alpha \Lambda ^\tau _\beta [/tex]

Now picking our coordinate systems to be right handed and assuming they're orthochronous too we have that [tex]
\Lambda \varepsilon SO(3,1)

The particle is at rest in our coordinate system so

{\mathbf{u}} = {\mathbf{e}}_0

So its acceleration is

{\mathbf{a}} = \frac{{d{\mathbf{u}}}}
{{d\tau }} = \frac{{d{\mathbf{e}}_0 }}
{{d\tau }} = {\mathbf{e}}_i \Gamma _{00}^i

where [tex]
\Gamma _{00}^0 = 0[/tex] since [tex]{\mathbf{a}} \cdot {\mathbf{u}} = 0[/tex]

and [tex]a^i = \Gamma _{00}^i[/tex] since [tex]x^0 = \tau[/tex]

Now this problem is a lot like problem 11.12 in Jackson which I got right

The answer in Jackson is

A_T = I - \left( {\gamma ^2 \delta {\mathbf{v}}_\parallel + \gamma \delta {\mathbf{v}}_ \bot } \right) \cdot {\mathbf{K}} - \frac{{\gamma ^{\mathbf{2}} }}
{{\gamma + 1}}\left( {{\mathbf{v}} \times \delta {\mathbf{v}}_ \bot } \right) \cdot {\mathbf{S}}

but there's factors of gamma that do not match the fermi walker equation so what's the difference between these two equations

basically how do I get
\Omega ^{\mu \tau } = a^\mu u^\tau - a^\tau u^\mu + u_\alpha \theta _\beta \varepsilon ^{\alpha \beta \mu \tau }

I don't see it

I mean I understand

\Lambda = \exp \left( {\theta \cdot {\mathbf{S}}} \right)\exp \left( { - \zeta \cdot {\mathbf{K}}} \right)

where [tex]
{\mathbf{\zeta }} = {\mathbf{\hat v}}\tanh ^{ - 1} v
[/tex] but I can't seem to make the Jackson equation agree with the Misner equation.

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  • #2
Sorry to be a nag about this, but Help!

I know someone has derived the fermi walker transport before
  • #3
I am so confused. Let's assume in the rest frame

you have [tex]
\left\langle {{\omega ^i }}
\mathrel{\left | {\vphantom {{\omega ^i } {\nabla _{\mathbf{u}} {\mathbf{e}}_0 }}}
\right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace}
{{\nabla _{\mathbf{u}} {\mathbf{e}}_0 }} \right\rangle =\Gamma ^i _{00} = a^i
[/tex] and that all the other parts of the connection are zero

Now say your in another coordinate system just watching this what would the connection be in this coordinate system?

I used the affine connection

\bar \Gamma ^\alpha _{\beta \gamma } = - \frac{{\partial ^2 \bar x^\alpha }}
{{\partial x^\mu \partial x^\tau }}\frac{{\partial x^\mu }}
{{\partial \bar x^\beta }}\frac{{\partial x^\tau }}
{{\partial \bar x^\gamma }} + \frac{{\partial \bar x^\alpha }}
{{\partial x^\kappa }}\Gamma ^\kappa _{\mu \tau } \frac{{\partial x^\mu }}
{{\partial \bar x^\beta }}\frac{{\partial x^\tau }}
{{\partial \bar x^\gamma }}

in the rest frame
[tex]\frac{{dx^\alpha }}
{{d\tau }}{\mathbf{e}}_\alpha = {\mathbf{e}}_0

u^\alpha \equiv \frac{{d\bar x^\alpha }}
{{d\tau }} = \frac{{\partial \bar x^\alpha }}
{{\partial x^\beta }}\frac{{dx^\beta }}
{{d\tau}} = \frac{{\partial \bar x^\alpha }}
{{\partial x^0 }}


