How to calculate potential traction loss on a haul road

In summary, the data given in the question does not allow for a calculation to determine if the truck will lose traction while driving into/out of the pit. The truck performance data suggests that a safe cycle time for trucks is 8.5 minutes. The equations used to calculate stopping distances from Kaufman and Aultd 1977 SAE formula suggest that a safe stopping distance for trucks is 130.5 meters.
  • #1

Homework Statement

This is a mining engineering question, but the section I need help with is more general: I am working through a long question regarding a given mine. In previous sections of this question, I have selected equipment based on required machinery outputs etc.
I have now come to the last question which is "ensure trucks are capable of carrying out this mining safely". Which is a bit of an open-ended one!
In previous questions I have figured out that I need between 2 and 3 trucks to keep the excavator swinging without stopping. The question didn't ask for it, but to give a decent answer I need more data, so I selected an appropriate truck from the market and used its data (I listed that in assumptions). I feel that I have partially answered the question, but there is data given that I have not used much (ie coefficient of traction) that makes me think the lecturer is looking for calculations showing traction loss. I have been hunting for days and searching through forums and engineering text-books but can't seem to find a clean formula for this purpose. I feel from experience that a coefficient of traction of 0.25 (similar to snow!) would lead to safey problems from traction loss but I can't seem to prove it. I thought stopping distances would do it (see my work below) but unless I messed up the math (quite possible) the stopping distance was not great but still acceptable.
The data given in the question:

28. A pit with a straight ramp of 800m, with a gradient of 10%, supplies a ROM pad 1500m away via a level haul road all of loose gravel. Mining of a dipping ore body, with a specific weight of 2.5 t/m3, is required to be carried out at a rate of 10,000 tonnes/8 hour shift to feed the mill. Since truck speed is restricted to 50kmph, assume the average speed of a truck during a round trip is 45kmph, including reversing to load. Waste material of specific weight = 1.85 t/m3 is also to be mined, and deposited on a waste dump 200m from the pit. The waste dump already has a height of 10m, and an area of 100m x 60m from pre-stripped overburden. Excluding the overburden, the strip ratio is 1:4.5.

Other factors that are working assumptions are:

· Availability of excavator 83%,

· Swell factor of 30%

· Bucket fill factor of 88%

· Excavator cycle time 45 seconds

· Rolling Resistance Factor (RRF) = 15 kg/t

· Coefficient of Friction, m = 0.25

· Grade Resistance Factor = 20 kg/t

Homework Equations

As below for equations I have finished. I have not been able to find an equation to calculate if I will lose traction while driving into/out of the pit

The Attempt at a Solution

What I have so far for this question:
Total resistance = grade + rolling resistance% = 10% + (15kg/1000kgx100) = 11.5% uphill (Or 8.5% downhill)
Truck Performance (I can attach this chart if requested, but I don't think you will need it):
Using the Hitachi retarder performance data for a EH4500-2 dump truck (using total resistance numbers), a downhill 10% grade for an empty truck would allow a speed of up to 55kh/h with safe retarder use. Using the rim pull chart and the total resistance, a full truck could obtain a maximum speed of up to 13km/h going up the ramps, and 55km/h on the flat (limited to 50km/h as given).

From this data the following would be within manufacturer recommendations:
Minimum cycle times:
13km/h roads = total uphill ramp distance = 800m pit ramp + 100m dump ramp = 900m
50km/h roads = 2130m-900m = 1130m
Minimum cycle time for trucks = (0.9km/13km/hx60)+(1.13kmx50km/hx60)+3mins loading = (4.15+1.36)+3 = 5.51mins haul time + 3 mins loading = 8.51mins
13km/h roads = total uphill ramp distance = 800m pit ramp
50km/h roads = 4600m-800m = 3800m
Safe cycle time for trucks = (0.8km/13km/hx60)+(3.8kmx50km/hx60)+2.25mins loading = (3.69+4.56)+2.25 = 8.25mins haul time+2.25mins loading = 10.5minsTrucks required to do waste circuit safely = 5.51/3 = 1.84
Trucks required to do rom/ore circuit safely = 8.25/2.25 =

