Is my approach correct for the 3D moment couple problem?

In summary, the student attempted to solve a homework equation but got a different answer from his classmates. He is not sure how to replace the moment with force couple and is unsure about vector cross products. He corrects the mistake of assuming that there is a 50 N force in the xz-plane and finds the single equivalent force using point C as the reference point.
  • #1
Gold Member

Homework Statement

螢幕快照 2017-10-06 上午10.41.35.png

Homework Equations

M=r x F = d * F (for moment couple)

The Attempt at a Solution


This is my attempt to the question, yet I have got quite a different answer from my classmates... (especially the moment by the 50N force couple)
Can anyone point out is there anything wrong with my answer please?

Moreover, I am not sure how to replace the moment with force couple...
M=d*F, as no d and F given, are there many answers giving out the same moment?

Thank you very much for any help!
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  • #2
I'm sorry to not even understand your first line. What is zero ?
Can you distinguish the 3-4-5 rectangular triangles ? Do you think that's a coincidence ?
  • #3
I think Mx is zero because in Fig 1a, two forces are on the same line woth different direction, which cancel each other out in yz plane
  • #4
3-4-5 triangle is BCD, But i am not sure the use of it...
  • #5
yecko said:
I think Mx is zero because in Fig 1a, two forces are on the same line woth different direction, which cancel each other out in yz plane
This is true about the projection on the yz-plane. Just note that it will not be generally true for all moment directions.

When you compute the ##M_y## moment, you seem to be assuming that there is a 50 N force in the xz-plane. This is a mistake as it ignores the component of the 50 N couple in the y-direction. The same goes for the force in the xy-plane when you compute ##M_z##.
  • #6
Orodruin said:
This is a mistake as it ignores the component of the 50 N couple in the y-direction. The same goes for the force in the xy-plane when you compute MzMzM_z.
I thought i don't need to consider the y direction in xz plane... as y direction is already considered in yz and xy plane...
  • #7
yecko said:
I thought i don't need to consider the y direction in xz plane... as y direction is already considered in yz and xy plane...
You do not, you should only consider the components in the x- and z-directions. Your problem is that you are assuming that those components together make a force of total magnitude 50 N, they do not since the 50 N force also involves the y-component. When you just consider the x- and z-components, the total force will be smaller. You need the projection of the force onto the xz-plane.

Also note that, since you have couples, the total force is zero and you can compute the torque of each couple relative to some conveniently located point.
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  • #8

I corrected this problem.. am i right?
Moreover, How to find single equivent force?

Thank you for all your help!
  • #9
To be honest, it is quite unclear what you are doing with the moments now. What is the "horizontal plane"? Why is it important? Which point do you take as the point of reference when computing your moments? If you stop to think and be smart about it, you will be able to make several simplifications and perhaps use different moment arms which simplify the problem significantly.

Also, it would be good if you posted your work in text instead of as a photo as it is not possible to quote your photo and also impossible to see the photo properly on a small phone screen.
  • #11
It does not really help with the quotability issue. Anyway, I am on a laptop now and my comments in #9 still apply.

Also, are you aware of how to use the vector cross product?
  • #12
OK... I have just backed home... Let me type my steps here:

let Θ be the angle of 50N to the YZ plane
tanΘ=(144/2) / sqrt ( (192/2)^2 +160^2 ) ==> Θ=21.1 deg
d1 in Fig. 1b = 0.008232
ΣMy = 50 cos 21.1 * 0.008232 - 12.5 * 192e-3 = -2.0160Nm
d2 in Fig 1c = 0.6566 = 1.1819Nm
M(resultant) = sqrt( (-2.0160)^2 +1.1819^2) = 2.3369Nm
tan θ = 2.0160/ 1.1819 ==> Θ=59.6190 deg

Orodruin said:
Which point do you take as the point of reference when computing your moments?
I didnt use any reference point as moment couple is calculated as d*F regardless where the axe is...
Orodruin said:
you will be able to make several simplifications
Should I use point C because for no need to consider 2 forces? (please wait a minute for me to redo it...)

  • #13
Moreover, How to find single equivalent force?
I really have no idea in this... though it is indeed what the question asking for...
  • #14

I have done it with C as the axis, yet the answer i have got is different from the one i got above...

