How is information lost if nothing passes the event horizon?

In summary, the information paradox surrounding black holes is about the fact that while an outside observer can see objects approaching the event horizon and even retrieve information about them, they cannot see events that occur beyond the horizon. This raises questions about the nature of information and causality in the presence of black holes. Additionally, it is important to note that the concept of an outside observer's reference frame does not change the fundamental fact that objects do pass the event horizon.
  • #1

From an outside observer's view, any object approaching the event horizon of a black hole appears to slow down and never quite pass through the horizon. So information about those objects can always be retrieved (if you correct for the redshift). So what actually is the information paradox about?
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  • #2
greypilgrim said:

From an outside observer's view, any object approaching the event horizon of a black hole appears to slow down and never quite pass through the horizon. So information about those objects can always be retrieved (if you correct for the redshift). So what actually is the information paradox about?
It is about the fact that regardless of what you see, what matters is what HAPPENS, which is that the object doesn't even know the event horizon is there and just keeps falling to the singularity.

EDIT: to expand slightly, what you can "see" is just the information that is available from visible light. That doesn't tell you everything about the object. For example, what would photons from the object tell you about its charge?

EDIT #2: I should not have said "visible" light, I should have said "the electromagnetic spectrum". CrazyNinja's post directly below is perhaps a more straightforward explanation.
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  • #3
Lets split this into two cases:

1) The object (lets take it to be a radio source) is JUST about to fall into the event horizon. It sends out a pulse at this time t=0. We(the observers) CAN receive this signal. Hence we have information about the source falling through.

2) The radio has fallen beyond the event horizon (as @phinds says IT doesent know that it has fallen through) at t=T sec. Let's say it emits a pulse at t=T+1 sec. Now this pulse CANNOT reach us, for no radiation escapes the event horizon. Thus we have no information about the radio now. (or so we think).
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  • #4
CrazyNinja said:
2) The radio has fallen beyond the event horizon (as @phinds says IT doesent know that it has fallen through) at t=T sec. Let's say it emits a pulse at t=T+1 sec. Now this pulse CANNOT reach us, for no radiation escapes the event horizon. Thus we have no information about the radio now. (or so we think).

Ok, but for the outside observer the emission of this second pulse never happens, or only in an infinite future. Why do we assume that he somehow needs to receive information about an event that doesn't even take place in his reality?

Also, wouldn't some of the proposed solutions to the information paradox violate causality? Let's say there is a way information about the second pulse can escape the black hole (e.g. through Hawking radiation). So we could measure it and conclude there is a second pulse from inside the event horizon, while at the same time observing the radio still being outside (since it never passes through in our outside reference frame).
  • #5
Such an event were it possible would simply confirm what we already knew which was that the radio did in fact fall past the event horizon.
  • #6
I might have misunderstood something about black holes. I was under the impression that for any outside observer, the object DOES NOT actually pass the event horizon, because time dilation diverges. Is this wrong? Reading your posts, it sounds like also in the outside reference frame the object DOES pass the event horizon, we just can't observe it because the light gets more and more delayed.

phinds said:
EDIT: to expand slightly, what you can "see" is just the information that is available from visible light. That doesn't tell you everything about the object. For example, what would photons from the object tell you about its charge?

Is this really a problem? Pretty much all we know about the universe is obtained by EM measurements, i.e. (radio-)telescopes. Nobody would call this a paradox just because we cannot measure charge directly.
  • #7
greypilgrim said:
information about those objects can always be retrieved

Information from a finite portion of the worldlines of those objects can be retrieved. But it's only a portion--the portion above the horizon. Information from events on the objects' worldlines that are at or below the horizon cannot be retrieved from outside the horizon.

greypilgrim said:
for the outside observer the emission of this second pulse never happens

The outside observer can never see it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. We have had many, many threads on this.

greypilgrim said:
I was under the impression that for any outside observer, the object DOES NOT actually pass the event horizon, because time dilation diverges. Is this wrong?

Yes. The object actually passes the horizon; that is a geometric fact about spacetime and the object's worldline, independent of any observer. The outside observer cannot see the object pass the horizon because light rays from that event can't escape.

greypilgrim said:
it sounds like also in the outside reference frame the object DOES pass the event horizon

Whether or not the object passes the horizon does not depend on any choice of reference frame. The outside observer's natural reference frame cannot describe the object passing the horizon. (Also note that this "natural" frame is not the only one the outside observer can adopt; he can choose others which can describe the object passing the horizon, even though he can't see light rays from it directly.)
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Related to How is information lost if nothing passes the event horizon?

1. How is information lost if nothing passes the event horizon?

The concept of information loss in black holes is a highly debated topic in the scientific community. According to classical physics, anything that passes the event horizon of a black hole is unable to escape its gravitational pull, including information. This is known as the "no-hair theorem," which states that black holes have no distinguishing features, and all the information about the object that formed it is lost. However, this theory conflicts with the laws of quantum mechanics, which suggests that information cannot be destroyed.

2. Can information be retrieved from a black hole?

It is currently unknown whether information can be retrieved from a black hole. Some scientists believe that information may be encoded on the event horizon and could potentially be extracted, but this is still a topic of much research and debate. Other theories suggest that information may be released in the form of Hawking radiation, but it is not yet proven.

3. Does the size of the black hole affect information loss?

The size of a black hole does not affect information loss. According to the no-hair theorem, all black holes, regardless of their size, have no distinguishing features and will result in the loss of information. However, some theories suggest that smaller black holes may evaporate faster and release information in the form of Hawking radiation, but this is still a topic of ongoing research.

4. What is the role of Hawking radiation in information loss?

Hawking radiation is a theoretical concept proposed by physicist Stephen Hawking. It suggests that black holes emit radiation and eventually evaporate over time. This radiation carries away energy from the black hole, causing it to shrink and eventually disappear. Some theories suggest that information may be encoded in this radiation and could potentially be retrieved, but this is still a topic of much research and debate.

5. How does the theory of quantum entanglement relate to information loss in black holes?

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in which two particles become connected in such a way that the state of one particle is dependent on the state of the other, regardless of the distance between them. Some theories suggest that information may be preserved in this entangled state, even if one of the particles falls into a black hole. However, this is still a topic of ongoing research and is not yet proven.

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