Has Television Lost Its Educational Value?

  • Thread starter Cyrus
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In summary, the conversation is discussing the decline in quality of television shows, particularly on the Travel Channel. The person speaking is frustrated with the loud and uninformative nature of some shows, such as "Art Attack" and cooking shows with "fat bastards". They long for the days of well-produced shows on Egypt and gourmet chefs, and criticize the popularity of shows like Rachel Ray's. They also mention a new show about penetration testing and recall the interesting story of Kevin Mitnick. The conversation ends with a discussion about "Iron Chef" and the potential negative effects of trash TV on culture.
  • #1
Sorry, but this time I really must rant. I was watching the travel channel just now. This is the SECOND program I have seen on the travel channel like this. It’s a show called art attack. Sounds cool? I thought so...until I started watching. This bozo is literally screaming the entire show. It was on an Egyptian monument transported to the met in NY. He’s explaining the 'magic' symbols of hieroglyphs, because they were 'like magic'.

Another time there was a cooking show with two fat bastards who were also screaming the whole time. They were making a turkey. One guy was talking about putting seasoning into the turkey, meanwhile his fat friend was screaming, "lets do this" and "all right!".

I mean, come on. Are we f'in retarded here?

I remember a time when I could turn on the discovery channel and watch shows on Egypt. Well produced shows with mystical music in the background, dimly lit shots of the Egyptian temples that made them seem eerie and mysterious. A description of the history by a well spoken narrator.

I also remember a show called 'great chefs of the world', and 'great chefs of USA', that would feature gourmet chefs and show how to make 5-star dishes. It was things like roasted duck, frog legs, and lamb stew.

Now there is Rachel ray...how a woman who has no training as a chef has a cooking show is beyond me. She should work at McDonalds.

The more shows I see on TV, the more of this stupid, let's scream because screaming = energy and people will want to watch more. It makes me turn off the TV.

Let’s not even get into the news. That’s total garbage too, except for Charlie rose.

I am seriously thinking about sending an email complaint to the travel channel. At least they still have some good shows, like poker, Bizzare foods with Andrew Zimmer, Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations, and that show with Samantha Brown who travels around Europe.

There was also that great show with this white guy who wore glasses and went around the world on PBS. He would explain the art, history and culture where he was at. Really good show. Also, this old workshop is good too. I generally like PBS, they have shows for people with a brain.
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  • #2
Oh, I found them!


Here they are. Look at those dumb piglets squeel.

Help, my IQ is going down! I can't turn this trash off!

Cook it away bubba!

"its like cutting through cotton candy!" <smacks forehead>

-I love how they talk with their mouths full too!
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  • #3
I don't watch television, but it sounds like you know what you are talking about. If you ever run for Broadcast Czar, I will vote for you.
  • #4
Hooray, someone with a brain

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  • #5
1 agree with what you say the only thing i like to watch is national geographic but sometimes they get stupid too and what happened to the all day thing were they would play stuff about outer space then the next day would be about anamels then egypt and so on
  • #6
I think this might be a good show:

"CourtTV (TruTV) has a new series starting Dec. 25 at 11 pm called 'Tiger Team.' It follows a group of elite penetration testers hired to test organizations' security using social engineering, wired/wireless penetration testing, and physically defeating security mechanisms (lock picking, dumpster diving, going through air vents/windows). They do all of this while avoiding the organizations' various security defenses as well as law enforcement."
  • #7
im going to go another direction how about this 1 person is smart a group is stupid here's what i mean tell 1 person that alians exist his reaction won't be to bad tell everybody that alians exist global panic see my point
  • #8
Math Is Hard said:
I think this might be a good show:

"CourtTV (TruTV) has a new series starting Dec. 25 at 11 pm called 'Tiger Team.' It follows a group of elite penetration testers hired to test organizations' security using social engineering, wired/wireless penetration testing, and physically defeating security mechanisms (lock picking, dumpster diving, going through air vents/windows). They do all of this while avoiding the organizations' various security defenses as well as law enforcement."

That sounds interesting. I love social engineering. -See Kevin Mitnick. Interesting guy and story. I read little of his book, amazing stuff.


