Is Decoherence Enough to Solve the Measurement Problem in Wave-Particle Duality?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of wave collapse in quantum mechanics and its relationship to measurement and interaction. It is mentioned that not all interactions cause collapse and that the discussion of collapse is interpretation-dependent. The idea of decoherence is also brought up as a potential explanation for the suppression of interference effects. Overall, the conversation highlights the complex and ongoing debate surrounding the interpretation of quantum mechanics.
  • #1
After reading on the basics of this & watching videos, here are some questions I can't help asking.

When the wave is traveling in the room that is filled with air, will the photon interact with all the air
molecules continuously collapsing the wave aspect?

As I understand measurement/interaction collapses the wave aspect of the photon. So wouldn't the actual wall itself with the slits do this preventing the wave passing through both slits?
Looking at the videos of the double slit they show some kind of wave that is spread out across the whole wall with the slits & yet interfere with itself on other side much like a water wave in a pond. In the case of the water wave the whole wave looks to literally interact with the wall & slits just as a beach wave strikes a long stretch of barrier. But with the photon, the wave behavior is on a scale comparable to the two slits.

Even so, the middle of the slits is solid matter & looks to cut the wave, and surely the edges/boundary of the wave & the slits themselves are not precise but peter out. If so I have a hard time seeing how the wave picture alone can account for interference. Shouldn't the edges of the wave interact with the edges of the slit?

How does a buckyball of 60atoms act like a wave? As wave collapse happens by interaction, like when locating an electron with a photon. Yet aren't such interactions continuously happening with & within the molecule itself?

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  • #2
Not every interaction causes collapse of a quantum state, and even when it does, there can be many ways how the collapse can happen depending on what observable you're measuring. If you assume that collapse happens in every interaction, you'll get absurd results, i.e. if a nitrogen molecule in air were to go into a position eigenstate (state with definite position) after every collision with other molecules, you'd quicly end up with ##N_2## molecules that would have very large kinetic energies (large enough to break energy conservation) due to Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
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  • #3
Jman091 said:
How does a buckyball of 60atoms act like a wave?
It can display interference/diffraction patterns in experiments, see e.g. this page:
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  • #4
hilbert2 said:
Not every interaction causes collapse of a quantum state

Conceptually, what kinds of interactions do cause collapse vs don't?

Is the discussion now interpretation dependent? Collapse itself is an interpretation of an experiment as opposed to a direct experimental result, is that right?
  • #5
Grinkle said:
Conceptually, what kinds of interactions do cause collapse vs don't?
Is the discussion now interpretation dependent?
Any discussion involving collapse is necessarily interpretation-dependent, because collapse itself is an interpretation.
Collapse itself is an interpretation of an experiment as opposed to a direct experimental result, is that right?
Not quite. The opposite of "interpretation" is "part of the mathematical formalism", not "seen in experiments".
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  • #6
"As I understand measurement/interaction collapses the wave aspect of the photon."

If by `collapse' you mean that measurement projects the wavefunction onto an eigenstate, then we have entered the realm of interpretation. One can use quantum mechanics to make predictions without having to suppose that such collapse of the wave function ever happens.

But what is true is that, the more the photon interacts with its environment, the interference effects will become smaller and smaller, very quickly becoming negligible. As interference effects become smaller, the less are the "wave-like" the system becomes. This process can be explained and described without the need for a special class of collapsing interactions called `measurement' that do not obey the Schrodinger equation. Decoherence explains and tells us what it is about the environment that so quickly supresses interference effects.

These days, some working physicists use `collapse' as a name for this process rather than as the novel and distinctive dynamical process that von Neumann introduced. Empirically, decoherence and von Neumann collapse are, for all practical purposes, equivalent. Is decoherence enough to solve the measurement problem? That's unclear -- but it's enough to get the right physical results without the need to posit interactions that are not described within quantum mechanics -- so von Neumann collapse becomes merely an interpretive issue.

Related to Is Decoherence Enough to Solve the Measurement Problem in Wave-Particle Duality?

1. What is wave-particle duality?

Wave-particle duality is the concept in quantum mechanics that states that particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior. This means that they can have properties of both waves, such as interference and diffraction, and particles, such as a defined position and momentum.

2. How was wave-particle duality discovered?

Wave-particle duality was first discovered through a series of experiments in the early 20th century, including the double-slit experiment and the photoelectric effect. These experiments showed that particles, such as electrons and photons, could exhibit wave-like behavior.

3. What is the significance of wave-particle duality?

The discovery of wave-particle duality has had a significant impact on our understanding of the behavior of matter and light at the quantum level. It has also led to the development of quantum mechanics, which is the branch of physics that studies the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level.

4. How does wave-particle duality affect our daily lives?

Although the effects of wave-particle duality are not usually noticeable in our daily lives, it plays a crucial role in many technologies, such as transistors, lasers, and computer memory. It also has implications for fields like chemistry and biology, where quantum effects are important.

5. Is it possible to fully understand wave-particle duality?

While scientists have made significant progress in understanding wave-particle duality, it is still a complex and challenging concept to grasp fully. The behavior of particles at the quantum level is often counterintuitive and can only be described using mathematical equations, making it difficult to fully comprehend.

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