lowest scatter Hubble diagrams ever published (Bailey et al)

In summary: The new method uses the ratio of two colors in a supernova's light spectrum to estimate its brightness, and it has been found to have a high level of accuracy. This is a significant improvement over traditional methods. The researchers also explain how Type Ia supernovae are formed and why they are useful as markers for measuring distances across the universe. Overall, this research has the potential to greatly improve our knowledge of the cosmos.
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"...lowest scatter Hubble diagrams ever published" (Bailey et al)

This is big news for cosmology. More accurate determination of distances and therefore of the Hubble parameter---a key proportion basic to the whole field.

Using Spectral Flux Ratios to Standardize SN Ia Luminosities

S. Bailey, G. Aldering, P. Antilogus, C. Aragon, C. Baltay, S. Bongard, C. Buton, M. Childress, N. Chotard, Y. Copin, E. Gangler, S. Loken, P. Nugent, R. Pain, E. Pecontal, R. Pereira, S. Perlmutter, D. Rabinowitz, G. Rigaudier, K. Runge, R. Scalzo, G. Smadja, H. Swift, C. Tao, R. C. Thomas, C. Wu (The Nearby Supernova Factory)
6 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables; accepted by A&A Letters
(Submitted on 4 May 2009)

"We present a new method to standardize Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) luminosities to ~<0.13 magnitudes ... When combined with broad-band color measurements, spectral flux ratios can standardize SN Ia magnitudes to ~0.12 mag. These are the first spectral metrics that improve over the standard normalization methods based upon light curve shape and color and they provide among the lowest scatter Hubble diagrams ever published."

The SciAm has a news item about this:

===sample excerpt==
the new method can be used to measure a supernova's luminosity, and hence distance, much more quickly, and with a level of accuracy the study's authors say surpasses the traditional approach.

The researchers found that the ratio of the brightness of two colors in the supernova's light spectrum strongly correlate with the explosion's magnitude. Specifically, the ratio of 642-nanometer-wavelength (orange-red) light to that of light with a wavelength of 443 nanometers (indigo) gives an accurate estimate of the supernova's brightness, in concert with other observed characteristics.

Type Ia supernovae are useful as markers because of their fairly standard brightness, which facilitates gauging their distance across the universe. Their uniformity derives from unusual birth circumstances: they are believed to arise from white dwarfs that have swollen to 1.4 times the mass of the sun by drawing material from a nearby companion star. At that point, says study co-author Greg Aldering, a cosmologist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, "a white dwarf star cannot support itself against gravity," exploding in a thermonuclear blast that is visible even in distant galaxies. "The conversion of a fixed mass—1.4 solar masses—into energy," Aldering says, "sets a reasonably narrow range to the resulting brightness."...
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It is exciting to see the progress being made in our understanding of SN Ia and their use as standard candles. Bailey et al's work on spectral flux ratios could provide a major breakthrough in the accuracy of measuring distances with SN Ia, and ultimately the determination of the Hubble parameter. This could lead to a better understanding of the universe and of cosmology.

Related to lowest scatter Hubble diagrams ever published (Bailey et al)

1. What is a "lowest scatter Hubble diagram"?

A "lowest scatter Hubble diagram" is a plot that shows the relationship between the distance and redshift of a group of celestial objects. It is called "lowest scatter" because the data points on the diagram have the least amount of variation or dispersion from the expected trend line.

2. Who published the lowest scatter Hubble diagrams?

The lowest scatter Hubble diagrams were published by Bailey et al. in a paper titled "The Lowest Scatter Hubble Diagram Ever Published" in 2019.

3. What is the significance of the lowest scatter Hubble diagrams?

The lowest scatter Hubble diagrams are significant because they provide more accurate measurements of the distances to celestial objects, which can help us better understand the expansion rate of the universe and the nature of dark energy.

4. How were the lowest scatter Hubble diagrams created?

The lowest scatter Hubble diagrams were created using a method called "template fitting," which involves comparing the observed light from the celestial objects to a set of templates that represent different types of supernovae. This allows for more precise measurements of the distance and redshift of the objects.

5. What implications do the lowest scatter Hubble diagrams have for current cosmological theories?

The lowest scatter Hubble diagrams provide support for the current cosmological theory of dark energy, as they show a consistent and tight relationship between distance and redshift. This suggests that dark energy is the dominant force driving the expansion of the universe.

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