Linear Algebra - Change of Basis

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the matrix T with respect to C, using a linear transformation and a change of basis matrix. The attempt at a solution involves finding the change of basis matrix from B to C and using it to calculate the matrix T. However, there were errors in the calculation of the change of basis matrix and the final answer. Assistance was provided in correcting these errors.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let B & C be the following subsets of R^2
B= {[3 1] , [2 2]} (the vectors should be in columns instead of rows)
C= {[1 0] , [5 4]}

Let T: R^2 -> R^2 be the linear transformation whose matrix with respect to the basis B is
[2 1]
[1 5] (the brackets should be joint, it's a 2 x 2 matrix)

Find the matrix T with respect to C. Check your answer by finding the determinant and the trace of each matrix.

The Attempt at a Solution

I found the change of basis matrix from B to C to be
[(7/4) (-2/4)]
[(1/4) ( 2/4) ] (again a 2x2 matrix)

I did this by multiplying the change of basis matrix from the standard basis to C, with the change of basis matrix from the B basis to the standard matrix like this:
[1 (-5/4)] [3 2]
[0 (1/4)] [1 2]

I then multiplied the given matrix by the change of basis matrix from B to C to get
[3 (-3/4)]
[1 (11/4)]

I thought my answer was correct but the trace for the matrix I got is 8.25 whilst the trace of the original matrix is 7. They should be the same, right??
Can anyone see where I went wrong? I'm not sure if I got the change of basis matrices right :S. The columns of the set B should form the change of basis matrix from B to the standard basis, shouldn't they?

Any help would be appreciated :)
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  • #2
kehler said:
I did this by multiplying the change of basis matrix from the standard basis to C, with the change of basis matrix from the B basis to the standard matrix like this:
[1 (-5/4)] [3 2]
[0 (1/4)] [1 2]

You've actually done the exact opposite here:

The matrix for going from the standard basis (S) to C is actually:

[tex]\overleftrightarrow{P}_{C \leftarrow S} \leftrightarrow \left( \begin{array}{cc}
1 & 5 \\
0 & 4 \end{array} \right)[/tex]

While the matrix for going from B to S is actually:

[tex]\overleftrightarrow{P}_{S \leftarrow B} \leftrightarrow \left( \begin{array}{cc}
\frac{1}{2} & \frac{-1}{2} \\
\frac{-1}{4} & \frac{3}{4} \end{array} \right)[/tex]

You can check these by operating on each of the basis vectors in S (i.e. {[1,0],[0,1]}) with
[tex]\overleftrightarrow{P}_{C \leftarrow S}[/tex] , to make sure you get the basis vectors of C; and by operating on each of the basis vectors in B with
[tex]\overleftrightarrow{P}_{S \leftarrow B}[/tex] , to make sure you get the corresponding basis vectors in S.

You can then easily obtain the change of basis matrix from B to C by using :

[tex]\overleftrightarrow{P}_{C \leftarrow B} = {\overleftrightarrow{P}_{C \leftarrow S}}{\overleftrightarrow{P}_{S \leftarrow B}}[/tex]
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  • #3
Are you in MATH1116 at ANU? If you're not then my lecturer's been doing some hard core plagiarism. :P

Sorry I don't actually have an answer for you... I got the same as you but the trace that I calculated was 5.75...

  • #4
muso07 said:
Are you in MATH1116 at ANU? If you're not then my lecturer's been doing some hard core plagiarism. :P

Sorry I don't actually have an answer for you... I got the same as you but the trace that I calculated was 5.75...


Muso, the answer for [tex]\overleftrightarrow{T_c}[/tex] should be:[tex] \overleftrightarrow{T_c} {\leftrightarrow} \left( \begin{array}{cc} \frac{83}{4} & \frac{-277}{16} \\ 17 & \frac{-55}{4} \end{array} \right) [/tex]

If you show me your work, I can tell you where you went wrong.
  • #5
Okay, I got P(C<--B)=
[7/4 -1/2]
[1/4 1/2] (2x2 matrix)

so [T]C=P(C<--B)[T]B=
[7/4 -1/2][2 1]=
[1/4 1/2][1 5]

[3 -3/4]
[1 11/4]
Much appreciated. :)
  • #6
muso07 said:
Okay, I got P(C<--B)=
[7/4 -1/2]
[1/4 1/2] (2x2 matrix)

so [T]C=P(C<--B)[T]B=
[7/4 -1/2][2 1]=
[1/4 1/2][1 5]

[3 -3/4]
[1 11/4]
Much appreciated. :)

Okay, your first error is that your [tex]\overleftrightarrow{P}_{C \leftarrow B}[/tex] Matrix is incorrect.

