Intense physics question, mix of radioactive decay and electromagnetism

In summary: This means the velocity of the alpha particle is approximately 55.5 times greater than the velocity of the radium nucleus, giving a velocity of about 171.9 km/s for the alpha particle. This is then used to calculate the electric force using the equation F=qE, which gives a final answer of 4.87*10^-11 N. In summary, using conservation of momentum and the equation F=qE, the magnitude of the electric force acting on an alpha particle can be determined to be 4.87*10^-11 N.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A sample of thorium-226 is stored in a lead box. Thorium-226 undergoes alpha decay. The lead box has a small opening on the left side to allow a stream of alpha particles to escape.

In the sample a nucleus of thorium-226 is at rest when it undergoes alpha decay. The daughter nucleus produced, radium 222, has a mass of 3.67 * 10 ^-25 kg and moves to the right at 3.10 * 10^5 m/s immediately after the decay. The Thorium-226 nucleus, the radium 222 nucleus and the alpha particle form an isolated system.

To the left of the lead box are two parallel plates, one positively charged and the other negatively charged, that together produce a uniform electric field. The parallel plates are 2.00cm apart. The escaping alpha particles are stopped by the electric force just before they reach the positively charged plate. The complete apparatus is in a vacuum.

Determine the magnitude of the electric force acting on an alpha particle

ANSWER: 4.87*10^-11 N

Homework Equations

E= v/d
alpha decay theory
V= ΔE/q

The Attempt at a Solution

I started by doing the alpha decay equations even though its already done.

I was thinking of using V = ΔE/q to find V, then find E using v/d, then use E to find Fe. Then i realized the speed given is for radium, not the alpha particle, and doesn't mention any charge on radium or thorium. The mass is also for radium. Seeing parallel plates I am going to assume i am going to have to Use E=V/d at some point. But how do i find potential difference? What charge would i use, velocity, mass? Is there something I am not figuring out?
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  • #2
I got the right answer by..

Applying conservation of momentum to work out velocity of alpha particle.

Then noting that the alpha decelerates from that velocity to zero in 0.02m.

Applying standard equations of motion and Newtons 2nd.

Not sure if it's technically the right approach but the numbers were ok.
  • #3
Hm momentum of what tho? Momentum of thorium equals momentum of alpha particle and radium?
  • #4
Yes. I just assumed conservation of momentum.

Before decay..

MT226*VT226 = 0

After decay..

MR22*VR22 + Malpha*Valpha = 0

I googled the mass of an alpha to allow Valpha to be calculated but perhaps the mass cancels later, I didn't check.
  • #5
CWatters said:
Yes. I just assumed conservation of momentum.

Before decay..

MT226*VT226 = 0

After decay..

MR22*VR222 + Malpha*Valpha = 0

I googled the mass of an alpha to allow Valpha to be calculated but perhaps the mass cancels later, I didn't check.

Mass of alpha particle ≈ 4 AMU.

Mass of Ra-222 nucleus ≈ 222 AMU.

[itex]\displaystyle \frac{m_\text{Ra-222}}{m_\text{Alpha}}\approx\frac{111}{2}=55.5[/itex]

Related to Intense physics question, mix of radioactive decay and electromagnetism

1. What is radioactive decay and how does it work?

Radioactive decay is the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by emitting radiation. This can occur through alpha, beta, or gamma decay. Alpha decay involves the emission of a helium nucleus, beta decay involves the emission of either an electron or positron, and gamma decay involves the emission of high-energy photons. This process continues until the nucleus reaches a stable state.

2. How does electromagnetism play a role in radioactive decay?

Electromagnetism plays a role in radioactive decay because the emission of radiation involves the movement of charged particles (such as electrons). As these particles move, they create electromagnetic waves that carry the energy away from the nucleus. Additionally, the strength of the nuclear force that holds the nucleus together is affected by electromagnetic forces.

3. What is the half-life of a radioactive element?

The half-life of a radioactive element is the amount of time it takes for half of the original sample of the element to decay. This time period is constant for each element and can range from fractions of a second to billions of years. It is used to measure the rate of decay and determine the age of a sample containing the element.

4. Can we control radioactive decay?

No, we cannot control radioactive decay. It is a natural and spontaneous process that occurs in unstable atomic nuclei. However, we can use our understanding of radioactive decay to predict and measure the rate of decay, as well as harness its energy for various purposes such as nuclear power.

5. How does the concept of half-life apply to radioactive dating?

The concept of half-life is used in radioactive dating to determine the age of a sample. By measuring the amount of radioactive material in a sample and knowing the half-life of the element, scientists can calculate how long it has been decaying and thus determine the age of the sample. This method is commonly used in archaeology, geology, and other scientific fields.

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