Merging columns from two text files

In summary: File = new string(fileContent1.Length + fileContent2.Length); foreach (string line in fileContent1) { if (line.StartsWith("x")) { x = line.Substring(0, line.Length - 1);
  • #1
Gold Member
Suppose I have two .txt files:
X    Y    Z
x1  y1   z1
x2  y2   z2
xN  yN  zN

W   R
w1   r1
w2   r2
wN   rN

Is it possible to merge the collumns in a single txt file like:
X    Y    Z   W   R
x1  y1   z1   w1  r1
x2  y2   z2   w2  r2
xN  yN  zN   wN  rN
Either with some c++ or python code, or with bash or vim.
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  • #2
Yes, the first but maybe inefficient solution that comes to my mind is as follows,
You read the first file and put the values into a 2D array(think of it as a matrix) and then you can read the second file and put the values into the corresponding index of the 2D array and then you can write a new file from this array.
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Likes ChrisVer
  • #3
I hate excel, but for this kind of thing I would be inclined to use it.
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Likes harborsparrow and .Scott
  • #4
A simple way to do this in python is to use pandas.

>>> import pandas as pd

>>> text1 = pd.read_csv("text1.txt", sep = "\t")

>>> text1

    X   Y   Z

0  x1  y1  z1

1  x2  y2  z2
>>> text2 = pd.read_csv("text2.txt", sep = "\t")

>>> text2

    W   R

0  w1  r1

1  w2  r2
>>> result = pd.concat([text1,text2],axis = 1)

>>> result

    X   Y   Z   W   R

0  x1  y1  z1  w1  r1

1  x2  y2  z2  w2  r2

result.to_csv("save_me.txt",sep = "\t")

Also if you want to use bash then this works too:

paste text1.txt text2.txt | awk '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5}'

or if you want to write it out to another file.

paste text1.txt text2.txt | awk '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5}' > result.txt
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Likes Pepper Mint and ChrisVer
  • #5
ChrisVer said:
Suppose I have two .txt files:
X    Y    Z
x1  y1   z1
x2  y2   z2
xN  yN  zN

W   R
w1   r1
w2   r2
wN   rN

Is it possible to merge the collumns in a single txt file like:
X    Y    Z   W   R
x1  y1   z1   w1  r1
x2  y2   z2   w2  r2
xN  yN  zN   wN  rN
Either with some c++ or python code, or with bash or vim.
Assuming that the two files are laid out as you show, with three columns of data in text1.txt and two columns of data in text2.txt, and both files have N lines of data, here is an algorithm:

    Read x, y, z from text1.txt
    Read w, r from text2.txt
    Write x, y, z, w, r to merged.txt
While (text1.txt contains data AND text2.txt contains data)
  • #6
Did you say vim? As in one time shot with an editor? I don't know vim, but good editors like Notepad++ (on Windows), Nedit (on Linux) and others will allow you to select the two columns of the one file as a rectangular selection; then, you simply paste on the other file.
  • #7
gsal said:
Did you say vim?
I said vim because I know that vim allows a visual block selection (I guess it's the same as the rectangular selection you mentioned)...
So I was guessing that if it's able to select blocks, it should also be able to paste them in some particular position (like an appending of collumn).
  • #8
bash means Linux. There are a lot of excellent text manipulation utilities in Linux. My point is do not write code when a command does it.

Try paste. Example shell script - you can simply run the one line "paste .." command on the command line.
paste test1.txt text2.txt > newfile.txt

IMO writing code for this is counterproductive.
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Likes bigfooted, websterling, phyzguy and 1 other person
  • #9
Parallel processing library of C# I really love works like a charm. You should give it a try! :wink:
private static void TextFileMerge(string fPath1, string fPath2, string fOutPath)
            try {
                string[] fileContent1 = File.ReadAllLines(fPath1);
                string[] fileContent2 = File.ReadAllLines(fPath2);
                if (fileContent1.Length != fileContent2.Length)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Lengths of two files are different");
                string[] fileMerge = new string[fileContent1.Length];
                using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fOutPath))
                    Parallel.For(0, fileContent1.Length, x =>
                        fileContent1[x] += " " + fileContent2[x];

                    foreach (string s in fileContent1)
            catch (Exception)
  • #10
I would import to Excel, then copy and paste. Might require only minutes.
  • #11
Is this something you need to automate or just an occasional need? If it is an occasional need find a text editor that does rectangular select. You can just copy and paste the data. For Windows I recommend Notepad++.

  • #12
harborsparrow said:
I would import to Excel, then copy and paste. Might require only minutes.
1. needs excel and too much manual work (txt->excel->txt).
2. excell is not able to accept columns. I think it would put everything into a single cell.

rbelli1 said:
Is this something you need to automate
yes... I want the program to do the calculations and stuff, the result is saved into text files in a form that can be immediately be compiled into a latex table.
Because the code I am running has problems with closing files I get a system error of too many opened files. In order to overcome this problem I run the code several times with less file inputs. SO, the results are saved into different txt files which I want to merge to compile.
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  • #13
ChrisVer said:
Because the code I am running has problems with closing files I get a system error of too many opened files.
When you are finished with a file, are you closing it? Since you started this thread asking about C++ and python, my answer is in that context. If you use either of those languages (and others besides those two), good housekeeping dictates that you close a file once you're done with it.
  • #14
Mark44 said:
When you are finished with a file, are you closing it?
No, there was generally an issue with how the code handled the open files. I know they solved the problem in the new version of their FW but my analysis is based on the old one [when I tried to update funny things happened].
  • #15
ChrisVer said:
No, there was generally an issue with how the code handled the open files.
Which code are you talking about?
ChrisVer said:
I know they solved the problem in the new version of their FW but my analysis is based on the old one [when I tried to update funny things happened].
What is FW?

Related to Merging columns from two text files

1. How do I merge columns from two text files in Excel?

To merge columns from two text files in Excel, you can use the "Text to Columns" feature. First, open both text files in Excel. Then, select the data you want to merge and click on the "Data" tab. Next, click on the "Text to Columns" button and follow the prompts to merge the columns from both files.

2. What is the best way to merge columns from two text files in Python?

To merge columns from two text files in Python, you can use the Pandas library. First, import the library and read both text files into separate dataframes. Then, use the "merge" function to combine the dataframes based on a common column. Finally, save the merged dataframe as a new text file.

3. Can I merge columns from two text files without losing any data?

Yes, you can merge columns from two text files without losing any data by using the "merge" function in a programming language like Python or R. This function allows you to combine data from multiple columns or files, while also handling missing or duplicate values.

4. What should I do if the columns in my two text files have different headers?

If the columns in your two text files have different headers, you can still merge them by using the "concat" function in a programming language like Python or R. This function allows you to combine data from multiple columns or files, while also handling mismatched headers by filling in missing values with null or NaN.

5. Is it possible to merge columns from two text files in Google Sheets?

Yes, you can merge columns from two text files in Google Sheets by using the "importrange" function. This function allows you to import data from another Google Sheets file and combine it with your current data. You can also use the "query" function to merge data based on a common column in both files.

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