Just let me type the key formula here:
<0.160,0.144,-0.192> cross <-40,-18,24>+<0.160,0,-0.192> cross <12.5,0,0>
= <0, 3.83, 2.88> + <0, -2.4, 0>
= <0, 1.44, 2.88>

yecko said:
let Θ be the angle of 50N to the YZ plane
tanΘ=(144/2) / sqrt ( (192/2)^2 +160^2 ) ==> Θ=21.1 deg
d1 in Fig. 1b = 0.008232
ΣMy = 50 cos 21.1 * 0.008232 - 12.5 * 192e-3 = -2.0160Nm
d2 in Fig 1c = 0.6566 = 1.1819Nm
M(resultant) = sqrt( (-2.0160)^2 +1.1819^2) = 2.3369Nm
tan θ = 2.0160/ 1.1819 ==> Θ=59.6190 deg
Is there any calculation mistake there??
  • #15
yecko said:
ust let me type the key formula here:
<0.160,0.144,-0.192> cross <-40,-18,24>+<0.160,0,-0.192> cross <12.5,0,0>
= <0, 3.83, 2.88> + <0, -2.4, 0>
= <0, 1.44, 2.88>
This agrees with what I got (assuming your units are Nm).
  • #16
Thank you very much for helping to solve the problem!

But then, if we use the 'expected' method of the chapter, what's wrong with my steps??

yecko said:
let Θ be the angle of 50N to the YZ plane
tanΘ=(144/2) / sqrt ( (192/2)^2 +160^2 ) ==> Θ=21.1 deg
d1 in Fig. 1b = 0.008232
ΣMy = 50 cos 21.1 * 0.008232 - 12.5 * 192e-3 = -2.0160Nm
d2 in Fig 1c = 0.6566 = 1.1819Nm
M(resultant) = sqrt( (-2.0160)^2 +1.1819^2) = 2.3369Nm
tan θ = 2.0160/ 1.1819 ==> Θ=59.6190 deg
  • #17
yecko said:
How to find single equivalent force?
You are asked for the single equivalent torque, which you have done.
yecko said:
<0, 1.44, 2.88>
That's what I get.
Edit: that's the trouble with taking 20 minutes to work through it, you end up posting too late to be of help.
  • #18
No but the couple of force??

As the question mentioned two couples meaning two pairs of forces, i think i need to find equivent force having same net force amd moment...
  • #19
yecko said:
No but the couple of force??
The term "couple" can mean just a torque. It does not necessarily imply an actual pair of forces. Certainly you cannot deduce a pair forces from knowing the torque. They could be small forces a long way apart or larger forces closer together.
  • #20
As the question mentioned two couples meaning two pairs of forces, i think i need to find equivent force having same net force and moment...
  • #21
yecko said:
As the question mentioned two couples meaning two pairs of forces, i think i need to find equivent force having same net force and moment...
I assure you that you do not and cannot.
  • #22
yecko said:
But then, if we use the 'expected' method of the chapter, what's wrong with my steps??
The angle you computed seems to be the angle between the inclined plane in which the forces lie and the xz-plane. This is not the same angle as the angle between the forces and the xz-plane (a vector in the inclined plane can have an angle to the xz-plane anywhere between zero and the angle between the inclined and xy-planes).

Related to Is my approach correct for the 3D moment couple problem?

1. What is a 3D moment couple problem?

A 3D moment couple problem is a type of engineering problem that involves finding the forces and moments acting on an object in three-dimensional space. It typically involves calculating the torque or rotational force exerted on an object by two or more offset forces.

2. How do you solve a 3D moment couple problem?

To solve a 3D moment couple problem, you first need to identify the forces and moments acting on the object. Then, you can use the principles of equilibrium and vector addition to calculate the net force and net moment acting on the object. Finally, you can use these values to determine the resulting motion or stability of the object.

3. What are the key principles involved in solving a 3D moment couple problem?

The key principles involved in solving a 3D moment couple problem include the principles of equilibrium, vector addition, and the concept of moments. Equilibrium means that the net force and net moment acting on an object must be equal to zero for the object to be in a state of rest or uniform motion. Vector addition involves adding all the forces and moments acting on an object to determine the net force and net moment. Moments refer to the tendency of a force to cause an object to rotate around an axis.

4. What are some real-world applications of 3D moment couple problems?

3D moment couple problems are commonly encountered in engineering and physics, specifically in the design of structures and machines. For example, engineers may use 3D moment couple analysis to determine the stability of a building or bridge, or to calculate the forces acting on a rotating machine part. They are also useful in understanding the forces acting on objects in motion, such as airplanes or satellites.

5. Are there any common mistakes to avoid when solving a 3D moment couple problem?

One common mistake is forgetting to consider all the forces and moments acting on an object. It is important to identify and include all external forces and moments, as well as any internal forces or moments that may be present. Another mistake is not properly taking into account the direction and magnitude of forces and moments, which can lead to incorrect calculations. It is also important to clearly define the coordinate system and axes used for calculations to avoid errors.

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