Is Charge Conserved in Electromagnetic Interactions Between Particles?

In summary: Is the position state representation the same as the wavefunction?Yes, the position state representation is the same as the wavefunction. It is the representation of the state of a quantum system in terms of the position basis. In other words, it is the function that gives the probability amplitude for finding the particle at a certain position.
  • #1
Clear Mind
Suppose you have two charged particles that interact by e.m. potential ##V(\vec{r_1},\vec{r_2})##, the total charge is conserved. Since there's a conserved quantity, it must exist a transformation for which the hamiltonian is invariant (Noether theorem). Let's be the operator ##U## ##(U^{\dagger}=U^{-1})## the generator of the aforementioned trasformation, you have that:
so that

Now the questions are:
What is ##U##?
Is ##U## a continuous or discrete transformation?
Is ##U## an observable (##U=U^{\dagger}##)?
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  • #2
Don't know if such a thing exists in NRQM.
But in QFT charge conservation comes from a U(1) symmetry of the field.
  • #3
Clear Mind said:
Suppose you have two charged particles that interact by e.m. potential ##V(\vec{r_1},\vec{r_2})##, the total charge is conserved. Since there's a conserved quantity, it must exist a transformation for which the hamiltonian is invariant (Noether theorem). Let's be the operator ##U## ##(U^{\dagger}=U^{-1})## the generator of the aforementioned trasformation, you have that:
so that

Now the questions are:
What is ##U##?
Unitary operator on Hilbert space, see next post.
Is ##U## a continuous or discrete transformation?
Well you mentioned Noether theorem! Does Noether theorem applies to discrete symmetry?
Is ##U## an observable (##U=U^{\dagger}##)?
See the next post.
  • #4
HomogenousCow said:
Don't know if such a thing exists in NRQM.
But in QFT charge conservation comes from a U(1) symmetry of the field.
You can treat QM as non-relativistic field theory and apply Noether theorem. Indeed, the Schrodinger equations for [itex]\Psi[/itex] and [itex]\Psi^{ \dagger }[/itex] are the Euler-Lagrange equations of the following Lagrangian [tex]\mathcal{ L } = \frac{ \hbar }{ i } ( \Psi^{ \dagger } \partial_{ t } \Psi - \Psi \partial_{ t } \Psi^{ \dagger } ) + \frac{ \hbar^{ 2 } }{ 2 m } \nabla \Psi^{ \dagger } \cdot \nabla \Psi + V ( r ) \Psi^{ \dagger } \Psi .[/tex] This Lagrangian is invariant under [itex]U(1)[/itex] phase transformation, i.e. [tex]\delta \mathcal{ L } = 0 , \ \ \mbox{ when } , \ \ \delta \Psi = i \alpha \Psi , \ \delta \Psi^{ \dagger } = - i \alpha \Psi^{ \dagger } .[/tex] Now do the algebra and you will find (when the fields satisfy the E-L equation) the following continuity equation [tex]\partial_{ t } \left( \frac{ \partial \mathcal{ L } }{ \partial ( \partial_{ t } \Psi ) } \delta \Psi + C.C \right) = \nabla \cdot \left( \frac{ \partial \mathcal{ L } }{ \partial ( \nabla \Psi ) } \delta \Psi + C.C \right) .[/tex] This is nothing but the familiar QM equation [tex]\partial_{ t } ( \Psi^{ \dagger } \Psi ) = - \frac{ \hbar }{ 2 m i } \nabla \cdot ( \Psi^{ \dagger } \nabla \Psi - \Psi \nabla \Psi^{ \dagger } ) .[/tex] Integrating this over the whole volume of the field and using the divergence theorem, we find the following conserved charge (operator) [tex]\frac{ d Q }{ d t} = \frac{ d }{ d t } \int d^{ 3 } x \ \Psi^{ \dagger } ( x ) \ \Psi ( x ) = 0 .[/tex] You can show that [itex][ Q , H ] = 0[/itex] and that the unitary operator [itex]U( \alpha ) = \exp ( i \alpha Q )[/itex] generates the correct transformations on the fields through [tex]\delta \Psi ( x ) = [ i \alpha Q , \Psi ( x ) ] .[/tex]

  • #5
Thank you very much for the help!

