How Is the Wigner Function Calculated for an Even Coherent State?

In summary, the conversation discussed calculating the Wigner function for the even coherent state or cat state, given by the formula | \psi \rangle = N_+ \left( |\alpha \rangle + | -\alpha \rangle \right). The Glauber-Sudarshan P distribution was first calculated for the state, and then used to obtain the Wigner function using a specific formula. The obtained expression did not agree with the expected answer from reference books, which was then derived from the inner product of coherent states. The conversation also involved simplifying the obtained expression and comparing it with the expected answer.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I am trying to calculate the wigner function for the even coherent state or cat state gives by,
[tex] | \psi \rangle = N_+ \left( |\alpha \rangle + | -\alpha \rangle \right), [/tex]
where ##|\alpha \rangle ## is a coherent state and ## |N_+|^2 = \dfrac{1}{ 2 + 2e^{-2|\alpha|^2}}##. I am doing this is a slightly round about manner, I am first calculating the Glauber-Sudarshan P distribution for the state and then calculating the Wigner function from there. I have obtained an expression but it is not agreeing with expressions I have found in reference books for the Wigner function of a even coherent state.

Homework Equations

To find the P distribution given a state ## \rho ##,

[tex] P_{GS}(\gamma) = \frac{e^{|\gamma |^2}}{\pi^2} \int \langle -\beta | \rho | \beta \rangle e^{| \beta |^2}e^{\beta^* \gamma - \beta \gamma^*} d^2\beta[/tex]

The Wigner function can be obtained from the P distrubtion as,
[tex]W(\beta) = \frac{2}{\pi} \int P_{GS}(\gamma) e^{-2|\gamma - \beta|^2} d^2\gamma [/tex]

Expected answer in real variables (such that ##\beta = q + ip ##) with ## \alpha ## real, from Introduction to quantum optics by Gerry & Knight,
[tex] W(q, p) = \frac{1}{\pi (1 + \exp (-2\alpha^2))} \left\lbrace \exp (-2(q-\alpha)^2 -2p^2) + \exp (-2(q + \alpha)^2 -2p^2) \right. \\
\left. + 2\exp (-2q^2 - 2p^2)\cos (4p\alpha)\right\rbrace [/tex]

Inner product of coherent states is given by,

[tex] \langle \alpha | \beta \rangle = \exp \left( -|\alpha|^2 / 2 - |\beta|^2 / 2 + \alpha^* \beta \right) [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

For us, ## \rho = |N_+|^2 ( | \alpha \rangle \langle \alpha | + | -\alpha \rangle \langle -\alpha | + | -\alpha \rangle \langle \alpha | + | \alpha \rangle \langle -\alpha |). ##
[tex] P_{GS}(\gamma) = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^4 P_i ,[/tex]
[tex] \begin{align*} P_1 &= \frac{|N_+|^2 e^{|\gamma |^2}}{\pi^2} \int \langle -\beta | \alpha \rangle \langle \alpha | \beta \rangle e^{| \beta |^2}e^{\beta^* \gamma - \beta \gamma^*} d^2\beta \\
&= \frac{|N_+|^2 e^{|\gamma|^2 - |\alpha|^2 }}{\pi^2} \int \exp(\beta^*(\gamma - \alpha) - \beta (\gamma^* - \alpha^*)) d^2\beta \\
&= |N_+|^2 e^{|\gamma|^2 - |\alpha|^2 } \delta^{(2)} ( \gamma - \alpha) \\
&= |N_+|^2 \delta^{(2)} ( \gamma - \alpha) \end{align*} [/tex]

## P_2 ## the term corresponding to ## |-\alpha \rangle \langle -\alpha | ## can be obtained from ##P_1 ## by replacing ## \alpha ## with ## -\alpha ##, giving
[tex] P_2 = |N_+|^2 \delta^{(2)} ( \gamma + \alpha) [/tex]

