Lorentz Transforms + Relativity of Simultaneity

In summary: DakarIn summary, in this conversation, Person A is studying special relativity and has some questions on the topic. They mention a scenario where Person B is in a rocket frame and Person A sets off a string of firecrackers in the lab frame. They ask if the distances and times measured by Person B are correct and if this demonstrates the relativity of simultaneity. Person A then asks another question about a bar being Lorentz contracted in the rocket frame. Dakar responds with an explanation and asks another question for clarification.
  • #1

I'm studying special relativity this semester and stumbled onto a couple of problems. These have nothing to do with my homework or anything, they're just a couple of things I thought up. Since I have little contact with my teacher (it's an online course), it'd probably be a good idea to put them here. I'm sorry if this is the wrong forum, but again this isn't homework but questions on the topic.


Person A sets up, in the lab frame, a string of collinear firecrackers evenly spaced one meter apart. Person B is in the rocket frame, traveling parallel to the firecrackers at speed .5*c. A sets off the firecrackers so they all go off the same time, her frame. To B, the distances every two consecutive firecrackers are lorentz contracted to 1*sqrt(1 - .5^2) .866 meters. So after the first flash of light reaches him, the next one should arrive after 1/(1 - .5) 1.73 seconds. Is this correct? If not, what did I accidentally add or leave out? Does this demonstrate the relativity of simultaneity?


We'll define A to be gamma. We have a lab frame (with coordinates x
and t), and a rocket frame (with x' and t'). In the lab frame, there
are two points, x1 and x2. The distance between them is dx. In the
rocket frame, the two points are at locations A(x1 - vt) and A(x2 -
vt). Therefore, in the rocket frame dx' is A*dx.

Now, we place a bar between those two points of length dx. It Lorentz
contracts to length dx/A as observed in rocket frame. So the space
increased to A*dx and length of the bar in that space decreased to
1/A * dx. Is this all correct, or am I missing something here?



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  • #2
Dakar said:
Person A sets up, in the lab frame, a string of collinear firecrackers evenly spaced one meter apart. Person B is in the rocket frame, traveling parallel to the firecrackers at speed .5*c. A sets off the firecrackers so they all go off the same time, her frame. To B, the distances every two consecutive firecrackers are lorentz contracted to 1*sqrt(1 - .5^2) .866 meters. So after the first flash of light reaches him, the next one should arrive after 1/(1 - .5) 1.73 seconds. Is this correct? If not, what did I accidentally add or leave out? Does this demonstrate the relativity of simultaneity?


Well, you have to add the relativity of simultaneity, i.e. the time transformation [tex]\gamma(t-vx/c^2)[/tex].

For example, we have 2 firecrackers starting simultaneously at the coordinates x1=0, t1=0 and x2=1m, t2=0.

What are the coordinates (both space and time) of those two events in the rocketframe?

  • #3

Hi Dakarai,

Your understanding of the Lorentz transforms and relativity of simultaneity seems to be correct. In the first scenario, you have correctly calculated the time and distance intervals between the firecrackers as observed by person B in the rocket frame. This does demonstrate the relativity of simultaneity, as the events that are simultaneous in one frame (A setting off the firecrackers) are not simultaneous in the other frame (B observing the firecrackers going off at different times). This is a key concept in special relativity and shows that the perception of time and space is relative to the observer's frame of reference.

In the second scenario, your understanding of the Lorentz contraction is also correct. As you mentioned, the bar in the lab frame has a length of dx, but in the rocket frame it is Lorentz contracted to a length of 1/A * dx. This shows that the length of an object is also relative to the observer's frame of reference and is affected by their relative velocity.

Overall, it seems like you have a good understanding of these concepts. Keep up the good work! If you have any further questions or need clarification on anything, don't hesitate to ask. Good luck with your studies!


Related to Lorentz Transforms + Relativity of Simultaneity

1. What are Lorentz Transforms and how do they relate to relativity of simultaneity?

Lorentz Transforms are a set of mathematical equations that describe how time and space measurements change for an observer in motion relative to another observer. They are a fundamental part of Einstein's theory of relativity, which states that the laws of physics should be the same for all observers in uniform motion. The relativity of simultaneity refers to the fact that two events that appear simultaneous to one observer may not appear simultaneous to another observer in motion relative to the first.

2. How do Lorentz Transforms affect the measurement of time and distance?

Lorentz Transforms take into account the effects of time dilation and length contraction, which occur due to the relative motion between two observers. Time dilation means that time appears to pass slower for an observer in motion relative to another observer. Length contraction refers to the shortening of an object in the direction of motion as perceived by an observer in motion relative to the object. In other words, time and distance measurements are not absolute and can be affected by the relative motion of observers.

3. Can you provide an example of the relativity of simultaneity?

Imagine two lightning bolts strike at the same time, but in different locations. To an observer standing in between the two locations, the two events would appear simultaneous. However, to an observer in motion relative to the first, one of the lightning strikes may appear to occur before the other due to the differences in the time and distance measurements caused by Lorentz Transforms.

4. How do Lorentz Transforms and relativity of simultaneity impact our understanding of time and space?

Lorentz Transforms and relativity of simultaneity challenge our previous notions of time and space being absolute and instead show that they are relative concepts. They also provide a deeper understanding of how time and space measurements can be affected by the relative motion of observers. This has significant implications for fields such as astrophysics and cosmology.

5. How have Lorentz Transforms and relativity of simultaneity been tested and proven?

Lorentz Transforms and relativity of simultaneity have been extensively tested and proven through various experiments, such as the Michelson-Morley experiment, which showed that the speed of light is constant regardless of the motion of the observer. Additionally, the observations of phenomena such as time dilation in particle accelerators and the accuracy of GPS technology also support the validity of these concepts.

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