Integrating Gyroscope Output for Accurate Angle Measurement

In summary, to integrate a gyroscope you need: - current velocity (degrees/sec) - time between samples (seconds) - angle
  • #1
Hey guys,

I recently did a project with combining and accelerometer and gyroscope together using the 6DOF IMU Razor and an Arduino and now i need to try something different but i need some help. How does one integrate a gyroscope output? I tried something like this below but i don't think its complete:

    xGyro  = analogRead((X_GYRO_APIN) - 403); //removing offset from raw ADC value
    xGyro *= (3.3 / 1023.0) / 0.00333; //now reads deg/sec
    tmpf = xGyro;
    tmpf *= interval / 1000.0f; //now reads deg

How do i update my angle, hence integrating my gyro?

Any help is much appreciated!
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  • #2
Well, there are a lot of different numerical integration techniques. The simplest follows this pattern and is called "rectangular integration"...

You need two things: your current velocity (degrees/sec in this case) and the time between your current sample and previous sample (in seconds of course). Then your angle is just the running sum of your previous angles and the current velocity divided by the time delta.

angle = angle + velocity/deltat;
  • #3
Ok so, up to now I've found my deg/sec and I've also divided it by time so as to get my value in deg. How do i get my current and previous time sample though? And does "angle" represent the degrees value in this case? Like this:
    xGyro  = analogRead((X_GYRO_APIN) - 403); //removing offset from raw ADC value
    xGyro *= (3.3 / 1023.0) / 0.00333; //now reads deg/sec
    angle = xGyro*time;
    angle = angle + xGyro)/time
And my time could be any sample time? (eg 100ms)?
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  • #4
Your time between samples depends on how your system works. The easiest method is to have a system that sample at a constant rate... for example at 100Hz. In this case your time between samples would always be 0.01 seconds. This can be done in different ways, from using a periodic interrupt for a software based system or implementing the periodic sampling in hardware (where you software would then read out of buffered data).

In other systems you may not be able to periodically sample. In this case you may have to time stamp the data and determine how long it has been between samples. A worse case here would be if you were using a Windows system. Every time you sample you may have to look at the system time and use it versus the system time of your previous sample to determine how long it has been between samples.

In either case, the accuracy of your answer not only depends on the readings but also on your ability to determine the time between them.

And actually I just realized I made a mistake in my earlier post. You actually want to multiply by time and not divide (you would divide if you were using frequency).

So it should be: angle = angle + sample*sample_time


If you think about it this way: velocity = change position / change in time

So if you want to get change in position you need to multiply by change in time -> velocity * change in time = change position

Now, if you sum up all your change in positions, you get your current position relative to where you started.
  • #5
you can try this way:

double angle = 0.;  ///< your start (initial) angle in degree
double time = 0.01; ///< [seconds] imagine that you get info every 10 milliseconds

while(1) {
    xGyro  = analogRead((X_GYRO_APIN) - 403); //removing offset from raw ADC value
    xGyro *= (3.3 / 1023.0) / 0.00333; //now reads deg/sec
    angle += xGyro*time;

this code is OK for one gyro integration. It will be more interesting when you start to integrate all three gyro together.
  • #6
i actually did do my integration like what you both just mentioned so its fine now, the only weird thing is that my graph looks funny starting to think there's something wrong with my graph code and not my actual integral :/

Related to Integrating Gyroscope Output for Accurate Angle Measurement

1. What is a gyroscope and how does it work?

A gyroscope is a device that is used to measure and maintain orientation and angular velocity. It works by utilizing the principle of angular momentum, where the spinning of a rotor creates a stabilizing force that keeps the gyroscope stable and aligned with a fixed reference point.

2. Why is it important to integrate a gyroscope in scientific experiments?

Gyroscopes are used in a wide range of scientific experiments and applications, including measuring and tracking motion, navigation, and stabilization. They provide accurate and precise measurements of angular velocity, making them essential tools for understanding the movements of objects in space and on Earth.

3. What are the steps to integrate a gyroscope?

The specific steps for integrating a gyroscope may vary depending on the device and application, but generally, the process involves calibrating the gyroscope, connecting it to a microcontroller or computer, and implementing algorithms for data processing and analysis.

4. What are some common issues or challenges when integrating a gyroscope?

Some common challenges when integrating a gyroscope include dealing with noise or interference, properly calibrating the device, and handling changes in temperature or other environmental factors that can affect the accuracy of the measurements. It is also important to carefully select and implement algorithms for data processing to ensure accurate and reliable results.

5. Are there any alternative methods to integrating a gyroscope?

Yes, there are some alternative methods for measuring orientation and angular velocity, such as using accelerometers, magnetometers, or optical sensors. However, gyroscopes are often preferred for their high accuracy and stability, making them the go-to choice for many scientific experiments and applications.

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