Magnetic Field of a Magnetic Dipole

In summary, the conversation discusses how to find the components of the B-field in the r and θ directions by breaking down the magnetic moment into two components and using the results for the two special cases of the B-field along the axis of the magnetic moment and in a plane perpendicular to the magnetic moment. This can be achieved by creating smaller current loops oriented in a specific direction and going to very far distances to find the B-field at the observation point.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm not sure how they got the components of the B-field in the r and θ direction. I know the B-field along the ∅ direction is zero though.


The Attempt at a Solution

Here I have found the B-field at points P, Q and S that are very far along the z, x and y axis. But what about the field at point R, angle θ to the magnetic moment? How do the Bz,∞, By,∞ and Bx,∞ components contribute?

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  • #2
The idea is to take the original dipole moment vector m and break it up into a component in the r direction, mr, and a component in the θ, mθ. Then think of mr as being produced by a little current loop oriented in a direction to produce a magnetic moment along r. You can then easily find the B field produced by this current loop out at the observation point. Similarly, imagine a little current loop producing the magnetic moment mθ. From the way this current loop is oriented, you can easily find B at the observation point.
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  • #3
TSny said:
The idea is to take the original dipole moment vector m and break it up into a component in the r direction, mr, and a component in the θ, mθ. Then think of mr as being produced by a little current loop oriented in a direction to produce a magnetic moment along r. You can then easily find the B field produced by this current loop out at the observation point. Similarly, imagine a little current loop producing the magnetic moment mθ. From the way this current loop is oriented, you can easily find B at the observation point.

Sorry I don't know what you mean...m is simply defined as IA, which is a constant for a steady current, and that is all. I'm not sure how that is related to the B-field at any point at all...
  • #4
The B field is produced by the magnetic moment. You have already shown how to find the B field for two special cases: (1) observation point is along the axis of the magnetic moment (z-axis in your work) and (2) observation point is in a plane oriented perpendicular to the magnetic moment (on the x-axis, say).

Now you have a problem where you want to find the field at a point located a distance r away and angle θ to the dipole moment vector.

The problem is suggesting that you can reduce this problem to the two cases you have already worked out. Since the magnetic moment ##\vec{m}## is a vector, you can write ##\vec{m}## as a sum of components ##\vec{m} = m_r \hat{r} + m_{\theta} \hat{\theta}##. Note that ##m_r \hat{r}## can be thought of as a magnetic moment whose direction (axis) is in the direction to the field point where you want to find B. You know how to find B in this case. Likewise, ##m_{\theta} \hat{\theta}## is a magnetic moment vector whose axis is perpendicular to the direction that you want to find B. But that's the other case that you have worked out.
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  • #5
TSny said:
The B field is produced by the magnetic moment. You have already shown how to find the B field for two special cases: (1) points along the axis of the magnetic moment (z-axis in your work) and (2) points in a plane oriented perpendicular to the magnetic moment (x-axis, say). Now you have a problem where you want to find the field at a point located a distance r away and angle θ to the dipole moment vector.

The problem is suggesting that you can reduce this problem to the two cases you have already worked out. Since the magnetic moment ##\vec{m}## is a vector, you can write ##\vec{m}## as a sum of components ##\vec{m} = m_r \hat{r} + m_{\theta} \hat{\theta}##. ##m_r \hat{r}## can be thought of as a magnetic moment whose direction (axis) is in the direction to the field point where you want to find B. You know how to find B in this case. Likewise, ##m_{\theta} \hat{\theta}## is a magnetic moment vector whose axis is perpendicular to the direction that you want to find B. But that's the other case that you have worked out.

ok i get that m can be dissolved into 2 components, r and θ.

so along r, the component is m*cosθ.
How do we find the B-field along r? is it B-field at infinite distance away ALONG M * cosθ as well?

Then why isn't the B-field along θ = B-field at infinite distance away ALONG M * sinθ?
  • #6
Suppose you introduce a z-axis along the direction of r and with origin at the dipole moment. Then, ##m_r\hat{r}## points along your z-axis. So, you can use your result for ##B_z## to find the field produced by ##m_r\hat{r}## at the observation point.
  • #7
TSny said:
Suppose you introduce a z-axis along the direction of r and with origin at the dipole moment. Then, ##m_r\hat{r}## points along your z-axis. So, you can use your result for ##B_z## to find the field produced by ##m_r\hat{r}## at the observation point.

Ah, I think I finally understood it!

First, we split the magnetic moment m into 2 components, one along r and one along θ.

Along r
Imagine a *smaller* (as cosθ ≤ 1) loop with same current (or it can be the same size but smaller current), but with its axis directed along r. Let's call this process augmentation.

Now, to find the B-field along r, we simply go very far along it's axis and take the B-field there, which gives us the result, with a co-factor of cosθ due to the initial procedure.

Along θ
Imagine a *smaller* loop with same current, with it's plane along r. This makes it's axis directed perpendicular to r. Now, we don't want to go infinite distance along its axis, but rather along its plane and take the B-field there. Why? Because the B-field along its plane from very far away is perpendicular to the plane! Which is exactly the θ-component we are interested in.

So at angle θ, very far away: Bθ,∞ = B*plane,∞ = Bplane,∞ sin θ

where B* is the augmented loop.
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  • #8
Yes, exactly. Good!
  • #9
TSny said:
Yes, exactly. Good!

Ah, it troubles me that sometimes I take so long to understand such easy things..
  • #10
unscientific said:
Ah, it troubles me that sometimes I take so long to understand such easy things..
No, don't be concerned. I probably didn't explain it very well. Sometimes it's hard to put things in words that would be better explained in diagrams.

Related to Magnetic Field of a Magnetic Dipole

1. What is a magnetic dipole?

A magnetic dipole is a term used to describe a magnet or a magnetic object that has two poles: a north pole and a south pole. The magnetic field of the dipole is strongest at the poles and decreases as you move away from them.

2. How is the magnetic field of a magnetic dipole calculated?

The magnetic field of a magnetic dipole can be calculated using the equation B = μ0m/(4πr^3), where B is the magnetic field strength, μ0 is the permeability of free space, m is the dipole moment, and r is the distance from the dipole.

3. What factors affect the strength of a magnetic dipole?

The strength of a magnetic dipole depends on the magnitude of its dipole moment and the distance from the dipole. It also depends on the material properties of the dipole, such as its shape and orientation.

4. How is the direction of the magnetic field determined for a magnetic dipole?

The direction of the magnetic field for a magnetic dipole is determined by the right-hand rule. If you point your right thumb in the direction of the current flow, then your fingers will curl in the direction of the magnetic field lines.

5. How do magnetic dipoles interact with each other?

Magnetic dipoles interact with each other through their magnetic fields. Like poles repel each other, and opposite poles attract each other. The strength of the interaction depends on the distance between the dipoles and the strength of their individual magnetic fields.

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