For the cross term ## |-\alpha \rangle \langle \alpha | ##,
[tex] \begin{align*} P_3 &= \frac{|N_+|^2 e^{|\gamma |^2}}{\pi^2} \int \langle -\beta | -\alpha \rangle \langle \alpha | \beta \rangle e^{| \beta |^2}e^{\beta^* \gamma - \beta \gamma^*} d^2\beta \\
&= \frac{|N_+|^2 e^{|\gamma|^2 - |\alpha|^2 }}{\pi^2} \int \exp(\beta^*(\gamma + \alpha) - \beta (\gamma^* - \alpha^*)) d^2\beta \\
&= \frac{|N_+|^2 e^{|\gamma|^2 - |\alpha|^2 }}{\pi^2} \int \exp (2\beta^*\alpha) \exp(\beta^*(\gamma - \alpha) - \beta (\gamma^* - \alpha^*)) d^2\beta \\
&= \frac{|N_+|^2 e^{|\gamma|^2 - |\alpha|^2 }}{\pi^2} \int \exp (-2\alpha \frac{\partial}{\partial \alpha}) \exp(\beta^*(\gamma - \alpha) - \beta (\gamma^* - \alpha^*)) d^2\beta \\
&= \frac{|N_+|^2 e^{|\gamma|^2 - |\alpha|^2 }}{\pi^2} \exp (-2\alpha \frac{\partial}{\partial \alpha}) \int \exp(\beta^*(\gamma - \alpha) - \beta (\gamma^* - \alpha^*)) d^2\beta \\
&= |N_+|^2 e^{|\gamma|^2 - |\alpha|^2 } \exp (-2\alpha \frac{\partial}{\partial \alpha})\delta^{(2)} ( \gamma - \alpha) \\
&= |N_+|^2 \exp (-2\alpha \frac{\partial}{\partial \alpha})\delta^{(2)} ( \gamma - \alpha) \end{align*} [/tex]
Again, ## P_4 ## can be obtained from ## P_3 ## by replacing ## \alpha## by ## -\alpha ##.
[tex] P_4 = |N_+|^2 \exp (-2\alpha \frac{\partial}{\partial \alpha})\delta^{(2)} ( \gamma + \alpha) [/tex]
Finally putting the 4 terms together the P distribution is given by,

[tex] P_{GS}(\gamma) = |N_+|^2 \left\lbrace 1 + \exp ( -2\alpha\frac{\partial}{\partial \alpha}) \right\rbrace \left[ \delta^{(2)} ( \gamma - \alpha) + \delta^{(2)} ( \gamma + \alpha) \right] [/tex]

The wigner function can be obtained using the relation given in the beginning as,
[tex] W(\beta) = \frac{2 |N_+|^2}{\pi} \left\lbrace1 + \exp(-2\alpha\frac{\partial}{\partial \alpha}) \right\rbrace \left[ e^{-2|\alpha - \beta|^2} + e^{-2|\alpha + \beta|^2} \right][/tex]

[tex] \exp(-2\alpha\frac{\partial}{\partial \alpha}) e^{-2|\alpha - \beta|^2} = \exp (4(\alpha^* - \beta^*)\alpha)e^{-2(\alpha - \beta)(\alpha^* - \beta^*)} = e^{2(\alpha + \beta )(\alpha^* - \beta^*)} [/tex]
replacing ##\alpha ## by ## - \alpha ## again gives,

[tex] \exp(-2\alpha\frac{\partial}{\partial \alpha}) e^{-2|\alpha + \beta|^2} = e^{2(\alpha - \beta )(\alpha^* + \beta^*)} [/tex]

Now the wigner function can be written as,

[tex] W(\beta) = \frac{2 |N_+|^2}{\pi} \left[ e^{-2|\alpha - \beta|^2} + e^{-2|\alpha + \beta|^2} + e^{2(\alpha + \beta )(\alpha^* - \beta^*)} + e^{2(\alpha - \beta )(\alpha^* + \beta^*)} \right] [/tex]

I will now write this function in terms of real variables to compare with the answer I already have. Taking,
## \alpha = q_0 + ip_0 ## and ##\beta = q + ip ##, and substituting for #|N_+|^2#. Note also that the last two terms are complex conjugates of each other and so can be written as twice the real part of each.
[tex] W(q, p) = \frac{1}{\pi (1 + \exp( -2(q_0^2 + p_0^2 ) ) } \left[ e^{-2(q - q_0)^2}e^{-2(p - p_0)^2} + e^{-2(q + q_0)^2}e^{-2(p + p_0)^2} \\ + 2\Re ( e^{2 \lbrace (q_0 - q) + i(p_0 - p) \rbrace \lbrace (q_0 + q ) +i(p_0 + p) \rbrace }) \right] [/tex]

Simplifying the last term gives,

[tex] W(q, p) = \frac{1}{\pi (1 + \exp( -2(q_0^2 + p_0^2 ) ) } \left[ e^{-2(q - q_0)^2}e^{-2(p - p_0)^2} + e^{-2(q + q_0)^2}e^{-2(p + p_0)^2} \\ + 2 e^{2 [(q_0^2 + p_0^2) - (q^2 + p^2) ] }\cos 4(p_0q - q_0p) \right] [/tex]

Now to reproduce the result I have, I should substitute, ## q_0 = \alpha ## and ## p_0 = 0 ##
This gives,

