Is Galois Theory Redefined in Group Theory Contexts?

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  • Thread starter mathbalarka
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In summary, Galois theory is a branch of algebra that studies the symmetries of solutions to polynomial equations, and is named after Évariste Galois, a 19th century French mathematician. Its significance lies in its applications and its contributions to solving the problem of determining which equations can be solved using only algebraic operations. It differs from traditional algebra by focusing on the underlying structure of equations and their solutions rather than just finding specific solutions. While it can be difficult to understand initially, with a strong foundation in algebra and group theory, it can be learned through various resources.
  • #1
Consider a group $G$ and a subgroup $H$. Define $Aut_H(G)$ to be the group of automorphisms of $G$ which fixes $H$ pointwise.

Claim : If $N \leq H \leq G$ and $N$ is a characteristic subgroup of $H$, which in turn is a characteristic subgroup of $N$, then there is a left exact sequence of groups

$$1 \to Aut_H(G) \to Aut_N(G) \to Aut_N(H)$$

The proof is quite straightforward : Exactness of $1 \to Aut_H(G) \to Aut_N(G)$ is more or less obvious, only nontrivial part being exactness at the fourth morphism. This is accomplished as follows : Take the map $\varphi : Aut(G) \to Aut(H)$ induced by restriction of the automorphisms to $H$. Note that this is well defined as $H$ is a characteristic subgroup of $G$. Now restriction of the domain of $\varphi$ to $Aut_N(G)$ induces the map $\varphi' : Aut_N(G) \to Aut_N(H)$ as $N$ is a subgroup of $H$. The kernel of this map are the automorphisms inside $Aut_N(G)$ fixing $H$ pointiwse, which is precisely $Aut_H(G)$. Thus we are done.

I am sure the reader has not failed to note that $Aut_H(G)$ looks much like the Galois group at this point, and the claim above is a plain mimicry of the short exact sequence of Galois groups $1 \to Gal(K/E) \to Gal(K/F) \to Gal(E/F) \to 1$. Furthermore, Galois extensions are also analogized by characteristic subgroups. In the whole, from what is apparent, the Galois theory has been redefined here in the context of groups - an object of much less structure than a field.

As far as I have known, all the remarkable analogies of Galois theory lies in covering spaces, so I don't believe this is of much interest. What's fun is that the corresponding $\mathbf{Fix}$ functor here translates short exact sequences $1 \to A \to B \to C \to 1$ to left-exact sequences $1 \to \mathbf{Fix}(A) \to \mathbf{Fix}(B) \to \mathbf{Fix}(C)$. This is one of the key observations of group cohomology theories. Also, note that the sequence of automorphisms groups in the claim is not right-exact, which gives a faint hope of extending it to the right by some clever use of category theory. More to the point, I believe much fiddling can be done with it but most of them would require knowledge beyond my grasp. So any ideas, suggestions, comments or clarifications are most welcome.

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  • #2

Dear Balarka,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the relationship between Galois theory and the concept of characteristic subgroups in group theory. It is indeed interesting to see how the short exact sequence of Galois groups can be analogized and redefined in the context of groups.

I agree with your observation that the $\mathbf{Fix}$ functor here translates short exact sequences to left-exact sequences, which is a key concept in group cohomology theories. It would be interesting to see if this can be extended to the right by using category theory, as you suggested.

I also believe that there is potential for further exploration and fiddling with this concept, but it may require knowledge beyond our current grasp. Nonetheless, I encourage you to continue exploring and sharing your ideas. Perhaps with more research and collaboration, we can uncover new insights and connections between Galois theory and group theory.

Thank you for sparking this discussion and I look forward to hearing more about your thoughts and ideas on this topic.


Related to Is Galois Theory Redefined in Group Theory Contexts?

1. What is Galois theory?

Galois theory is a branch of algebra that studies the symmetries of solutions to polynomial equations. It provides a framework for understanding which polynomial equations can be solved using a combination of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and root extractions.

2. Who is Évariste Galois?

Évariste Galois was a French mathematician who lived in the 19th century. He is credited with founding the field of Galois theory, which was named after him. Galois was a brilliant mathematician who made significant contributions to the study of equations and their solutions.

3. What is the significance of Galois theory?

Galois theory has applications in various fields, including cryptography, number theory, and group theory. It also helped solve the centuries-old problem of determining which polynomial equations can be solved using only algebraic operations. Galois theory has greatly influenced modern mathematics and continues to be an important area of study.

4. How does Galois theory differ from traditional algebra?

Traditional algebra focuses on finding solutions to polynomial equations, while Galois theory studies the underlying symmetries and relationships between these solutions. It provides a deeper understanding of the structure of equations and their solutions, rather than just finding specific solutions.

5. Is Galois theory difficult to understand?

Galois theory can be challenging to grasp at first, as it involves abstract concepts and advanced mathematical concepts. However, with patience and practice, it can be understood by anyone with a strong foundation in algebra and group theory. Many resources, such as textbooks and online courses, are available to help individuals learn Galois theory.

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