Kinetic Moment about the center of gravity

In summary: P to G) ]Basically, what you are saying is that "kinetic moment" is just "moment of inertia", but with an acceleration term. The "moment of force" is just the "moment of inertia" multiplied by the "force" (ie. the acceleration). So in your equation, M_P would be equal to I_G + m(mass).However, in the equation for "moment of force", M_F would be equal to Ig*a, where a is the "force" (ie. the acceleration). So in other words, the "moment of force" is just the "moment of inertia" multiplied by the "force" (
  • #1
Hi I need some help explaining kinetic moment and moment of the center of mass.
This is an example:
Okay I know that when you do moment equations:
The Moment forces about some point is = to the kinetic moment about that point so for same.
M_g = KM_g (kinetic moment)
So if we do this for point C (where the wheel touches the ground)
Its M_C = Ig (moment of inertia about g, center of mass)*(angular acceleration) + kinetic moment about C which would be due to the acceleration of G.

But when you do that for for the Point G the Moment about G is always equal to the the Ig*a.
So my question is way is the moment about the center of mass always equal to the Ig*a when there's an acceleration at point c. wouldn't that affect the moment about G?
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  • #2
I've heard of "kinetic moment" in fluid dynamics - but that does not seem to be what you mean.

A "moment" is usually how engineers refer to "torque" which would be "moment of force" ... it is the applied force multiplied by the moment-arm.
There are other moments - like a moment of area and so on. )

##M_g = KM_g## looks odd - but you seem to be saying that "kinetic moment" and "moment of force" are defined to be the same thing. So why the different names?

From your examples, it looks like you are trying to calculate the moment of inertia about different points.
I suspect your confusion comes from being inexact about what you mean by "kinetic moment".
Start from a formal definition and a few simple examples.
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  • #3
No I meant kinetic moment. The moment of a point likes say c is equal to the kinetic moment of that point like angular acceleration*mass of inertia and acceleration*mass*distance
  • #4
I have not heard of "mass of inertia".
I am guessing you mean "moment of inertia".

I can only find "kinetic moment of inertia" is nuclear physics papers, where it relates to nuclear spin and shape.
There was an old wikipedia article mentioning it but only in comparison to the second moment of area as having units of length times area. The article is no longer current.

Taking "moment of mass" to mean "moment of inertia", let's see if I have understood you:
The moment of a point likes say c is equal to the kinetic moment of that point like angular acceleration*mass of inertia and acceleration*mass*distance
... let's see,

moment of inertia times angular acceleration is normally called "torque" or "moment of force". ##\tau=I\alpha##
acceleration times mass times distance is normally called "work" ... ##W=amd## but it could be ##mra## which is the torque on a small mass accelerating around a circle radius r.
... it's looking an awful lot like you do mean "torque" here.

But you have insisted that kinetic moment is different to moment of force ... so please show me the difference.
Please provide a formal definition and a simple example.

points do not normally have moments anyway - masses may have moments and objects may have moments about points.

I think you need to clear up these ideas before you can go further.
I'm going to see if I can find someone who recognizes what you are trying to talk about.
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  • #5
Simon Bridge said:
I have not heard of "mass of inertia".
I am guessing you mean "moment of inertia".

I can only find "kinetic moment of inertia" is nuclear physics papers, where it relates to nuclear spin and shape.
There was an old wikipedia article mentioning it but only in comparison to the second moment of area as having units of length times area. The article is no longer current.

Taking "moment of mass" to mean "moment of inertia", let's see if I have understood you:... let's see,

moment of inertia times angular acceleration is normally called "torque" or "moment of force". ##\tau=I\alpha##
acceleration times mass times distance is normally called "work" ... ##W=amd## but it could be ##mra## which is the torque on a small mass accelerating around a circle radius r.
... it's looking an awful lot like you do mean "torque" here.

But you have insisted that kinetic moment is different to moment of force ... so please show me the difference.
Please provide a formal definition and a simple example.

points do not normally have moments anyway - masses may have moments and objects may have moments about points.

I think you need to clear up these ideas before you can go further.
I'm going to see if I can find someone who recognizes what you are trying to talk about.

Yes, I meant moment of inertia sorry. So basically I'm learning this stuff in a dynamics class. For this subject it was under the chapter of general planar motion. So basically, in class my professor stated this equation:
M_P (Moment about point P of an rigid body) = I_G (Moment of inertia about center of mass) + m(mass) * [ (R_P/G (position vector of point G to P) X (cross product) (acceleration of point G)]

But at point G R_G/G makes the cross product 0 so:

M_G = I_G

and my question is why? I know in the equation it make sense but when I look at the example I posted about there's an acceleration at Point C doesn't this have an effect on the Kinetic Moment. So that:
M_G = I_G + m*a_C (acceleration of c)*(distance)

But this isn't the case:
M_G = I_G and my question is why.
  • #6
So basically, in class my professor stated this equation:
M_P (Moment about point P of an rigid body) = I_G (Moment of inertia about center of mass) + m(mass) * [ (R_P/G (position vector of point G to P) X (cross product) (acceleration of point G)]

##M_P = I_{G}+m[\vec r_{PG}\times \vec a_G]##

That looks a bit like the regular torque... however: the dimensions do not work out.
The RHS is adding ##ML^2## to ##ML^2T^{-2}## which is not allowed.
Have you done dimensional analysis?

