Is HHO Resonance a Real Discovery or a Scientific Hoax?

In summary, this person is an expert in electrolysis and is looking to improve their device by finding hho resonance. They have also created a video explaining their design and objectives.
  • #1
I have made a new design i haven't seen anywhere on youtube or elsewhere. it might be a freak accident that i found hho resonance but I may have found it. I have build a generator with only 2 plates which yes I've seen that on youtube before but that's when people are just experimenting with it to see how it will work and its 2 tiny plates. I have 2 plates that are 2 feet by 2 feet bolted together with i believe a .064 gap don't remember for sure but its close to that. I have posted a video on youtube at Now i made some changes to it before i made this video because I was going to seal it up and hook a pump up to it so i can force the bubbles out and keep the surface area up as much as I can. But I think I cut to much off of the washers on the outside increasing the surface area way to much. There almost a half circle now just enough of the hole left so the nylon bolts would hold them in place. Before I did that though when i hooked it up to the same battery in the video it hummed like a transformer on a telephone pole but no longer does that probably because of me changing the surface area so much I will post a video once I fix that though and see if I can show you guys the humming. Still makes a little noise but it ain't no hum like a transformer on a telephone pole when they hum. I think its impossible to wire plates in series in water and the equations I've seen they would have to be wired in series so I tried to solve that by using 2 big plates. It wouldn't be wired in series underwater it be connected everywhere wouldn't be series or parallel either I don't know what you would call it. Anyways take a look and let me know what you think. I'm not trying to get rich I'm trying to stick it to the youtube is about to go down for a bit I'm waiting for the video to upload now so if you read this right after I post it you might be able to check out the video but not for long. and this was the first video I put up didn't know it has to go through some process before you could see it so I don't know how long you will have to wait.
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  • #2
I don't want to watch the U-Tube video. Is this just an electrolysis apparatus? You are separating H20 into hydrogen and oxygen using electrical bias and current? What is the objective of your experiment?
  • #3
Resonance? The word has no meaning in the context in which you have used it. It is just technobabble.

In any case, have you actually measured the output hydrogen/oxygen generation of your electrolysis cell and compared it to the input power? If you haven't then you have nothing at all with which to base your belief that you've done anything interesting or useful.

People have been doing electrolysis for generations and it is a very well understood process. Youtube isn't an authority on what is or isn't done or does or doesn't work. Basically, you're just comparing yourself against yourself. Have you perused the patent database or commercially available products to see what real designs are out there?
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  • #4
Well yes it is an electrolysis apparatus. Everyone always talks about trying to find hho resonance though with there generators they put pulse with modulators in there and all kinds of stuff there even hooking tesla coils up to them now adays. From my understanding resonance will give it maximum output for its size. When its resonating I've been told it will vibrate and you will get a hum from those vibrations. Mine does that very thing before i made the modification to it but I'm soon going to put it back to what it was. I'm trying to make a effecient one which from what I've read about it you need to find hho resonance to do so that I can produce enough hho to run a car on it. I'm talking any car for my test I'm using a big block ford I'm building that's got a big cam in it so it sucks a lot of gas. I don't think this one will be big enough for that but i will be able to compare the surface area and power I'm pulling to make my own formula to build a big enough one. which to answer your question no i haven't measured it yet. I want to change the world with this idea. I'm not trying to make money I'm just showing people the right way to what there trying to do.
  • #5
reddevil2576 said:
Well yes it is an electrolysis apparatus. Everyone always talks about trying to find hho resonance though with there generators they put pulse with modulators in there and all kinds of stuff there even hooking tesla coils up to them now adays. From my understanding resonance will give it maximum output for its size. When its resonating I've been told it will vibrate and you will get a hum from those vibrations. Mine does that very thing before i made the modification to it but I'm soon going to put it back to what it was. I'm trying to make a effecient one which from what I've read about it you need to find hho resonance to do so that I can produce enough hho to run a car on it. I'm talking any car for my test I'm using a big block ford I'm building that's got a big cam in it so it sucks a lot of gas. I don't think this one will be big enough for that but i will be able to compare the surface area and power I'm pulling to make my own formula to build a big enough one. which to answer your question no i haven't measured it yet. I want to change the world with this idea. I'm not trying to make money I'm just showing people the right way to what there trying to do.

The energy you get from burning the hydrogen and oxygen in your Ford is less than the electrical energy you invested in the electrolysis separation. You do understand that, right?
  • #6

There is no such thing as HHO. There is no such thing as resonance electrolysis of HHO. There is no such thing as over-unity energy from resonance HHO generation. It's all a hoax and, I'm sad to say, somebody has fooled you. Don't be disheartened; it's happened to a lot of people. The scam is very sophisticated.

Please don't put one of these on your car. It is roughly the equivalent of pouring several cc of sulfuric acid into the engine, drilling a couple of random holes in the throttle body, smashing the lambda sensor with a hammer and inviting the state police to write you a huge ticket for tampering with pollution controls.

The science and the engineering are very well known. All honest, knowledgeable people agree these don't work. There is just enough of a grain of truth in there to make it plausible - if you're running natural gas in your car, a little hydrogen helps, though probably not at today's prices.

Related to Is HHO Resonance a Real Discovery or a Scientific Hoax?

1. What is an HHO generator and how does it work?

An HHO (or oxyhydrogen) generator is a device that uses electricity to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen gas. These gases can then be used as a fuel source in combustion engines. The process is known as electrolysis and involves passing an electrical current through water, causing it to break down into its component gases.

2. What are the benefits of a new HHO generator design?

A new HHO generator design can offer several benefits, including improved efficiency, increased gas production, and reduced maintenance. It may also be more compact and cost-effective, making it a more practical option for various applications.

3. How is the efficiency of an HHO generator measured?

The efficiency of an HHO generator is typically measured by the amount of gas produced per unit of electricity input. This is known as the Faraday efficiency and is often expressed as a percentage. A higher efficiency means that more of the electrical energy is being converted into gas, making the generator more efficient.

4. Can an HHO generator be used in any type of engine?

Yes, an HHO generator can be used in most types of engines, including gasoline, diesel, and even some electric engines. However, the design and installation may vary depending on the specific engine type, so it is essential to consult with a professional before attempting to install an HHO generator.

5. Are there any safety concerns with using an HHO generator?

Like any device that produces gas, there are some safety concerns with using an HHO generator. It is essential to follow all instructions carefully and ensure proper ventilation to prevent the build-up of potentially explosive gases. Additionally, regular maintenance and monitoring of the generator are crucial to ensure safe operation.

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