Introductory perturbation theory

In summary, the conversation discusses a paper on the method of approximating roots using perturbed equations. The speaker has questions about the use of Taylor series and the number of solutions for different equations. They also apologize for their previous rudeness and express confusion about the notes on the figures in the paper. The responder explains the reasoning behind the three solutions and clarifies the meaning of "numerically obtained solution." The summary ends with the speaker expressing appreciation for the response and asking for more help.
  • #1
I've been reading a paper at the following link:

I have several questions:

In the first example they use the method to approximate the roots for

x^2 - 1 = "epsilon" x

I was under the impression - wrongly perhaps - that f(x) had to have continuous derivatives to use the Taylor series. When you go to f'''(a), the coefficient c3 vanishes. And, strictly speaking isn't this a Maclaurin series?

In the problem for x^2 -1 = "epsilon" e^x
The coefficient X2 for x = -1 is 3/8e^2.
I'm sure of this since I went through it several times.

I don't understand what the second figure - Figure 2 - is referring to at all (why two)??
And what "3" solutions? Doesn't a quadratic have 2 solutions? What is the solid line in the figure a plot of anyway?

I apologize that I can't post it verbatim but I'm unable to cut and paste from an Adobe file to this format and I'm really having problems using the LaTex editor. I'd appreciate any commentary. Thank you.
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  • #2
There are more than two solutions because

[tex]x^2 - 1 = \varepsilon e^x[/tex]

is not a quadratic equation!

If you graph them, you will see that the functions [itex]f(x) = x^2-1[/itex] and [itex]g(x) = \varepsilon e^x[/itex] cross each other in three places (two near the origin, and one further away).
  • #3
3 points?

Please see attached Excel file.


  • 3rootshuh.doc
    104.5 KB · Views: 232
  • #4
That's not an Excel file...and I never open .doc files I see on the Internet. If you made a graph in Excel, you should be able to export the image and just upload that.
  • #5
"Dear"? I don't think that was necessary.

Look, x^2-1 is a parabola, with vertex at (0,-1), opening upwards. [itex]\varepsilon e^x[/itex] is an exponential. The roots are places where these two curves cross:

For positive epsilon, one of two things can happen:

1. If epsilon is large enough, then the curves will cross at only one point, at some x less than zero. After that, the exponential is always greater than the parabola, so they will never cross again.

2. For sufficiently small epsilon, there will still be a root at some x less than zero, but the exponential curve will be shallow enough that it will cross the parabola again. That is, for some x > 0, you will have exponential < parabola.

But no matter how small epsilon is, the exponential is still of greater order than the parabola. That is, there must be some k such that exponential > parabola for all x > k. Therefore, the two curves must cross yet again, as the exponential will eventually be bigger than the parabola.

Therefore, you can have up to three roots for positive epsilon.

For negative epsilon, it should be obvious that the two curves can cross in at most 2 places.
  • #6
The parabola vs. the exponential

My sincerest apologies for my previous rudeness. Things aren't going that well on my end, but that's not your problem. Many times the précis I get in reply to my queries don't help or just aren't addressing the questions I'm asking - or trying to ask. Also, in the vein of "Couldn't see the forest for the trees...", if I had bothered to reason along the line you eloquently presented I would have extended the two functions out further than the region around the origin and seen the third root. Again, I apologize.
But I'm still in a fog as to what that note on Fig. 2 is talking about. How does he get that solid line curve? And the third coefficient for the second root, X2, is wrong. Unless I don't even know how to do algebra and arithmetic any more - a distinct possibility given my predilection for arrogant stupidity - I'm a New Yawkah doncha' know?
I get 3/8e^2 for X2. He refers to a "numerically obtained solution" I'm assuming a guy wrote this. See above. How does he get a numerically obtained solution?
I apologize, sir, for my manners, but I've been running into papers in this and other areas - Quantum's a scream – with so many reader specific typos that it's getting maddening. Thank you for your response. And any help in this matter is and would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  • #7
The two roots being plotted are the positive ones. Notice that for sufficiently high epsilon, there is no positive root. "Numerically" just means he obtained the roots through Newton-Raphson or some other method.

Related to Introductory perturbation theory

1. What is Introductory Perturbation Theory?

Introductory Perturbation Theory is a mathematical technique used to approximate the solutions of a physical system that is difficult to solve exactly. It involves breaking down the problem into a simpler system, and then adding small perturbations to the simplified system to get a close approximation to the original problem.

2. When is Introductory Perturbation Theory used?

This theory is used in many fields of physics, such as quantum mechanics, classical mechanics, and electromagnetism. It is often used when the equations describing a system are too difficult to solve exactly, or when the system is too complex to be solved analytically.

3. What are the advantages of using Introductory Perturbation Theory?

One of the main advantages of using this theory is that it allows us to approximate complex systems and obtain useful results without having to solve the problem exactly. It also helps us to understand the behavior of a system and make predictions about its behavior under different conditions.

4. What are the limitations of Introductory Perturbation Theory?

One limitation of this theory is that it is only valid for small perturbations. If the perturbations are too large, the approximation may not be accurate. It also assumes that the system can be broken down into a simpler system, which may not always be the case.

5. How is Introductory Perturbation Theory different from other approximation methods?

Unlike other approximation methods, such as the variational method or the WKB approximation, Introductory Perturbation Theory is based on a systematic approach of adding small perturbations to a simplified system. This allows for a more accurate approximation and can be used for a wider range of problems.

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