[tex] W(q, p) = \frac{1}{\pi (1 + \exp( -2 \alpha^2 ) } \left[ e^{-2(q - \alpha)^2}e^{-2p^2} + e^{-2(q + \alpha)^2}e^{-2p^2} \\ + 2 e^{2 [\alpha^2 - (q^2 + p^2) ] }\cos(4\alpha p) \right] [/tex]

The expected answer is,

[tex] W(q, p) = \frac{1}{\pi (1 + \exp (-2\alpha^2))} \left\lbrace \exp (-2(q-\alpha)^2 -2p^2) + \exp (-2(q + \alpha)^2 -2p^2) \right. \\
\left. + 2\exp (-2q^2 - 2p^2)\cos (4p\alpha)\right\rbrace [/tex]

The 3rd term doesn't agree to a factor of ## e^{2\alpha^2}##. I am unable to find my error, any help would be appreciated :-).
  • #3
I guess there are two problems with your strategy. First, is that the P function is a function of \gamma whereas \alpha has a fixed value given by your state. Then i guess it would be correct to use the partial derivative with respect to \gamma instead to with respect to \alpha in order to get rid of the integral for finding P by virtue of the integral definition of the 2-dimensional dirac delta function. The second problem with this strategy will follow once you proceed with the derivative with respect to \gamma. Since the Wigner function is an integral over \gamma domain, you will have the integral of the nth derivative of the two dimensional distribution. However, given that the integral is two dimensional as well, whereas the derivative is only with respect to \gamma (and not a series of second order derivatives with respect to \gamma and \gamma^*), you cannot express it as the value of the derivatives of the integrand as Gerry, Knight eq. (3.104) suggests.

I would suggest to get the Wigner function using a different strategy. Find the Weyl characteristic function and proceed directly to the Wigner function as Gerry, Knight eq. (3.136) first line implies.
  • #4
Pipete said:
I guess there are two problems with your strategy. First, is that the P function is a function of \gamma whereas \alpha has a fixed value given by your state. Then i guess it would be correct to use the partial derivative with respect to \gamma instead to with respect to \alpha in order to get rid of the integral for finding P by virtue of the integral definition of the 2-dimensional dirac delta function. The second problem with this strategy will follow once you proceed with the derivative with respect to \gamma. Since the Wigner function is an integral over \gamma domain, you will have the integral of the nth derivative of the two dimensional distribution. However, given that the integral is two dimensional as well, whereas the derivative is only with respect to \gamma (and not a series of second order derivatives with respect to \gamma and \gamma^*), you cannot express it as the value of the derivatives of the integrand as Gerry, Knight eq. (3.104) suggests.

I would suggest to get the Wigner function using a different strategy. Find the Weyl characteristic function and proceed directly to the Wigner function as Gerry, Knight eq. (3.136) first line implies.

Maybe you're three years too late to help the OP.
  • #5
PeroK said:
Maybe you're three years too late to help the OP.
I guess you helped him right on time.
  • #6
Pipete said:
I guess you helped him right on time.

As you can see, no one helped him. Nevertheless, I hope he graduated successfully.

In general, it would be useful if PF had functionality to notify the user when responding to an older thread. I suspect you didn't know how old the question was when you replied.

Note, also, if you click on the OP's name you can see when he/she was last active. In this case, the OP was last seen in Aug 2016, so they are unlikely to see your response.
Last edited:

Related to How Is the Wigner Function Calculated for an Even Coherent State?

1. What is the Wigner function of a cat state?

The Wigner function of a cat state is a mathematical tool used in quantum mechanics to describe the quantum state of a system. It represents the probability of finding the system in a particular state based on its position and momentum. In the case of a cat state, the Wigner function shows the probability of the cat being in a specific position and having a certain momentum.

2. How is the Wigner function of a cat state different from other quantum states?

The Wigner function of a cat state is unique because it represents a superposition of two distinct states - a live cat and a dead cat. This is known as a "quantum superposition" and is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics.

3. What is the significance of the Wigner function in understanding cat state experiments?

The Wigner function provides a way to visualize and analyze the behavior of a cat state in quantum systems. It allows scientists to make predictions about how the state will evolve over time and how it will interact with other systems. This is crucial for understanding the results of experiments involving cat states.

4. How is the Wigner function of a cat state calculated?

The Wigner function of a cat state is calculated using the Wigner representation, which is a mathematical tool used to represent quantum states in phase space. It involves calculating the Fourier transform of the density matrix of the state, which describes the probability of the state being in a particular configuration.

5. Can the Wigner function of a cat state be measured experimentally?

Yes, the Wigner function of a cat state can be measured experimentally using techniques such as homodyne detection or quantum state tomography. These methods involve measuring the probability distribution of the position and momentum of the cat state and then using this data to reconstruct the Wigner function.

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