The also had all sorts of great stuff about 'phone phreaking' back in the 80s. Really, really cool.
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  • #9
Cyrus said:
Oh, I found them!


Help, my IQ is going down! I can't turn this trash off!

Cook it away bubba!

"its like cutting through cotton candy!" <smacks forehead>

-I love how they talk with their mouths full too!
I guess they appeal to those of the NASCAR culture?
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  • #10
That doesn't make any culture stupid, it just means you're watching trash on TV.
  • #11
Cyrus said:

Another time there was a cooking show with two fat bastards who were also screaming the whole time. They were making a turkey. One guy was talking about putting seasoning into the turkey, meanwhile his fat friend was screaming, "lets do this" and "all right!".

I mean, come on. Are we f'in retarded here?

I also remember a show called 'great chefs of the world', and 'great chefs of USA', that would feature gourmet chefs and show how to make 5-star dishes. It was things like roasted duck, frog legs, and lamb stew.

i love iron chef!
  • #12
dst said:
That doesn't make any culture stupid, it just means you're watching trash on TV.

I think if you find more and more of this on tv, then the culture is being dumbed down. Millions of people watch tv.
  • #13
Oerg said:
i love iron chef!

I like the origial version from Japan. The made for America version is no good, and racists IMO. Why is that host running around doing Karate?
  • #14
I do not have a tv, i thought the money saved on the license fee would be better spent else where, when at my folks house i will watch the occasional show on discovery and the news.
  • #15
Astronuc said:
I guess they appeal to those of the NASCAR culture?

Ummm I donno. I watch NASCAR from time to time for half an hour or so. Even it's not that stupid.
  • #16
wolram said:
I do not have a tv, i thought the money saved on the license fee would be better spent else where, when at my folks house i will watch the occasional show on discovery and the news.

I didn't have a TV by choice for 18 years (the last co-inhabitant couldn't stand to be without one, so I 'broke' down and got one)------

how much is a 'licence fee' for you? and does it vary from person to person, or the number of TV's?
  • #17
Cyrus said:
Another time there was a cooking show with two fat bastards who were also screaming the whole time. They were making a turkey. One guy was talking about putting seasoning into the turkey, meanwhile his fat friend was screaming, "lets do this" and "all right!".
Then you must absolutely love Emeril! :biggrin:
  • #18
The History Channel has been showing some stupid shows. Shows like the Bible code are a waste of air time. Then there is the one with Nostradamus about him predicting the end of the world in the year 2012 or something like that. I can't imagine how many idiots are believing that.

The Food network does have some good shows. I like "Good Eats". But seriously, who spends $40 a day on meals?
  • #19
ranger said:
The History Channel has been showing some stupid shows. Shows like the Bible code are a waste of air time. Then there is the one with Nostradamus about him predicting the end of the world in the year 2012 or something like that. I can't imagine how many idiots are believing that.

The Food network does have some good shows. I like "Good Eats". But seriously, who spends $40 a day on meals?

But they also show Shockwave. I'm not sure how historically significant an attempt to set the land speed record is, but he did technically make history - he's the only person to survive a 200+ mph motorcycle crash.
  • #20
Cyrus said:
I think if you find more and more of this on tv, then the culture is being dumbed down. Millions of people watch tv.

You have a point there but that needs an already stupid population to work.
  • #21
Cyrus said:
Another time there was a cooking show with two fat bastards who were also screaming the whole time. They were making a turkey. One guy was talking about putting seasoning into the turkey, meanwhile his fat friend was screaming, "lets do this" and "all right!".

Now there is Rachel ray...how a woman who has no training as a chef has a cooking show is beyond me. She should work at McDonalds.
The reason there are so many cooking shows is money. It is cheap to produce a cooking show, and if it gains enough of a following to generate ad revenue similar to that of a soap opera, talk show or a comedy show, the profits can be great. Then there are revenues to be had from product endorsements, cookbooks, etc. Note that these "cookbooks" are rarely instructive on the level of that great old "Joy of Cooking", but are usually just collections of recipes with pretty pictures. Yep! Dumbed-down, indeed.
  • #22
Cyrus said:
At least they still have some good shows, like poker, Bizzare foods with Andrew Zimmer, Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations, and that show with Samantha Brown who travels around Europe.

