How does stimulated emission work in the process of light amplification?

In summary, the interaction between stimulated emission and the inciting photon is actually between the emitter and the electromagnetic field. This process can be seen as a scattering event, where the state of both the field and the atom can be affected. In standard quantum mechanics, the phenomena of spontaneous emission can be explained by the coupling of the electron to the universal quantum electromagnetic field. However, the full quantum explanation of this process had to await Dirac's quantization of the EM field. Einstein's rules for stimulated emission follow from this.
  • #1
I understand the concept of stimulated emission and how it works as light amplification, but a certain technicality in its process eludes me. How is the inciting photon actually interacting with the electron that falls to a lower energy level?

In every physical interaction that I know of there is some sort of an energy exchange. When two particles collide they change direction/momentum/velocity. When two waves collide you get interference. When an EM wave interacts with a certain material, part of the wave is reflected and its direction and polarization may change.

During absorption the incoming photon gives all of its energy to the electron, and that's why the electron increases in energy level. What happens during stimulated emission? The inciting photon didn't lose any energy and it didn't experience any sort of change to its properties, so where is the "cost" that it has to pay for stimulating the electron? Where is the indication that that photon had just interacted with something?
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  • #2
The interaction is between the emitter and the electromagnetic field. The probability of emission depends on the excitation of the field, so the higher number of photons there are, the more probable it is that an additional photon will be emitted. There doesn't need to be a "cost" for the field.

Another way to see it is as a scattering event. You have an incoming field interacting with an emitter, say an excited atom. The state of the field and of the atom after the scattering event depends (of course) on the state of both systems before the interaction, and the final state of each can be affected. Nothing mysterious there.
  • #3
If you're saying that it's like scattering, that means that the photon does give some energy to the excited atom in order to vibrate it and cause its fall. I guess the energy exchange can be negligible, but still something happens there doesn't it?
  • #4
Albarok said:
If you're saying that it's like scattering, that means that the photon does give some energy to the excited atom in order to vibrate it and cause its fall. I guess the energy exchange can be negligible, but still something happens there doesn't it?
Your thinking is much too classical. This is a quantum mechanical process, so you can't talk about making the atom "vibrate." You can only look at it in terms of of initial and final states, there is no "in-between" things happening.
  • #5
The following may help:

The phenomena of spontaneous emission is totally inexplicable in standard QM where the electron should be in a stationary state. The answer is you must go to quantum field theory to explain it. Doing this the electron is coupled to the universal quantum EM field that pervades all space and is not really in a stationary state. You can treat this like a perturbation and apply Fermi's Golden Rule to give the probabilities of things like emission, absorption etc:'s_golden_rule

  • #6
bhobba said:
The phenomena of spontaneous emission is totally inexplicable in standard QM where the electron should be in a stationary state.

I'm going to disagree here, since it was first explained by Einstein in 1916, working in standard QM.
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  • #7
Vanadium 50 said:
I'm going to disagree here, since it was first explained by Einstein in 1916, working in standard QM.

Of course true. I suppose the view you take depends what yuo mean by explain. Einstein gave some rules, not the full quantum explanation that had to await Dirac quantizing the the EM field. Einstein's rules follow from that. However the why of those rules is an interesting story in itself and hopefully the OP will gain some insight from the link I posted on What is a Photon. It also important to understand even 'experts' here have slightly different takes on things.


Related to How does stimulated emission work in the process of light amplification?

What is stimulated emission?

Stimulated emission is a process in which an excited atom or molecule releases a photon of light after being stimulated by the presence of another photon. This process is responsible for the amplification of light in lasers and other optical devices.

How does stimulated emission differ from spontaneous emission?

Spontaneous emission occurs when an excited atom or molecule spontaneously releases a photon without any external stimulation. In contrast, stimulated emission requires the presence of another photon to trigger the release of a photon.

What is the significance of stimulated emission in laser technology?

Stimulated emission is the basis of laser technology. By using a medium that can undergo stimulated emission, such as a gas or crystal, a laser can produce a highly directional and coherent beam of light. This has many practical applications, including in medicine, communications, and manufacturing.

Can stimulated emission occur in any type of material?

Stimulated emission can occur in a variety of materials, including solids, liquids, and gases. However, the material must have the proper energy levels and properties to support the process. For example, most lasers use solid-state materials such as crystals or semiconductors.

What other phenomena are related to stimulated emission?

Stimulated emission is related to other processes such as absorption and spontaneous emission. These processes are collectively known as the three processes of light-matter interaction and are important in understanding the behavior of light in different materials and systems.

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