samalkhaiat said:
Does Noether theorem applies to discrete symmetry?
Professor told me that Noether theorem does not apply to discrete transformation (like parity), he told this 100 times, but i continue to forget every time! My apologies
  • #6
samalkhaiat said:
You can treat QM as non-relativistic field theory and apply Noether theorem. Indeed, the Schrodinger equations for [itex]\Psi[/itex] and [itex]\Psi^{ \dagger }[/itex] are the Euler-Lagrange equations of the following Lagrangian [tex]\mathcal{ L } = \frac{ \hbar }{ i } ( \Psi^{ \dagger } \partial_{ t } \Psi - \Psi \partial_{ t } \Psi^{ \dagger } ) + \frac{ \hbar^{ 2 } }{ 2 m } \nabla \Psi^{ \dagger } \cdot \nabla \Psi + V ( r ) \Psi^{ \dagger } \Psi .[/tex] This Lagrangian is invariant under [itex]U(1)[/itex] phase transformation, i.e. [tex]\delta \mathcal{ L } = 0 , \ \ \mbox{ when } , \ \ \delta \Psi = i \alpha \Psi , \ \delta \Psi^{ \dagger } = - i \alpha \Psi^{ \dagger } .[/tex] Now do the algebra and you will find (when the fields satisfy the E-L equation) the following continuity equation [tex]\partial_{ t } \left( \frac{ \partial \mathcal{ L } }{ \partial ( \partial_{ t } \Psi ) } \delta \Psi + C.C \right) = \nabla \cdot \left( \frac{ \partial \mathcal{ L } }{ \partial ( \nabla \Psi ) } \delta \Psi + C.C \right) .[/tex] This is nothing but the familiar QM equation [tex]\partial_{ t } ( \Psi^{ \dagger } \Psi ) = - \frac{ \hbar }{ 2 m i } \nabla \cdot ( \Psi^{ \dagger } \nabla \Psi - \Psi \nabla \Psi^{ \dagger } ) .[/tex] Integrating this over the whole volume of the field and using the divergence theorem, we find the following conserved charge (operator) [tex]\frac{ d Q }{ d t} = \frac{ d }{ d t } \int d^{ 3 } x \ \Psi^{ \dagger } ( x ) \ \Psi ( x ) = 0 .[/tex] You can show that [itex][ Q , H ] = 0[/itex] and that the unitary operator [itex]U( \alpha ) = \exp ( i \alpha Q )[/itex] generates the correct transformations on the fields through [tex]\delta \Psi ( x ) = [ i \alpha Q , \Psi ( x ) ] .[/tex]


That's still a whole different affair though. I mean U(1) invariance of the position state representation is not at all the same as U(1) invariance of the dynamical variable itself.
  • #7
HomogenousCow said:
That's still a whole different affair though. I mean U(1) invariance of the position state representation is not at all the same as U(1) invariance of the dynamical variable itself.

First of all, the “position state representation” i.e. the wavefunction IS NOT invariant under U(1)-transformation. Second, under [itex]U(1)[/itex], [itex]\Psi (x)[/itex] (whether it is regarded as a wavefunction or dynamical field variable) transforms according to [tex]\Psi ( x ) \to e^{ i \alpha} \Psi ( x ) .[/tex] Infinitesimally, we write this as [tex]\delta \Psi ( x ) = i \alpha \Psi ( x ) .[/tex]
  • #8
I think it's fairly obvious that by U(1) invariance I meant invariance of the lagrangian.
  • #9
HomogenousCow said:
I think it's fairly obvious that by U(1) invariance I meant invariance of the lagrangian.
Right, you still need to tell us what exactly you meant by
"I mean U(1) invariance of the position state representation is not at all the same as U(1) invariance of the dynamical variable itself."

Related to Is Charge Conserved in Electromagnetic Interactions Between Particles?

What is charge conservation?

Charge conservation is a fundamental law in physics that states that the total electric charge in a closed system remains constant over time. This means that charge cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred or transformed.

Why is charge conservation important?

Charge conservation is important because it helps to explain and predict the behavior of electrically charged particles and systems. It is also a fundamental principle in understanding the conservation of energy and momentum in physical systems.

How is charge conserved in an atom?

In an atom, charge conservation is maintained through the balance of positive and negative charges. The nucleus of an atom contains positively charged protons, while the negatively charged electrons orbit around the nucleus. The total charge of an atom is therefore zero, as the positive and negative charges cancel each other out.

Can charge conservation be violated?

No, charge conservation is a fundamental law of physics and has been extensively tested and confirmed through experiments. Any apparent violation of charge conservation is likely due to a misunderstanding or incomplete understanding of the system being observed.

How does charge conservation relate to other conservation laws?

Charge conservation is closely related to other conservation laws, such as the conservation of energy and momentum. This is because electric charge is a property that is conserved in physical interactions, just like energy and momentum. In fact, charge conservation is often used in conjunction with these other laws to explain and predict the behavior of physical systems.

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