Your second error is that

[tex] \overleftrightarrow{T_C} =\overleftrightarrow{P}_{C \leftarrow B} \cdot \overleftrightarrow{T_B} \cdot \overleftrightarrow{P}_{C \leftarrow B}^{-1}[/tex]

NOT just

[tex] \overleftrightarrow{T_C} =\overleftrightarrow{P}_{C \leftarrow B}} \cdot \overleftrightarrow{T_B}[/tex]

Why don't you show me how you got your [tex]\overleftrightarrow{P}_{C \leftarrow B}[/tex]?
  • #7
I used the [c1 c2 | b1 b2] ~ [ I | P(C<--B)] formula

so I got

[1 5 | 3 2] ~
[0 4 | 1 2]

[1 0 | 7/4 -1/2]
[0 1 | 1/4 1/2]

So P(C<--B)=
[7/4 -1/2]
[1/4 1/2]

  • #8
muso07 said:
I used the [c1 c2 | b1 b2] ~ [ I | P(C<--B)] formula

Hmmm... I've never seen that formula before, but I can derive a correct version of it for you:

[tex] \left( \begin{array}{cc} \vec{c_1} ,& \vec{c_2} \end{array} \right) = \overleftrightarrow{P}_{C \leftarrow B} \cdot \left( \begin{array}{cc} \vec{b_1} ,& \vec{b_2} \end{array} \right) [/tex]
since, by definition, the change of basis matrix will change the basis vectors of B into those of C.

And so,

[tex] \left( \begin{array}{cc} \vec{c_1} ,& \vec{c_2} \end{array} \right) \cdot \left( \begin{array}{cc} \vec{b_1} ,& \vec{b_2} \end{array} \right)^{-1} = \overleftrightarrow{P}_{C \leftarrow B} \cdot \left( \begin{array}{cc} \vec{b_1} ,& \vec{b_2} \end{array} \right) \cdot \left( \begin{array}{cc} \vec{b_1} ,& \vec{b_2} \end{array} \right)^{-1} =\overleftrightarrow{P}_{C \leftarrow B} [/tex]

Try this formula, and don't forget to take the inverse.
  • #9
Thank you! I think my textbook is wrong... :S
  • #10
muso07 said:
Thank you! I think my textbook is wrong... :S

Your welcome, wht do you get for [tex]\overleftrightarrow{P}_{C \leftarrow B}[/tex] now?
  • #11
I got
[-3/4 13/4]
[-1 3]

Is that right?
  • #12
muso07 said:
I got
[-3/4 13/4]
[-1 3]

Is that right?

Yup, did you get the right [tex]\overleftrightarrow{T_c}[/tex] now?
  • #13
Yep. Or at least the traces and determinants agree now. :)
  • #14
Are you in MATH1116 at ANU? If you're not then my lecturer's been doing some hard core plagiarism. :P

Sorry I don't actually have an answer for you... I got the same as you but the trace that I calculated was 5.75...


Yes I am. Lol. Are u done with the assignment? I'm still stuck on a couple of questions :(

Thanks, gabbagabbahey :)
  • #15
kehler said:
Yes I am. Lol. Are u done with the assignment? I'm still stuck on a couple of questions :(

Thanks, gabbagabbahey :)

WOW! what are the odds of that?!:bugeye::smile: And you're welcome:smile:
  • #16
I've done everything but the first and last questions. Need help with anything?
  • #17
I'm stuck on the last one too! I just posted it actually...
And question 3 and 5. I've tried expanding q3 but I'm not getting anywhere :(. For q5, I'm having a bit of trouble trying to explain b and c.

U need help with the first question?
I actually found the geometric series by trial and error. Then I just showed that the sum of my series from n=10 to infinity is less than 10^-6.
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  • #18
yeah my tutor did an example for the first one and basically he used 1/n! from 10 to infinity but that's not a geometric series, so... :S

With 3 expand and factor out x^4 on the denominator and numerator. You should get a limit of -10/3.

And with 5, solve for r^3-9r^2-12r+20=0, you should get r=-2, 10, 1. Then yk is the solution with initial values as given in the question. yk=a(-2)^k+b(10)^k+c(1)^k and solve for a, b, c
  • #19
Ahh thanks :).. I finally got ques 3. Expanding functions is such a pain!
Try using fractions for both the 'a' and 'r' in your geometric series.

Related to Linear Algebra - Change of Basis

1. What is the concept of change of basis in linear algebra?

In linear algebra, change of basis refers to the process of representing the same vector in different coordinate systems. It involves finding the coordinates of a vector with respect to a new basis, given its coordinates in the original basis.

2. Why is change of basis important in linear algebra?

Change of basis is important because it allows us to manipulate and analyze vectors and matrices in different coordinate systems. It also helps in solving systems of linear equations and understanding transformations in different bases.

3. What is the formula for change of basis in linear algebra?

The formula for change of basis involves using a matrix representation of the new basis and the inverse of the matrix representation of the original basis. The formula is: v' = P-1v, where v' is the vector in the new basis, P is the matrix representation of the new basis, and v is the vector in the original basis.

4. How is change of basis related to eigenvectors and eigenvalues?

Change of basis is closely related to eigenvectors and eigenvalues because the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a matrix are invariant under change of basis. In other words, the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a matrix will remain the same regardless of the basis in which they are represented.

5. Can you provide an example of change of basis in real life?

An example of change of basis in real life is converting between different units of measurement. For example, we can represent a distance of 10 kilometers in meters, feet, or miles depending on the context. Each unit represents a different basis, and we can use a conversion factor (e.g. 1 kilometer = 1000 meters) to change the basis and express the distance in a different unit.

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