I bealive that many here wear eyeglasses, but c'mon

  • Thread starter eagleone
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the use of colors and themes for vBulletin, with a focus on improving readability and reducing eye strain. Monique suggests increasing contrast between background and text, while others mention the possibility of using grey and black color schemes. There is also a mention of personalized themes and an upcoming update to the new version of vBulletin. The conversation ends with a humorous suggestion of using Playboy bunnies as thread icons.
  • #1
Yes, Colors blueish background, and just a little bit darker text (font), if you don't know how, i'll help about this, or we'll all lose vision (+ long reading at night) + there's many free styles and themes for vBulletin (or if you are registered on their site) ...

Sory for spel 'stakes :) me in hurry...
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  • #3
Well, I thought about something simpler, like increasing the contrast between background and text, for health reasons (I haven’t saw a newspapers printed in gray on white background - for reason :smile:)…

BTW about those themes and personalizing the forum, I agree, that could be only a good thing…. for Monique I’ll be happy to send you one flower them for vbulletin if I mange to find it on the h disk (it’s been a while since we transferred from vbulletin to a PHPBB)…

p.s. you should put more posts in one page (in admin settings) it’s more
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  • #4
We don't have any layout or visual changes planned before we update to the new version.
  • #5
To you girls trying to "redectorate", it could be worse. We could always go spartan...

I'm picturing a grey background with just black and white. Perhaps you could have a machine gun for the thread icon, or a missle or bomb or maybe even just pics of the latest playboy bunnies. Now THAT would draw a crowd.
  • #6
"girls", well it's girl, but no harm done

white background, black text -> Maybe I don’t write to clear but that’s what I’m talking about it this thread (Spartan themes, they’re very readable, and ok).

OK, Greg... When's the update to the new version ?

Related to I bealive that many here wear eyeglasses, but c'mon

1. Why do so many people wear eyeglasses?

Many people wear eyeglasses because they have a refractive error in their eyes, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness, which causes them to have difficulty seeing clearly. Eyeglasses help to correct these vision problems and improve visual acuity.

2. Are eyeglasses the only solution for vision problems?

No, there are other options for correcting vision problems such as contact lenses or refractive surgery. However, for some people, eyeglasses may be the most practical and convenient option.

3. How do I know if I need to wear eyeglasses?

If you are experiencing frequent headaches, blurred vision, or difficulty seeing objects at a distance or up close, it may be a sign that you need to wear eyeglasses. It is important to have regular eye exams to determine if you have any vision problems that could benefit from corrective lenses.

4. Can I wear eyeglasses even if I don't have a vision problem?

Yes, some people choose to wear non-prescription or fashion eyeglasses as an accessory. However, it is important to remember that wearing eyeglasses without a prescription can cause strain on your eyes and may not provide any vision correction.

5. How do I choose the right pair of eyeglasses?

Choosing the right pair of eyeglasses depends on your personal style and face shape, as well as your prescription. It is important to try on different frames and consult with an optometrist to determine the best fit and style for your needs.

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