Is time and space moving through us? Do black holes rotation create time?

In summary, space and time are moving fabrics that we are embedded in. Time is merely flowing past us, while space is moving through us. If the universe is expanding between galaxies, that space time is accelerated. The supermassive black holes in the center of galaxies may be responsible for the flow of space time.
  • #1
I look at time and space as a fabric, just as Einstein stated. However I look at time and space as a fabric moving through us. Moving through all organic matter like a river. So time is merely flowing past us just as space is. Is this the case?

If we are moving around the sun in a trench of space time does this make time a loop, which cycles with each pass around the sun. Is this the right way to think of space time? I always have thought space was stationary. However it appears it is accelerating through us creating the illusion of time.

Also if the universe is expanding between galaxies is that space time accelerated compared to space time inside a galaxy? Last question do the super massive black holes in the center of galaxies create the flow of space time. Basically is it the super massive black holes rotation inside of galaxies that creates this movement of space time? If this is the case could it be that the expansion of space time between galaxies is simply because of galaxies sucking up time and space. Basically all the galaxies are stretching stationary space time from all directions?
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  • #2
When thinking of time travel simply reversing time space would not really do anything. So does this if I understand everything right show that time travel the people think is not possible. If space time was reversed it would flow through us without us knowing. So if our super massive black hole started spinning the opposite why and I understand this right space time would also reverse however we would not even feel it or know it.

I was just thinking about time travel sorry. It would appear that we are stuck in some sort of CD and perhaps that is how one could traverse through time. Do our bodies work on genetic time. Or do our bodies interface with space time? So are there two forms of time?

Also the CD thing came from the fact that some people think that everything is set into stone. If this is the case and we are merely living out a type of recording then could time travel be possible? My brain just blew a gasket. lol

If space time moves through us without us knowing then it could mean that if space time accelerates around an object it will wind up in the future. If space time interfaces with the human body, you could instantly grow old and die though right?
  • #3
Space time does not "move" through us. My uneducated visualizaion is that we are embedded in space, and if one "smears" space, basically a translation, one gets time.

Time is a one way thing. Changing the direction of rotation does just that, changes the direction of rotation. So if it was spinning left, and now spinning right, then it just means that things will rotate to the right instead of left...
  • #4
steve8miller, You seem to be a imaginative, inspired and a creative thinker. I wish I were better at interpreting your ideas--they are a little too abstract and deep for my limited ability to follow. I have a hard time following concepts that don't have a specific sharply defined connection to relativity theory (in this case).

steve8miller said:
I look at time and space as a fabric, just as Einstein stated. However I look at time and space as a fabric moving through us. Moving through all organic matter like a river. So time is merely flowing past us just as space is. Is this the case?

I'm not sure I see your picture. Do the material objects occupying space remain staionary while the fabric moves? What is the "us" that remains stationary? Is "us" the 3-D material body, or is "us" a 4-dimensional body? Or, is "us" just our consciousness? --or something else?

As you sharpen your definition of "us" remaining stationary, you may encounter problems with more than one "us", where different "us-es" have different descriptions of simultainious fixed positions and different views of the moving fabric. I'm having trouble putting your picture into some specific context of special relativity.

Your discussion might possibly run outside the metaphysical and philosophical boundaries layed out for this thread. You can always bring it up as a topic within the philosophy category. (I'm no one to be judging the metaphysical boundaries since I've been guilty of testing those boundaries more than once)
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  • #5
Update I have better explained us. Things with mass in this visible universe. Negative mass and neutral mass objects are not included as perhaps they would be effected by the spinning of space time.

Through "us" means through solid matter in this dimension we reside in currently. Not the higher dimension of the soul. We can also debate what "solid" matter is also but I think you get my point.

If you do not get my point regarding "solid matter" it has been shown that nothing is truly solid. When zoomed in enough so called "solid matter" is diffuse / spread out. Sorry I did not specify that. This question does fit this thread simply because my question involves time.