Rolling resistance = 15kg/t
Grade resistance factor = 20kg/tCoefficient of Friction, m = 0.25
Truck gross vehicle mass: downhill empty 200t, uphill full = 470t
Truck downhill speed: 50km/h = 13.89m/s

Stopping distance for trucks, using Kaufman and Aultd 1977 SAE formula
SD= 0.5gt² sinø + Vot + [ (gt sinø + Vo)/(2g{Umin-sinø})]²

g= 9.81m/s²
t = 6 seconds (combined reaction time of truck and operator)
sinø = sin10% (slope)
Vo= 13.89m/s (vehicle speed of 50km/h)
Umin = 0.25

SD=0.5x9.81²sin10%+13.89x6+[( 9.81x6sin10%+13.89)/(2x9.81x{0.25-sin10%)}]²
SD= 0.5x96.2361x0.1736+13.89+[1.703+13.89)/(19.62x0.0764)]²
SD= 22.2432+[15.593/1.4990]²
SD= 130.5m
Physics news on
  • #2
Usually traction problems are most likely to show up in increased stopping distances when going down hill.

Try considering a worst case scenario: downhill at the steepest angle, full load, unequal distribution of braking forces, sliding friction, etc.
  • #3
Dr Courtney, thankyou for the reply. In my answer I have calculated the worst-case scenario, which is a 10% downward grade with the low traction (SD=130m). I have no idea how I would calculate uneven brake force though with the data I have, are you able to point me in the direction of an equation that I can use to calculate that? The formula I used did not take vehicle weight into consideration, although any vehicle traveling down an incline would be empty.
Is there an equation that can be use to figure out a what angle of slope a vehicle would lose traction, that takes the coefficient of friction into account?

To calculate the stopping distance I used a Kaufman and Ault formula based on the SAE stopping distance limitations, its a bit hard to decipher from my answer so I have put it below:

SD= ½ gt²sinø + Vot + [ gt sinø + Vo

SD=Stopping Distance
g = Gravatational acceleration (9.81m/s²)
t = elapsed time between perception of need to stop and actual frictional brake contact (given by authors as t= 4.5s for the truck + 1.5s for the operator)
ø = angle of descent in º
Umin = coefficient of friction
Vo= vehicle speed in m/s
  • #4
I found an error in my work in the math. Stopping distance actually = 372.9m :wideeyed: With that horrible number I think I can show why its not safe! If anyone has a formula for traction loss, however, it would be very appreciated.

Related to How to calculate potential traction loss on a haul road

What is potential traction loss on a haul road?

Potential traction loss on a haul road refers to the reduction or loss of grip or traction between a vehicle's tires and the surface of a haul road. This can occur due to various factors such as weather conditions, road surface material, vehicle weight, and speed.

Why is it important to calculate potential traction loss on a haul road?

Calculating potential traction loss on a haul road is important for ensuring the safety and efficiency of transportation on the road. It helps to identify potential hazards and implement measures to reduce the risk of accidents and damage to vehicles and cargo.

How can potential traction loss on a haul road be calculated?

Potential traction loss on a haul road can be calculated by considering factors such as vehicle weight, road surface material, and weather conditions. Formulas and calculations based on these factors can be used to estimate the potential traction loss and determine the appropriate speed and load limits for vehicles on the road.

What are some common factors that contribute to potential traction loss on a haul road?

Some common factors that contribute to potential traction loss on a haul road include wet or icy road surfaces, loose gravel or dirt, and steep inclines or declines. Other factors such as tire type and condition, vehicle speed, and weight distribution can also affect the amount of traction loss on a haul road.

How can potential traction loss on a haul road be minimized?

Potential traction loss on a haul road can be minimized by implementing various measures such as using appropriate tire types and maintaining them in good condition, reducing vehicle speed, and ensuring proper weight distribution on the vehicle. Additionally, regular maintenance and grading of the haul road can also help to minimize potential traction loss.

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