Levitation using earth's magnetic field - electric propeller .

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of levitation using Earth's magnetic field and a proposed idea of an "electric propeller." The idea involves using current in wires to create a force that would lift the object, but the issue of current return and the weak magnetic field of Earth are pointed out as potential problems. The conversation also mentions other ideas involving shielding and a one-pole power source, but they are dismissed due to practical and theoretical issues. Overall, the conversation highlights the need for a specific and feasible mechanism in order for any idea to be considered as a viable solution.
  • #1
Levitation using Earth's magnetic field - "electric propeller".

I have idea how to levitate using weak Earth's magnetic field.
It is something like electric propeller - magnetic field line booster.

There is 3 wires (in this case). With no current in wires all is standard, no levitation.

1.SEQ: First wire have current, 1.field line going down
2.SEQ: First a second wire have current, 1.and 2. field line going down
3.SEQ: All wire have current, all field lines going down.

Restart sequence: All wires without current.

Again 1. SEQ to "sucking" another field line from above.
2. SEQ ...
3. SEQ ...

Restart ...

Only condition is that sequences must be count quicker against magnetic field lines restoring.
Is this possible ?

Levitation using earths magnetic field - electric propeller.jpg
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Field lines are not countable, and they are not objects that will "push" anything. Anyway, you get a force between cables and a magnetic field, so that is not the main issue (ignore the "sequence", that is irrelevant).
A cable with current in the proper direction will see a force upwards, but where is your current return? You cannot simply create charges at one end and remove them at the other side. With a current return, you get a force downwards, and both cancel.

The vertical component of the magnetic field can be used in that way - make a horizontal ring with a strong current, and you get a force upwards everywhere. The magnetic field of Earth is too weak to lift that thing, however.
  • #3
mfb said:
A cable with current in the proper direction will see a force upwards, but where is your current return?

Return will be in shielded area.
Something like "band saw" where blade will be wire (without movement of course).

Next idea can be self charged power sources with + and - potencial at the end of wires.
Something like charged skies vs Earth during flash.
  • #4
BKSL said:
Return will be in shielded area.
Something like "band saw" where blade will be wire (without movement of course).
That does not work.

Next idea can be self charged power sources with + and - potencial at the end of wires.
Something like charged skies vs Earth during flash.
Throwing in random buzzwords is not an "idea".

Please start with the basics first, otherwise those "ideas" are pointless and will lead to nothing.
  • #5
Why shield does not work ?
  • #6
"Why does magic not work?"
There is no reason to expect something to work unless you have a specific mechanism how it is supposed to work.

Shielding can change the shape of the field, but it cannot completely "remove" it. You still have the field in the setup and it has to cross the return wire somewhere.
  • #8
The idea of those cables is to get the same influence on both directions, so their contributions cancel. They are great if you have a closed circuit in them (both directions in the same cable), something that would be useless here.
  • #9
1 pole power source

And what about this power source ? It is one pole, no return.

  • #10
BKSL said:
And what about this power source ? It is one pole, no return.

View attachment 66838

without a lot more working info, that drawing is meaningless

  • #11
BKSL said:
And what about this power source ? It is one pole, no return.

View attachment 66838

Instead of arguing fruitlessly about this, why not accept that your proposal is a non starter. After all, you did come to a forum of relative experts so shouldn't you accept what they're telling you?
To argue against them successfully, you need to spend a few years actually learning the subject.

Anyone who thinks they've come across some magic form of propulsion / energy source / cure for all disease should first ask themselves why it is not available in the shops.
  • #12
BKSL said:
And what about this power source ? It is one pole, no return.
This would violate charge conservation.

Unless you have some electric connection to earth... but then it is a simple current loop, that is easy and does work. The StarTram is a huge proposed structure that could work like that.
  • #13
sophiecentaur said:
Anyone who thinks they've come across some magic form of propulsion / energy source / cure for all disease should first ask themselves why it is not available in the shops.

And that's a good place to close this thread at.

Related to Levitation using earth's magnetic field - electric propeller .

What is levitation using earth's magnetic field with an electric propeller?

Levitation using earth's magnetic field with an electric propeller is a phenomenon where an object is able to float or hover using the interaction between the earth's magnetic field and an electrically charged propeller.

How does levitation using earth's magnetic field with an electric propeller work?

This process works by utilizing the Lorentz force, which is the force experienced by a charged particle moving in a magnetic field. The propeller creates a magnetic field, and when it interacts with the earth's magnetic field, it creates a force that can counteract the force of gravity, allowing the object to levitate.

What materials are needed for levitation using earth's magnetic field with an electric propeller?

To achieve levitation, you will need an object to be levitated, a propeller, and a power source to charge the propeller. Additionally, the object and propeller must be made of materials that can interact with magnetic fields, such as metals like copper or aluminum.

Can levitation using earth's magnetic field with an electric propeller be used in everyday applications?

At this time, levitation using earth's magnetic field with an electric propeller is still in the experimental stages and has not yet been developed for practical everyday use. However, it has potential applications in transportation, energy production, and other industries.

Are there any risks associated with levitation using earth's magnetic field with an electric propeller?

As with any experimental technology, there are potential risks involved with levitation using earth's magnetic field with an electric propeller. These may include electrical hazards, interference with electronic devices, or unintended effects on the environment. Proper precautions and safety measures should be taken when conducting experiments with this technology.

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