Time has again and again shown to be a repeatable and scientifically valid. As for the rotation of space and time around the black hole, science books do say that space time is warped around them (especially around the event horizon). Them being the super massive black holes in the center of galaxies like ours. Space and time are connected and a super massive black hole rotates both time and space around the event horizon. We also know that the accretion disc effects the entire galaxy. Making entire galaxies spin. Ironically our clock spins the same way as our black hole, lol.

So why if the super massive black hole is spinning up space time at the event horizon, should that stop at the edges of the galaxy, when we know the super massive black hole reaches that far. Super massive black holes accretion disks are unfathomably wide. So basically if there were no super massive black hole in the center of galaxies time and space would remain just as it does with the super massive black hole? Explain how this is please.
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  • #6
Think also of a river with a strong current. Large rocks with a lot of mass do not move, the river and current flow past it. The water and current are bent moving around the object with mass. While smaller objects in the river get swept away with the current.
  • #7
Are you asking whether the rotation of the black hole in the middle of our galaxy determines the direction of time?

And are you also asking whether the galaxy would rotate at all if there was no black hole?

Spacetime is not an actual fabric and does not "spin", by the way. It is a mathematical manifold (from what I understand). It basically is combining space and time, which physicists thought were independent before Einstein.
  • #8
Are you talking about frame dragging in kerr spacetimes? It doesn't have to be a black hole; neutron stars that spin extremely fast also have frame dragging effects as per the kerr metric. However, you have to be sufficiently close for the effect to actualize.
  • #9
steve8miller said:
I look at time and space as a fabric moving through us. Moving through all organic matter like a river. So time is merely flowing past us just as space is. Is this the case?
Does your idea of time and space as a river flowing through us make any testable predictions?
  • #10
no no no,

time is limited by the thread count of the fabric of spacetime. the thread count is much higher then what is attainable with even the finest Egyption cotton. much softer too.

What's the thread count of spacetime cotton, err fabric? Probably the exact same as those tiny Planck measurements.

forword and backword time? yea, not so sure about that one.

I don't believe in time anymore. just spacetime, and I don't imagine any sort of "flow" to it (spacetime). Forces flowing through the matter within it definitely have a sequence (this is time more then anything else i think, and correlates better with your analogy, "time is a river flowing through us").

manipulate a frame of spacetime and you can create situations that make "time" appear to "flow" (relatively) differently compared to other frames of spacetime.

I know very little about SR/GR, but what I have read seems to illustrate spacetime as a malluable medium that all matter and apperent forces playout in.

I have never read anything that gives examples where time is its own "thing" that has a "flow" to it, in the domain of spacetime.

Gotta stop holding a clock to movement at some point. I think c is just that.

I know little to nothing of SR/GR. I made all this up, except for the part about spacetime being much softer then cotton, that's totaly true.
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  • #11
DaleSpam said:
Does your idea of time and space as a river flowing through us make any testable predictions?

lol, less body water content with greater time dilation.
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  • #12

Related to Is time and space moving through us? Do black holes rotation create time?

1. Is time and space moving through us?

This question is often asked in the context of relativity and the theory that time and space are intertwined. The answer is that while time and space may appear to be moving through us from our perspective, they are actually constant and do not move. It is our perception and relative motion that creates the illusion of movement.

2. Do black holes rotation create time?

This is a common question in regards to the concept of time dilation in black holes. While it is true that time appears to slow down near the event horizon of a black hole due to its immense gravitational pull, this is not caused by the rotation of the black hole. Time dilation is a result of the extreme curvature of space-time near the black hole.

3. Can we travel through time and space?

The concept of time travel has been a popular topic in science fiction, but according to our current understanding of physics, it is not possible to travel through time in the traditional sense. However, it is theoretically possible to travel through space at a speed close to the speed of light, which would result in time dilation.

4. Does gravity affect time and space?

Yes, gravity has a significant effect on time and space. According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, gravity is a result of the curvature of space-time. This means that massive objects, such as planets and stars, can warp the fabric of space-time, causing objects to move along curved paths and affecting the passage of time.

5. How does the speed of light relate to time and space?

The speed of light, which is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second, is considered to be the universal speed limit in our universe. This means that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. This speed is also directly related to the fabric of space-time, as it is the rate at which light travels through it. The closer an object moves to the speed of light, the more it will experience time dilation.

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