Limiting Distribution of Scaled Random Walk

In summary, the formula for scaled random walk is W^(n)(t) = (1/√n)M_nt, where M_n(t) is the unscaled random walk. In the example, we set t=0.25, n=100 and consider the set of possible values of W^(100)(0.25) = (1/10)M_25. This random variable is generated by 25 coin tosses, and since the unscaled random walk can take the value of any odd integer between -25 and 25, the scaled random walk W^(100)(0.25) can take any of the following values: -2.5, -2.3
  • #1
Hi all,

in text the formula for scaled random walk is:

W^(n) (t) = (1/√n) M_nt

in the example it says that:

set t=0.25, n=100 and consider the set of possible values of W^(100) (0.25) = 1/10 M_25. This random variable is generated by 25 coin tosses, and since the unscaled random walk M_25 can take the value of any odd integer between -25 and 25. My first question is that why unscaled random walk takes only the odd integer?

The scaled random walk W^(100) (0.25) can take any of the following values:
-2.5, -2.3, -2.1,...,-0.3,-0.1,0.1,0.3,...,2.1,2.3,2.5
My second question is that why only this range?

In order for W^(100) (0.25) to take the value 0.1, we must get 13 heads and 12 tails in the 25 coin tosses. The probability of this is

P{W^(100) (0.25) = 0.1} = {(25!)/(13! *12!)} * (1/2)^25 = 0.1555

by drawing a histogram bar centered at 0.1 with area 0.1555, since this bar has width 0.2, its height must be 0.1555/0.2 = 0.7775.
My last question is that why 13 heads and 12 tails, and why we did the factorial part "{(25!)/(13! *12!)}"?

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
woundedtiger4 said:
My first question is that why unscaled random walk takes only the odd integer?

Apparently the value of one realization of the process is the total number of excess heads in tossing 25 coins, which can't be an even number. (e.g. 4 more heads than tails would imply T + (T+4) = 25 so 2T = 21. )

Were you thinking that the process involved tossing one coin per "step" and recording the accumulated number of heads after each step?
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  • #3
Stephen Tashi said:
Apparently the value of one realization of the process is the total number of excess heads in tossing 25 coins, which can't be an even number. (e.g. 4 more heads than tails would imply T + (T+4) = 25 so 2T = 21. )

Were you thinking that the process involved tossing one coin per "step" and recording the accumulated number of heads after each step?

Sorry, I still don't get your answer :(

The text says that if head comes then move one step up (by taking +1 on y-axis), otherwise move one step down (by taking -1 on y-axis), and at each toss move 1 step forward on x-axis no matter what is the outcome. So, I guess that the answer to your question is YES!
  • #4
woundedtiger4 said:
The text says that if head comes then move one step up (by taking +1 on y-axis), otherwise move one step down (by taking -1 on y-axis), and at each toss move 1 step forward on x-axis no matter what is the outcome.

You aren't being precise about what the text says because you aren't relating its words to the symbols your are using. If you quote exactly what the text says, perhaps someone can explain it.
  • #5
Stephen Tashi said:
You aren't being precise about what the text says because you aren't relating its words to the symbols your are using. If you quote exactly what the text says, perhaps someone can explain it.

I have copied the original post from the text, the previous post in the text is as follow:

To construct a symmetric random walk, we repeatedly toss a fair coin (p, the probability of H on each toss, and q=1-p, the probability of T on each toss, are both equal to 1/2). We denote the successive outcomes of the tosses by ω=ω_1ω_2ω_3... In other words, ω is the infinite sequence of coin tosses, ω_n is the outcome of the nth toss. Let,

X_j = {1 if ω_j=H , -1 if ω_j=T,

and define M_0=0,

M_K = j=1Ʃ^k X_j, k=1,2,3,...

The process M_k, k=1,2,3,... is a symmetric random walk. With each toss, is either steps up one unit or down one unit, and each of the two possibilities is equally likely.
  • #6
According to that definition M_25 does count how much the number of heads in 25 tosses exceeds the number of tails. M_25 amounts to the random variable: (+1)(number of heads) + (-1) number of tails = (number of heads - number of tails) .

The number of heads in 25 tosses can be an even number, such as 24, but how much this differs from the number of tails (which is 23 in that example) cannot be an even number.

If I mind-read what your textbook is trying to do, I'd say it is taking a slow approach to introducing the Wiener process - or has it already done that?
  • #7
woundedtiger4 said:
I have copied the original post from the text, the previous post in the text is as follow:

To construct a symmetric random walk, we repeatedly toss a fair coin (p, the probability of H on each toss, and q=1-p, the probability of T on each toss, are both equal to 1/2). We denote the successive outcomes of the tosses by ω=ω_1ω_2ω_3... In other words, ω is the infinite sequence of coin tosses, ω_n is the outcome of the nth toss. Let,

X_j = {1 if ω_j=H , -1 if ω_j=T,

and define M_0=0,

M_K = j=1Ʃ^k X_j, k=1,2,3,...

The process M_k, k=1,2,3,... is a symmetric random walk. With each toss, is either steps up one unit or down one unit, and each of the two possibilities is equally likely.

Another way to look at it, is that X_j = 2*B_j - 1 where the B_j are Bernoulli random variables. Plug this in and you get M_K = 2*N_k - k where N_k is a Binomial random variable. Once you're comfortable with this expression, the answers to your earlier questions should be fairly easy.
  • #8
Stephen Tashi said:
According to that definition M_25 does count how much the number of heads in 25 tosses exceeds the number of tails. M_25 amounts to the random variable: (+1)(number of heads) + (-1) number of tails = (number of heads - number of tails) .

The number of heads in 25 tosses can be an even number, such as 24, but how much this differs from the number of tails (which is 23 in that example) cannot be an even number.

If I mind-read what your textbook is trying to do, I'd say it is taking a slow approach to introducing the Wiener process - or has it already done that?

Thank you sir

Related to Limiting Distribution of Scaled Random Walk

What is a scaled random walk?

A scaled random walk is a mathematical model that describes the movement of a particle or object in a random manner. It is often used in physics, finance, and other fields to model systems that involve random fluctuations.

What is the limiting distribution of a scaled random walk?

The limiting distribution of a scaled random walk refers to the probability distribution that the random walk will converge to as it continues infinitely. This distribution is often important in understanding the long-term behavior of the system.

How is the limiting distribution of a scaled random walk calculated?

The limiting distribution of a scaled random walk can be calculated using various methods, such as the central limit theorem or the law of large numbers. These methods involve taking the limit of the random walk as the number of steps increases, and determining the distribution that the random walk converges to.

What factors influence the limiting distribution of a scaled random walk?

The limiting distribution of a scaled random walk can be influenced by various factors, such as the initial conditions of the system, the step size or magnitude of the random walk, and the number of steps taken. These factors can affect the shape and properties of the limiting distribution.

How is the limiting distribution of a scaled random walk useful in scientific research?

The limiting distribution of a scaled random walk can provide valuable insights into the behavior of complex systems. It can help researchers understand the long-term trends and patterns of a system, and make predictions about its future behavior. It is particularly useful in fields such as finance, where it can be used to model stock prices and other economic variables.

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