You hit two of my favorites!

I tell you what does bother me about TV... The Learning Channel used to have many shows similar to Discovery. Now its all for having babies and getting married!
  • #23
turbo-1 said:
..."Joy of Cooking"...

One of the best cookbooks ever. Between that and the Betty Crocker `Big Red' cookbook, you have every recipe (almost) imaginable.
  • #24
turbo-1 said:
"Joy of Cooking"

That's pretty much what I learned from.

The Chicken Kiev is one of my specialties but I haven't made it in ages. When it comes out just right, it just about causes an explosion of butter and spices when you cut into it.

The old Spice Islands cookbook has some great stuff as well.
  • #25
In 2006, a revised 75th anniversary edition of "Joy of Cooking" was released. I got my copy from my mother when I was getting my own apartment in college. It's over 35 years old, now, but it still gets used. My wife and I have our favorite dishes, but we'll both mine this cookbook (and the Betty Crocker cookbook that NeoDevin mentioned) for ideas and tips. We rarely make dishes by following recipes closely, instead relying on experience and experimentation to make dishes better (hopefully). My wife's favorite dish is one that I made up in my head. She came home one night with a bag of frozen jumbo shrimp and said "think up something to do with this" so I made a marinade out of wine, lemon juice, olive oil, molasses, ketchup, crushed garlic, seasonings, and some of my hot chili relish. I peeled and de-veined the shrimp, marinated them overnight in that sauce, and grilled them in a wire basket, painting them with the reserved sauce to get nice rich coating on them. Some people who profess not to like "hot" foods will tuck into these spicy shrimp until they're gone.
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  • #26
Yeah, citizens of the US (not Americans! I hate how so many of us think that were the only people of this damn continent!) are getting more stupid. Most of the TV I watch is the Science Channel, I think its why I have such a good grasp of a lot of scientific ideas, and like VH1. Some Discovery and Travel, but only the good shows. Ha ha, about screaming idiots..my mom full-on hates Billy Mays and any of the others that yell all the time in their comercials about cheap s*** that no one is going to buy anyways. I'm with you all the way Cyrus.
  • #27

Stop looking to TV for intellectual stimulation. It's there so you can turn your brain off.

There's a flaw in your logic of judging TV as garbage: the flaw is the act of judging it.
  • #28
TV is a medium for conveying information, just like a canvas, the pages of a book, or the notes on sheet music. There used to be lots of great, intellectual shows about art history and culture on TV. I am complaining about how those shows have turned into crap.

There are still shows out there that turn your brain on. Watch PBS.
  • #29
Cyrus said:
TV is a medium for conveying information, just like a canvas, the pages of a book, or the notes on sheet music. There used to be lots of great, intellectual shows about art history and culture on TV. I am complaining about how those shows have turned into crap.

There are still shows out there that turn your brain on. Watch PBS.
Unfortunately, the dilution of the sources (500 channels and nothing's on) has turned TV into even more of a wasteland than it used to be. I have just a TV antenna (and like it that way) and watch only the news and some relevant local programming. The rest is pap, and I won't pay for satellite programming to get more of the same.

If you want something entertaining and intellectually stimulating, I recommend BBC's "Planet Earth" series. Great photography, production, and narration.
  • #30
I must say, BBC does a good job. Even shows like Top Gear have wonderful shots at exotic locations, good music, proper lighting, and a good story. For the most part, it is well produced.
  • #31
Yeah Planet Earth and Blue Planet are awesome, I'd buy the dvds but I don't have the cash.
  • #32

More of the fat pigs. I megaloathe these guys.
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  • #33
All cultures are stupid because they consist of brainwashing your children to believe a certain set of beliefs.
As for good news programs, watch The News Hour with Jim Lehrer on PBS and BBC.
TV is bunch of crap nowadays with 6 minute commercials, racism, and propagation of stupidity in various ways.
  • #34
Megaloathe, eh? Sounds like the beginnings of a metal band played by physics geeks, who are activists for the worlds problems, lol.
  • #35
Cyrus said:

More of the fat pigs. I megaloathe these guys.
Who ARE these people and why?
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