Landau quantization and magnetic translation

In summary, the Landau Hamiltonian is translation invariant, but the representation of the translation group is projective, resulting in non-trivial phase factors. This is why the magnetic translation group, which commutes with the Hamiltonian, is useful for translations within the Hilbert space. Projecting the Hamiltonian onto the LLL allows for easier calculations and can keep the spectral information of the "true" Hamiltonian. Translating a state in the LLL does not take it out of the LLL, but may result in a superposition of LLL and non-LLL states. The Hilbert space of the LLL is not completely defined by the Hamiltonian and may depend on gauge choice.
  • #1
I am trying to learn the integer quantum hall effect and have a pretty straightforward question.

I understand that the normal translation group does not commute with the Landau Hamiltonian. Does this mean that if you have a state in the lowest Landau level (LLL) and apply the translation operator to it you end up outside of the Hilbert space of the Landau Hamiltonian? If so, is it the magnetic translation group that allows us to translate a particle and stay inside of the Hilbert space since it commutes with the Hamiltonian? Is that why the idea of a projection operator onto the Hilbert space of the LLL is useful? Is the magnetic translation group just the normal translation group with the projection operator applied to it?

These questions are probably really simple but I am still in undergraduate quantum mechanics so I haven't learned a lot of these ideas in a formal setting yet and I just want to make sure I have the details and motivations correct.
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  • #2
I think the Landau hamiltonian actually is translation invariant, but the representation of the translation group that it belongs to is a projective one,and not a regular one that is, in this representation the product of two translation operators is equal to the translation operator for the combined translation up to a non-trivial phase factor. This phase corresponds to a change of gauge whence it is not directly observable. As a side effect, the generators of the translations do not commute any more which is the reason why interesting new effects arise.
Projective representations arise quite often in QM, the phase factors not being of prime importance as the wavefunctions themselves are only defined up to a phase.
So e.g. the representations of the rotation group generated by a spin 1/2 particle are projective ones ( e.g. two rotations by 180 degrees yield the identity up to a phase factor -1) and generally the representation of the Galilei group in non-relativistic QM is a projective one, with the phase related to the mass of the particle in this case.
  • #3
OK, I had another idea now that I found out my last one was faulty.

Given a wavepacket A in the lowest Landau level (LLL), we apply a magnetic translation T to it, resulting in a wavepacket A'. The changes the phase of the wavepacket and, of course, translates the wavepacket. However, we have run into the issue that it is no longer clear what eigenstates A' is composed of. So, we project it onto the LLL, which doesn't change A' at all, but merely retrieves the coefficients associated with each eigenstate in the LLL.

Is that the right idea?
  • #4
Ok, for posterity's sake for anyone searching the forum in the future, I asked my advisor and he said that it is often useful to project the Hamiltonian onto a subspace to deal with an effective Hamiltonian that keeps the spectral information of the "true" Hamiltonian but acts only on the subspace and that a lot of arguments that physicists cannot prove rigorously is because they neglect to do this, and it is in this arena that a lot of things become much easier to prove.
  • #5
I don't understand your comment, but maybe we speak of different things. Under the Landau hamiltonian I understand the Hamiltonian for a single particle, or a set of non-interacting Fermions, in a constant magnetic field. You are asking about the symmetry properties of this hamiltonian, which is a mathematically well defined question and which has a rather simple answer in this case. Whether it is an effective Hamiltonian or not seems to be irrelevant at this point.
  • #6
Monocles said:
I understand that the normal translation group does not commute with the Landau Hamiltonian. Does this mean that if you have a state in the lowest Landau level (LLL) and apply the translation operator to it you end up outside of the Hilbert space of the Landau Hamiltonian?
No, for two reasons.

The LLL is only a subspace of the Hilbert space anyway. So, even if the translation does not commute with the Hamiltonian (and thus would produce some projection above the LLL), the translated state would still be in the Hilbert space; it would just then be a superposition of LLL and non-LLL states.

However, I don't think that a translation will change the Landau level, will it? (Shifting the location of the minimum of the harmonic oscillator potential does not change the oscillation frequency.) So, I think that a translation preserves the LLL.

BTW, you seem to be confusing the Hamiltonian with it's lowest eigenvalue (or the ground state). Also, I'm not sure that "Hilbert space of the Landau Hamiltonian" is a meaningful concept. There is some Hilbert space on which the Hamiltonian acts, but (especially since there is a possibility of degeneracy in the Landau levels) the Hilbert space is not necessarily completely defined by the (spectrum of the) Hamiltonian. I suppose it would actually be more meaningful to say "Hilbert space of the LLL", where the basis is given in terms of some combination of position and momentum states, the convenience of which would depend on your gauge choice.

Related to Landau quantization and magnetic translation

1. What is Landau quantization and magnetic translation?

Landau quantization and magnetic translation refer to the effects of a strong magnetic field on the energy levels and motion of charged particles, such as electrons, in a solid material. The magnetic field causes the charged particles to move in circular orbits, resulting in quantized energy levels and a phenomenon known as magnetic translation, where the wave function of the particles is shifted in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field.

2. How does Landau quantization affect the electronic properties of materials?

Landau quantization has significant effects on the electronic properties of materials. It leads to the quantization of energy levels, which can result in the formation of energy bands and gaps in the electronic structure of the material. It also affects the electronic transport properties, such as conductivity and Hall effect, by altering the motion of charged particles in the presence of a magnetic field.

3. What is the significance of Landau levels in condensed matter physics?

Landau levels are important in condensed matter physics as they provide a way to understand and describe the behavior of electrons in a magnetic field. They are also crucial in understanding the properties of materials such as superconductors and semiconductors, which exhibit unique behaviors in the presence of a magnetic field. Landau levels also play a role in phenomena such as the quantum Hall effect.

4. How is Landau quantization experimentally observed?

Landau quantization can be observed experimentally through various techniques such as magneto-optical spectroscopy, magnetotransport measurements, and scanning tunneling microscopy. These methods allow researchers to study the energy levels and electronic properties of materials in the presence of a magnetic field and provide evidence for the existence of Landau levels.

5. Can Landau quantization be applied to other systems besides electrons in solids?

Yes, Landau quantization can be applied to other systems besides electrons in solids. It has been observed in other charged particles such as protons and neutrons in atomic nuclei, as well as in atoms and molecules in a strong magnetic field. It also has applications in astrophysics, where it is used to explain the behavior of particles in the intense magnetic fields present in neutron stars and other astronomical objects.

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