Max Total Yield: Plant 37-38 Apple Trees

In summary, the maximum total yield of apples on an acre of land can be achieved by planting 37 or 38 trees, with a yield of 18750 apples. This can be determined by finding the vertex of the equation (25+x)(500-10x) and using the formula -b/2a.
  • #1
.. an orchard owner has maintained records that show that if 25 appl trees are planted in one acre then each tree yields an aveerage of 500 apples. The yield decreases by 10 apples per tree for each additional tree that is planted. How many trees should be planted for max total yield?

The answer is 37 or 38. The answer I get is 12.5...

trees planted * yield of each tree = total apples
12500 - 250x + 500x - 10x^2
-10x^2 + 250x + 12500

-b/2a = 12.5

I don't understand how the answer would be less than the minimum (25) trees that were planted initially
edit: sorry, stupid mistake, 25+12.5 = 37.5 ... forgot what i was solving for
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  • #2

Hello there,

Thank you for sharing your calculations and thought process. It looks like you made a simple mistake in your final step, where you forgot to add 25 to the value of x. As you correctly pointed out, the maximum total yield would be achieved at 25+12.5 = 37.5 trees, which can be rounded to either 37 or 38 trees.

To clarify, the formula for total apples is (25+x)(500-10x), where x represents the number of additional trees planted. In this case, we are looking for the value of x that maximizes this equation. By using the formula -b/2a, we can find the x-value that corresponds to the vertex of the parabola. In this case, the vertex is at (12.5, 18750), which means that the maximum total yield of 18750 apples is achieved when 25+12.5 = 37.5 trees are planted.

I hope this helps clarify any confusion. Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. it's always important to double check our calculations and make sure we understand the problem correctly. Keep up the good work!
  • #3

Your calculation of 12.5 trees is incorrect. The question is asking for the maximum total yield, not just the maximum number of trees. To find the maximum total yield, we need to find the number of trees that will give us the maximum number of apples. This can be done by finding the vertex of the parabola created by the equation -10x^2 + 250x + 12500.

Using the formula -b/2a, we get -250/(-20) = 12.5. This means that the maximum yield will occur when 12.5 trees are planted. However, since we cannot plant half a tree, we round up to the nearest whole number, giving us 13 trees.

Therefore, to achieve the maximum total yield, the orchard owner should plant 25+13 or 38 apple trees. Planting any more trees will result in a decrease in total yield.

Related to Max Total Yield: Plant 37-38 Apple Trees

What is the significance of planting 37-38 apple trees?

Planting 37-38 apple trees is a recommended number for achieving the maximum total yield for apple trees in a given area. This number is based on various factors such as the spacing between trees, soil quality, and sunlight exposure.

What is the ideal spacing for planting apple trees?

The ideal spacing for planting apple trees is about 15-20 feet between each tree. This allows enough room for the trees to grow and receive adequate sunlight, while also preventing overcrowding which can lead to competition for resources and decreased yield.

What factors affect the total yield of apple trees?

The total yield of apple trees can be affected by various factors such as soil quality, climate, pests and diseases, and pollination. It is important to carefully consider these factors when planting and managing apple trees to maximize their yield.

How long does it take for apple trees to reach full production?

Apple trees typically take 3-5 years to reach full production, depending on the variety and growing conditions. It is important to properly care for the trees during this time to ensure healthy growth and maximum yield in the future.

What is the recommended pruning schedule for apple trees?

Apple trees should be pruned annually during their dormant season (winter or early spring) to promote healthy growth and maximize yield. This includes removing dead or damaged branches, thinning out dense areas, and shaping the tree for proper sunlight exposure.
