How to relate the Ehresmann connection to connection 1-form?

  • Thread starter xXEhresmannXx
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In summary, there are two definitions of a connection on a manifold, the Ehresmann connection and the covariant derivative. The Ehresmann connection defines a connection as a distribution of vector spaces that complement the vertical space in the tangent space at each point. The covariant derivative, on the other hand, is a map that relates the vector space at a point to neighboring points. A distributional connection can be used to obtain a connection 1 form, which maps the tangent space to the Lie algebra of the structure group and preserves the horizontal spaces along each fiber.
  • #1
I am studying connections on abstract manifolds. So far, I have read several equivalent definitions but I can't establish the equivalence between them on my own.

The first definition is the Ehresmann connection that defines a connection on a manifold as a distribution of vector spaces completing the vertical space in the tangent space of the total space at each point.

The second definition defines a connection on a manifold as a covariant derivative, i.e. a map


where π:E→M is a vector bundle and there is a version of the Leibnitz rule as follows:


for any section s and f∈C∞(M).

I tried to write things in a chart to find out how the covariant derivation is induced from a given connection but I couldn't proceed forward. I think I haven't understood the definitions well. Would someone clarify how a distributional connection give us a connection one-form and how we can recover the horizontal space if we have a connection one-form?
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  • #2
An Ehresmann connection is more general than a connection on a vector bundle. It's probably more useful to understand vector bundles first.

Connections on vector bundles can be thought of as infinitesimal linear maps that relate the vector space at a point ##x## to the vector space at neighboring points ##x + dx##.

Ehresmann connections are connections on general fiber bundles where the fiber is just some manifold, not necessarily with any sort of nice structure.
  • #3
xXEhresmannXx said:
The first definition is the Ehresmann connection that defines a connection on a manifold as a distribution of vector spaces completing the vertical space in the tangent space of the total space at each point.
Did it actually say "completing", or did it say "complementing"? I had understood an (abstract) Ehresmann connection to be essentially a smooth subbundle ##H_M## of ##TTM##, called the horizontal bundle, which is complementary to the vertical bundle ##V_M## in ##TTM##. I.e., ##H_M \bigcap V_M = \{0\}##, and ##TTM = H_M \oplus V_M##.
I tried to write things in a chart to find out how the covariant derivation is induced from a given connection but I couldn't proceed forward. I think I haven't understood the definitions well.
I know the feeling. :confused:

Would someone clarify how a distributional connection give us a connection one-form and how we can recover the horizontal space if we have a connection one-form?
I could maybe say a few things in terms of coordinates on the bundle (which mathematicians would probably dislike). Depends what you're really looking for.
  • #4
xXEhresmannXx said:
Would someone clarify how a distributional connection give us a connection one-form and how we can recover the horizontal space if we have a connection one-form?

- The horizontal space at a point is the kernel of the connection 1 form.

At each point in the fiber of a principal bundle, the tangent space is a direct sum of the vertical space and the horizontal space. The connection 1 form maps the tangent space into the Lie algebra of the the structure group. It does so by mapping the horizontal space to zero and the vertical space via the action of the structure group on the fiber.

Note that the connection 1 form is a Lie algebra valued 1 form not a number valued 1 form.

Also note the the invariance of the connection 1 form under the action of the structure group guarantees that the differential of the structure group preserves the horizontal spaces along each fiber.
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Related to How to relate the Ehresmann connection to connection 1-form?

1. What is the Ehresmann connection?

The Ehresmann connection is a geometric structure that describes how tangent spaces are related to each other along a differentiable manifold. It is used to define parallel transport and curvature on the manifold.

2. How is the Ehresmann connection related to connection 1-form?

The Ehresmann connection is related to the connection 1-form by a fundamental theorem in differential geometry known as the Cartan structural equation. This equation expresses the connection 1-form in terms of the Ehresmann connection and the exterior derivative.

3. What is the purpose of the Ehresmann connection in connection 1-form?

The purpose of the Ehresmann connection in connection 1-form is to provide a way to compute parallel transport and curvature on a manifold. This is important for understanding the behavior of vector fields and how they change as they are transported along different paths on the manifold.

4. How does the Ehresmann connection differ from other types of connections?

The Ehresmann connection differs from other types of connections in that it is defined purely in terms of the tangent bundle of a manifold. This makes it a more general and powerful tool, as it can be applied to any type of manifold, not just those with additional structures such as a Riemannian metric.

5. What are some real-world applications of the Ehresmann connection and connection 1-form?

The Ehresmann connection and connection 1-form have many applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer graphics. They are used to model the behavior of objects moving through space, simulate fluid flow, and create realistic animations of deformable objects. They are also essential in the study of general relativity and other theories of gravity.

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