For an object mass m rotating about a point P other than it's center of mass G, the moment of inertia is adjusted according to the parallel axis theorem.


If a net force is then applied at the center of mass so the object undergoes angular acceleration ##\alpha## about point P, which would require something holding P in place, then:

##\tau = (I_G+mr_{GP})a/r_{GP}=|\vec r_{GP}\times \vec F|## where ##a=r\alpha## is the instantaneous linear acceleration of the center of mass and ##\vec r_{GP}## is the vector pointing from G to P.

This starting to look familiar?
  • #7
Um no to dimensional analysis. And the bottom is not looking familiar at all. I understand why the moment about C is equal to I_G + m(R x a). I don't understand why in for point g in the example I linked in my first post, the moment about point g is only equal to I_g*alpha
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  • #8
OK - last bit first:

The torque about any arbitrary point P is ##\tau_P=I_P\alpha_P##
(using the subscript to indicate the point the rotationas are taken about

So the torque about point G is going to be the same equation but with a G everywhere you see a P.
They just left the G off the angular acceleration.

(I am explicitly using "torque" instead of "moment" here to avoid the earlier confusion.)

"Dimensional analysis"
... it's basically a fancy way of saying that the units have to make sense.

IG has units of kg.m2
m(Rxa) has units of kg. m2/s2

Saying that M=IG+m(Rxa) is like saying M = 5 carrots + 3 oranges.
It's nonsense: you can only add like to like.
  • #9
It would help if you didn't keep writing an incorrect equation. As Simon repeatedly pointed out, the units don't work out. If you checked your textbook, you'll see that Hibbeler writes that ##\sum M_G = I_G \alpha##, not ##\sum M_G = I_G##. You probably just incorrectly copied what your professor wrote down, or your professor made a mistake.

Anyway, the answer to your question is that it's because Newton's second law describes how the forces that act on a body cause the center of mass to move, not any arbitrary point on the body. You have
\sum \vec{F}_i &= m \vec{a}_G \\
\sum M_G &= \sum (\vec{r}_i \times \vec{F}_i) = I_G \alpha
\end{align*} where ##\vec{r}_i## is the moment arm from the center of mass ##G## to where the force ##\vec{F}_i## acts. Now suppose instead you want to calculate about point ##O## instead. You still have
$$\sum \vec{F}_i = m \vec{a}_G$$ but the rotational equation of motion becomes
$$\sum M_O = \sum [(\vec{r}_i+\vec{r}_{GO}) \times \vec{F}_i] = I_O \alpha$$ where ##\vec{r}_{GO}## is the displacement of the center of mass from point ##O##. Distributing the cross product gives you
$$\sum M_O = \sum \vec{r}_i\times\vec{F}_i + \sum \vec{r}_{GO} \times \vec{F}_i = I_G\alpha + \vec{r}_{GO}\times \sum \vec{F}_i = I_G\alpha + \vec{r}_{GO}\times (m\vec{a}_G).$$ The term ##\vec{r}_{GO}\times (m\vec{a}_G)## comes from the fact that the net force describes how the center of mass accelerates, not any arbitrary point ##C## on the body.

Related to Kinetic Moment about the center of gravity

1. What is the center of gravity?

The center of gravity is the point at which an object's entire weight is concentrated. It is the point at which the object can be balanced on a single pivot without any tilting or tipping.

2. How is the center of gravity determined?

The center of gravity is determined by the distribution of mass within an object. In most cases, it is located at the geometric center of an object, but it can also be affected by the shape and density of the object.

3. What is the significance of the center of gravity?

The center of gravity plays a crucial role in an object's stability and balance. If the center of gravity is located within the base of support, the object will remain stable. However, if the center of gravity falls outside the base of support, the object will become unstable and may topple over.

4. How does kinetic moment relate to the center of gravity?

Kinetic moment, also known as angular momentum, is a measure of an object's rotation. The kinetic moment about the center of gravity is the product of an object's mass, velocity, and distance from the center of gravity. It is used to calculate an object's rotational motion.

5. How can the kinetic moment about the center of gravity be manipulated?

The kinetic moment about the center of gravity can be manipulated by changing the object's mass, velocity, or distance from the center of gravity. By altering these factors, the object's rotational motion can be affected, ultimately changing the object's kinetic moment about the center of gravity.

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