How to find the appropriate area in Gauss' law

In summary, Gauss' law states that the closed integral of e * dA = q(enclosed)/e naut. The area, A, varies depending on the geometry of the charge. For an infinite wire/line of charge, the area is 2*pi*r*l. The ends of the wire do not count towards the area because of symmetry arguments and the fact that the electric field is multi-directional. Gauss' law is still valid for irregularly shaped charge distributions, but is most useful when the Gaussian surface conforms to the symmetry of the charge. The infinite wire example does not break Gauss' law, as the Gaussian surface is finite and the symmetry of the infinite wire allows for calculation of the electric field.
  • #1
Knowing that Gauss' law states that the closed integral of e * dA = q(enclosed)/e naut, how would you find exactly what A is in any given problem?

I know it varies from situation to situation depending on the geometry of the charge. For instance, I know that for an infinite wire/line of charge, the area will be 2*pi*r*l.

While I understand that this is the area of the lateral sides of the cylinder that serves as the Gaussian surface in this particular example, I don't understand why the ends don't count. I've heard explanations such as the ends are parallel and that the electric field would therefore never go through them. This explanation doesn't make sense to me, however, because (and correct me if I'm mistaken) the electric field given off of a charge is multi-directional.

Since the electric field is multi-directional, wouldn't at least SOME of the electric field go through the ends? From my understand the "they're perpendicular so the electric field doesn't go through them" explanation would only make sense if the electric field were strictly 90% to the ends, otherwise some of the field should go through.
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  • #2
AnonymousAnonymous said:
Knowing that Gauss' law states that the closed integral of e * dA = q(enclosed)/e naut, how would you find exactly what A is in any given problem?

I know it varies from situation to situation depending on the geometry of the charge. For instance, I know that for an infinite wire/line of charge, the area will be 2*pi*r*l.

While I understand that this is the area of the lateral sides of the cylinder that serves as the Gaussian surface in this particular example, I don't understand why the ends don't count. I've heard explanations such as the ends are parallel and that the electric field would therefore never go through them. This explanation doesn't make sense to me, however, because (and correct me if I'm mistaken) the electric field given off of a charge is multi-directional.

Since the electric field is multi-directional, wouldn't at least SOME of the electric field go through the ends? From my understand the "they're perpendicular so the electric field doesn't go through them" explanation would only make sense if the electric field were strictly 90% to the ends, otherwise some of the field should go through.

It's a symmetry argument. For definiteness, let's imagine an infinite charged wire sitting on the x-axis, and orient the x-axis so that it runs left-to-right. Take a point [itex]\mathcal{P}[/itex] not on that wire. Now, divide the wire into two halves: the half that is to the left of the wire, and the half that is to the right of the wire. At point[itex]\mathcal{P}[/itex], there will be an electric field [itex]\vec{E}_L[/itex] due to the left half, and a field [itex]\vec{E}_R[/itex] due to the right half. The total electric field at point [itex]\mathcal{P}[/itex] is the sum of these two. The point is that the x-components cancel perfectly: [itex]E_L^x = - E_R^x[/itex]. So for the total field, the only nonzero component is radially away from the wire.
  • #3
Gauss's law does not "require" or dictate any particular shape or type of area. The law says that whatever closed surface you choose, the flux of the electric field over the surface is proportional to the enclosed charge. So in the particular case of an infinite line charge that you discussed, Gauss's law is true even if you take an irregular shaped surface which encloses a part of the line charge.
If you want to get a "useful" result from Gauss's law, then you should choose a surface which conforms to the symmetry of the charge distribution. For a point charge, you choose a sphere with the charge at the center. For a line charge, you choose a cylindrical surface with the line charge along the axis of the cylinder (see the symmetry argument by stevendaryl above). Such a choice helps you to calculate the electric field, given the charge distribution, or the charge, given the electric field.
If the charge distribution itself is not symmetric, but is irregularly shaped, Gauss's law is still valid, but is not useful for calculating anything.
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  • #4
I've seen the infinite wire example before, but it's dangerous because you kinda break Gauss' Law (an infinite wire can't have an enclosed, finite area around it), but then sort of "unbreaks" it with those symmetry considerations.
  • #5
There is no danger. The wire is infinite, which is what gives the symmetry of the field. The Gaussian surface is a finite length cylinder enclosing a finite part of the infinite wire. You then apply Gauss's law to the finite cylindrical Gaussian surface, and the flux of the electric field is equal to the finite amount of charge enclosed by the cylinder. You will see the problem worked out in any introductory physics textbook.
  • #6
Oh, I see. The enclosing area is finite because the symmetry let's you do that, as no field lines will cross the caps. Never mind my comment then.

Related to How to find the appropriate area in Gauss' law

What is Gauss' law?

Gauss' law is a fundamental law in electromagnetism that relates the electric flux through a closed surface to the charge enclosed within that surface. It is named after the German mathematician and physicist, Carl Friedrich Gauss.

What is the appropriate area in Gauss' law?

The appropriate area in Gauss' law refers to the surface that is used to calculate the electric flux. It is typically a closed surface that encloses the charge distribution of interest.

How do I determine the direction of the normal vector for the appropriate area?

The direction of the normal vector for the appropriate area is determined by the direction in which the surface is facing. The normal vector should always point outward from the enclosed charge distribution.

Can the appropriate area be any shape?

Yes, the appropriate area can be any shape as long as it is a closed surface that fully encloses the charge distribution. It can be a sphere, cube, cylinder, or any other shape.

How do I calculate the electric flux through the appropriate area?

The electric flux through the appropriate area can be calculated by multiplying the magnitude of the electric field by the area of the surface and the cosine of the angle between the electric field and the normal vector of the surface.

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