Magnetic Force and Work: Is There More to the Story?

In summary: I think it is the same sort of problem as with the poles of two magnets, which both get pulled towards the other magnet and it is the external forces of the other magnet which make the difference. In summary, the question of how electromagnets are able to pick up cars has been a subject of confusion and differing explanations. The common belief that magnetic fields cannot do work on particles is incorrect, as the electric and constraint forces within the particles can do work and cause them to move towards the magnet. This can be seen in the behavior of a nail being picked up by a permanent magnet, as it moves towards the area of closer magnetic field lines. The magnet itself also experiences non-zero internal forces and is pulled towards the nail, similar to
  • #1
I am revisiting a topic discussed in earlier threads, because I feel the answers given there are either incomprehensible or mistaken (or both).

It is well known that the force generated by a magnetic field acting on a moving charged particle is perpendicular to the particle's motion, and that it therefore cannot "do work" on the particle. That is, it can change the particle's direction, but not its kinetic energy. The question, then, is something along the lines of "How can electromagnets pick up cars?", the implication being that the car is clearly increasing its potential energy when it moves toward the magnet.

The proposed answers take several forms. Some think the question is related to conservation of energy, and point out that the energy really comes from the generator, or the power company. This misses the point. Some vanish into thickets of mathematical obscurity. Many seem to feel that the "answer" is so complicated that it is foolhardy to pursue it, or else that a detailed answer must lie in the realm of quantum mechanics or special relativity. Finally, it is frequently stated that there must be electric fields operating to lift the car, since the magnetic field cannot. The question of where exactly these electric fields come from trails off into the "too hard" response.

I think a large part of the confusion arises because the discussion overlooks a crucial aspect of the situation. Specifically, if you look at the behavior of, say, a nail, being picked up by a permanent magnet, you can say that the nail moves so as to increase the flux density passing through it. Which is to say, it goes where the lines of magnetic force are closer together. Since those lines radiate outward from the poles of the magnet, any reasonably compact geometry will ensure that the nail moves towards the magnet. But this requires that the magnetic field be diverging, and therefore, that there is no direction which is "the direction of the magnetic field". If it were somehow possible to make a magnetic field which did not diverge in some region of space (as I suppose it may well be), a nail placed in the region would not move toward the magnet.

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  • #2
Is the answer that magnetic lines of force being loops also try to become as short as possible, and in a magnetic field an iron nail becomes a magnet itself with N-S poles.
  • #3
it goes
Ok my two cents on this.. now suppose it moves, accelerates. During that time, the field is loosing energy, because a metal object moves into the (virtual) center of it, shortcutting field lines. Now this energy is not lost, it moves the object, add kinetic energy to it, accelerating it, even lifts its mass, against the force of gravity. That is the work the field performs.
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  • #4

I think you stated the problem quite well. There are two ways to answer it.

One is to introduce fundamental magnetic poles and forces between them; the force on a magnetic pole would be

\mathbf F = q_m \mathbf H.
where ##q_m## is magnetic pole. There are some books based on this, I think by Chu and Haus. It explains magnetic force between magnets easily, but nevertheless it is less popular view, because the magnetic fields are usually explained as due to microscopic electric currents and no microscopic magnetic poles were found.

In the second view, the work done on the nail cannot be done by the magnetic forces of the magnet, since these are always perpendicular to the velocities of the composing particles. It has to be another kind of force.

Two other important kinds of force in macroscopic theory are electric force and the force of constraint; the latter forces keep the charges within the metallic body and make it possible that the energy of the body and the energy of the currents can mutually interchange. It may be that these constraint forces are eventually also just electromagnetic forces on the microscopic level, otherwise invisible on the macrolevel due to their strong spatial variation on short distances.

The electric and the constraint forces can do work on the body. So one possible explanation is that when the magnet is approached towards the nail, the magnetic field changes the microscopic motion of the charges within the nail and this in turn changes the internal electric and constraint forces on the macrolevel. If the nail moves, it is due to the action of these forces upon the nail itself.

The attractive effect of the magnet is thus indirect, the actual working force originating in the nail itself. This may seem strange, but in electromagnetism it is possible, since the sum of internal forces does not need to be zero, due to relativity (electromagnetic forces do not obey the principle of action and reaction).
  • #5
Jano L. said:
The electric and the constraint forces can do work on the body. So one possible explanation is that when the magnet is approached towards the nail, the magnetic field changes the microscopic motion of the charges within the nail and this in turn changes the internal electric and constraint forces on the macrolevel. If the nail moves, it is due to the action of these forces upon the nail itself.

The attractive effect of the magnet is thus indirect, the actual working force originating in the nail itself. This may seem strange, but in electromagnetism it is possible, since the sum of internal forces does not need to be zero, due to relativity (electromagnetic forces do not obey the principle of action and reaction).

If the internal forces of the nail are non-zero and of course towards the magnet, then why does the magnet itself gets pulled towards the nail ? Does it also has non-zero internal forces in the direction of the nail ?
  • #6
I think so; the nail becomes magnet too, and its magnetic field changes the magnet etc.

Related to Magnetic Force and Work: Is There More to the Story?

1. Can magnetic force do work?

Yes, magnetic force can indeed do work. Work is defined as the force applied to an object multiplied by the distance the object moves in the direction of the force. Magnetic force can cause an object to move, therefore it is doing work.

2. How does magnetic force do work?

Magnetic force does work by exerting a force on a magnetic material, such as a metal object, and causing it to move. This movement is a result of the interaction between the magnetic field and the magnetic material.

3. In what situations does magnetic force do work?

Magnetic force does work in situations where there is a magnetic field present and a magnetic material is able to interact with it. This can include moving a magnet towards or away from a metal object, or passing a current through a wire placed in a magnetic field.

4. Can magnetic force do work on non-magnetic materials?

No, magnetic force can only do work on magnetic materials. Non-magnetic materials, such as wood or plastic, do not have the ability to interact with a magnetic field and therefore cannot be affected by magnetic force.

5. What are some real-life examples of magnetic force doing work?

Some common examples of magnetic force doing work include electric motors, generators, and speakers. In all of these devices, the movement is created by the interaction between a magnetic field and a magnetic material.

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