Korea's upcoming invisible tower

In summary: For example, one could use cameras and projectors to display the surrounding environment on the building's facade, creating a camouflage effect. Or one could use advanced light-bending materials to redirect light around the building, making it appear transparent. However, without more information from the architects, it is impossible to say for sure what principles of optical physics they are referring to.
  • #1
Not sure, but I think many would have known this:


Would like to have comments since it is based on principles of optical physics (I'm not a physicist but just a curious Structural Engineer) if this is possible?

Can the tower appear invisible- that is just not seen to the world?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
svishal03 said:
Not sure, but I think many would have known this:


Would like to have comments since it is based on principles of optical physics (I'm not a physicist but just a curious Structural Engineer) if this is possible?

Can the tower appear invisible- that is just not seen to the world?


I read no claim, nor any mention of these principles of optical physics. There's nothing to critique here.
  • #3
Not sure what you mean-I'm not being critical if it meant that..

Just trying to understand what is to do with optical physics put in the sentence

For our untrained eyes and mind this project may seem a bit unfeasible, but the architects from GDS hold their line by declaring that their “ultimate magic tricks” will make an entire building disappear, due to the illusion of invisibility they rely on, based on optic physics principles

in the above link.
  • #4
svishal03 said:
Not sure what you mean-I'm not being critical if it meant that..

I don't mean 'critical', I mean 'critique' i .e. analyze.

svishal03 said:
Just trying to understand what is to do with optical physics put in the sentence

For our untrained eyes and mind this project may seem a bit unfeasible, but the architects from GDS hold their line by declaring that their “ultimate magic tricks” will make an entire building disappear, due to the illusion of invisibility they rely on, based on optic physics principles

in the above link.

I know. But there's no substance to the article at all. We can only guess what they might be alluding to.

Problem is, even that would be making assumptions. It is just as likely that they mean invisible in a metaphorical or artistic sense.Now, what we could do is use this concept to speculate about how one might hypothetically go about making a building invisible.
  • #5
, thank you for sharing this article about the upcoming invisible tower in Korea. I find this concept very intriguing and I would be happy to provide some thoughts on it from the perspective of optical physics.

Firstly, it is important to understand that the term "invisible" in this context does not mean completely undetectable. Rather, it refers to the tower's ability to blend in with its surroundings and appear as if it is not there. This is achieved through the use of advanced optical technology, such as reflective panels, cameras, and LED lights.

One principle of optical physics that is likely being utilized in this tower is the concept of camouflage. By using materials and techniques that mimic the appearance of the surrounding environment, the tower can essentially "disappear" from view. This is similar to how chameleons and other animals use color and texture to blend in with their surroundings for protection.

Another principle that may be at play is the use of light manipulation. By strategically placing reflective panels and LED lights, the tower can reflect and manipulate light in a way that makes it appear invisible to the human eye. This is similar to how mirrors work, but on a much larger and more complex scale.

Of course, there are limitations to this technology and it is unlikely that the tower will truly be invisible in all conditions. Factors such as weather, lighting, and viewing angles can affect its invisibility. Additionally, the tower may still be visible to certain types of technology, such as radar or infrared cameras.

In conclusion, while the concept of an invisible tower is fascinating and showcases the advancements in optical technology, it is important to understand that it is not truly invisible in the traditional sense. Rather, it is a clever use of optical principles to create the illusion of invisibility. As a curious structural engineer, I encourage you to continue exploring and learning about the intersection of optical physics and architecture.

Related to Korea's upcoming invisible tower

1. What is Korea's upcoming invisible tower?

Korea's upcoming invisible tower is a proposed structure that is designed to be invisible to the naked eye. It is planned to be built in South Korea and is said to be a feat of engineering and technology.

2. How will the invisible tower be constructed?

The invisible tower will be constructed using advanced technology and materials. It is said that the structure will be made of glass and will be coated with a special material that will make it reflect light in a way that it appears invisible.

3. What purpose will the invisible tower serve?

The exact purpose of the invisible tower has not been revealed by the designers. However, it is speculated that it could be used as a tourist attraction or a symbol of modern technology and innovation.

4. Will the invisible tower be completely invisible?

While the tower is being marketed as an "invisible" structure, it will not be completely invisible. It will still be visible from certain angles and lighting conditions. However, it will be designed to blend in with its surroundings and give the illusion of invisibility.

5. When is the expected completion date of the invisible tower?

The completion date for the invisible tower has not been announced yet. The project is still in its planning and development phase, and it could take several years before construction begins. The exact timeline will depend on various factors, such as funding, permits, and technological advancements.

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