\bar \Gamma ^\alpha _{\beta \gamma } T^\beta \frac{{d\bar x^\gamma }}
{{d\tau }} = - \frac{{\partial ^2 \bar x^\alpha }}
{{\partial x^\mu \partial x^\tau }}\frac{{\partial x^\mu }}
{{\partial \bar x^\beta }}\frac{{\partial x^\tau }}
{{\partial \bar x^\gamma }}T^\beta \frac{{d\bar x^\gamma }}
{{d\tau }} + \frac{{\partial \bar x^\alpha }}
{{\partial x^\kappa }}\Gamma ^\kappa _{\mu \tau } \frac{{\partial x^\mu }}
{{\partial \bar x^\beta }}\frac{{\partial x^\tau }}
{{\partial \bar x^\gamma }}T^\beta \frac{{d\bar x^\gamma }}
{{d\tau }} \hfill \\
= - \frac{{\partial ^2 \bar x^\alpha }}
{{\partial x^\mu \partial x^\tau }}\frac{{\partial x^\mu }}
{{\partial \bar x^\beta }}T^\beta \frac{{dx^\tau }}
{{d\tau }} + \frac{{\partial \bar x^\alpha }}
{{\partial x^\kappa }}\Gamma ^\kappa _{\mu \tau } \frac{{\partial x^\mu }}
{{\partial \bar x^\beta }}T^\beta \frac{{dx^\tau }}
{{d\tau }} \hfill \\
= - \frac{{\partial ^2 \bar x^\alpha }}
{{\partial x^\mu \partial x^0 }}\frac{{\partial x^\mu }}
{{\partial \bar x^\beta }}T^\beta + \frac{{\partial \bar x^\alpha }}
{{\partial x^i }}\Gamma ^i _{00} \frac{{\partial x^0 }}
{{\partial \bar x^\beta }}T^\beta \hfill \\
= - \frac{\partial }
{{\partial x^\mu }}\left( {u^\alpha } \right)\frac{{\partial x^\mu }}
{{\partial \bar x^\beta }}T^\beta + \frac{{\partial \bar x^\alpha }}
{{\partial x^i }}a^i \frac{{\partial x^0 }}
{{\partial \bar x^\beta }}T^\beta \hfill \\
= - \frac{\partial }
{{\partial \bar x^\beta }}\left( {u^\alpha } \right)T^\beta - a^\alpha u_\beta T^\beta \hfill \\

where [tex]
a^\alpha = \frac{{\partial \bar x^\alpha }}
{{\partial x^i }}a^i
[/tex] sorry for the poor notation and [tex] - u_\beta = \frac{{\partial x^0 }}
{{\partial \bar x^\beta }}[/tex] since [tex]u^\alpha = \frac{{\partial \bar x^\alpha }}
{{\partial x^0 }}[/tex]

The answer is supposed to be

\bar \Gamma ^\alpha _{\beta \gamma } T^\beta \frac{{d\bar x^\gamma }}
{{d\tau }} = \left( {u^\alpha a_\beta - a^\alpha u_\beta } \right)T^\beta

The last part of my answer checks but what about

- \frac{\partial }
{{\partial \bar x^\beta }}\left( {u^\alpha } \right)T^\beta

That isn't equal to [tex]u^\alpha a_\beta T^\beta[/tex]

is it?
  • #5
Sorry to keep bringing this up, but I still don't get it. Can anyone give a fairly rigorous derivation of the fermi walker transport, and a better way of understanding it?

Related to Misner Ex 6.8: Understanding Fermi-Walker Transport Equation

What is the Fermi-Walker Transport Equation?

The Fermi-Walker Transport Equation is a mathematical equation that describes the change of a vector field along a curve in spacetime. It takes into account the curvature of spacetime and the motion of an observer along that curve.

What is the significance of the Fermi-Walker Transport Equation?

The Fermi-Walker Transport Equation is important in the field of general relativity as it allows us to understand how vectors change in curved spacetime. It is also used in the study of gravitational waves and the motion of test particles in a gravitational field.

How does the Fermi-Walker Transport Equation relate to the geodesic equation?

The Fermi-Walker Transport Equation is closely related to the geodesic equation, which describes the path of a test particle in curved spacetime. The geodesic equation is derived from the Fermi-Walker Transport Equation by setting the vector field to be the tangent vector along the particle's path.

How is the Fermi-Walker Transport Equation used in practical applications?

The Fermi-Walker Transport Equation is used in various practical applications, such as in the study of spacecraft motion in the vicinity of massive objects, the analysis of gravitational waves, and in the development of navigation systems for space missions.

Are there any limitations to the use of the Fermi-Walker Transport Equation?

Like any mathematical model, the Fermi-Walker Transport Equation has its limitations. It assumes that spacetime is continuous and smooth, which may not always be the case. It also does not take into account quantum effects, which may become important in extreme conditions.

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