How can I accurately continue the zeta function to the entire complex plane?

In summary, the conversation revolved around the topic of analytically continuing the zeta function to the whole complex plane (except 1) and recommended resources for understanding the derivation of this continuation. Different methods of continuation were also mentioned, such as using the Bernoulli numbers or a functional equation. It was also noted that the zeta function can be expressed as an infinite series, which can be verified through calculations using Mathematica.
  • #1
Can anybody of you people recommend me the best, most pedagocical, clearest, easiest, but detailed enough explanation of how to analytical continue the zeta function to the whole complex plane (except 1, of course!)?

In a book, notes on the net, whatever!

thank you
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  • #2
You mean analytically continue the Euler sum, which converges only for Re(s)>1, to the left-half-plane Re(s)<=1. That analytic continuation is called the "zeta" function. I think the most elegant explanation is the integral derivation described by Riemann and explained in Edwards book, "The Zeta Function". However, that is really tough to follow unless you're up on Complex Analysis. In general, start with an integral that converges for Re(s)>1 and reduces to the Euler sum when Re(s)>1, then show the integral converges for all s not equal to 1. Then by the principle of Analytic Continuation, conclude the integral and the Euler sum both represent the same (analytic) function where ever they are both analytic. That is, the integral expression is the analytic continuation of the Euler sum to [itex]\mathbb{C}\backslash \{1\}[/itex].

If you want, get the book and try to work through (muscle through) the first few pages of the first chapter. Also see "The Distribution of Prime Numbers" by Ingham. That one's tough too but a little easier than Edwards.
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  • #3
As jackmell pointed out, you need to know complex analysis to follow any explanation of how to analytically continue the zeta function. What is your background in this area?
  • #4
Hi guys. I'd like to go over the analysis just for fun ok. I'm no expert and perhaps those more familiar with it can make some further comments and/or corrections. I think the derivation is quite beautiful:

I'll start it by beginning with the Euler sum definition which is valid for [itex]Re(s)>1[/itex]:



Now consider the Gamma function and let [itex]y=nx[/itex]:

[tex]\Gamma(s)=\int_0^{\infty}y^{s-1}e^{-y}dy=n^s\int_0^{\infty}x^{s-1}e^{nx}dx,\quad Re(s)>1, n>0[/tex]

Dividing by [itex]n^s[/itex] and summing from one to infinity:

[tex]\Gamma(s)E(s)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} x^{s-1}e^{-nx}dx=\int_0^{\infty}\frac{x^{s-1}}{e^{x}-1}dx[/tex]

which is valid for [itex]Re(s)>1[/itex]. Now we turn to Complex Analysis and consider the Hankel Integral over the mirror-image Hankel Contour [itex]C^{-}[/itex] (since that is more natural and avoids the [itex](-z)^s[/itex] in the numerator originally used by Riemann):

[tex]I(s)=\frac{1}{2\pi i}\int_{C^-} \frac{z^{s-1}}{e^{-z}-1}dz[/tex]

That is just a branch-cut integral over the principal branch cut of [itex]\log[/itex] along the negative real axis. We can show the integral function [itex]I(s)[/itex] converges for all [itex]s[/itex] and so is an analytic function of [itex]s[/itex]. Now using the standard substitutions [itex]z=re^{\pi i}[/itex] over the top trace, [itex]z=re^{-\pi i}[/itex] over the bottom trace and [itex]z=\rho e^{it}[/itex] around the origin, we obtains after some further analysis:

[tex]\pi I(s)=\sin(\pi s)\int_0^{\infty}\frac{r^{s-1}}{e^{r}-1}dr=\sin(\pi s)\Gamma(s)E(s)[/itex]

and therefore:

[tex]E(s)=\frac{\pi I(s)}{\sin(\pi s)\Gamma(s)}=\Gamma(1-s)I(s)[/tex]

Now here is where we use the Principle of Analytic Continuation:

We have just shown this analysis is valid for [itex]Re(s)>1[/itex]. However, the right side of the last expression is analytic for all [itex]s[/itex] (because gamma and I are) except possibly at the (simple) poles of [itex]\Gamma(1-s)[/itex] or [itex]s=1,2,3,\cdots[/itex]

And it can be further shown that [itex]I(s)[/itex] has simple zeros at [itex]s=2,3,\cdots[/itex].
(may need to confirm this part)

Therefore the function given by:


is a meromorphic function with a single simple pole at [itex]s=1[/itex] and reduces to the Euler Sum [itex]E(s)[/itex] for [itex]Re(s)>1[/itex]. This function was named the zeta function by Riemann:


and represents the analytic continuation of the Euler sum.
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  • #5
Thanks a lot, Jackmell. I saw a similar explanation in the book 'Gamma' by Havil. I think the part where you go from the branch-cut integral to the expression with the sinus is the hardest. Havil gives some more details, as you mentioned before, someone has to be up on Complex analysis to follow it all. But the outline of the derivation is clear for me now, I think.

But there are other ways to continue the Euler sum. One involves the Bernoullie numbers and is supposed to be quite easy. Then one which involves a functional equation. So there are really many ways of doing this?
  • #6
kexue said:
I think the part where you go from the branch-cut integral to the expression with the sinus is the hardest.

Absolutely. That part is tough for me to follow. Also the part where the zeros of I(s) cancel the poles of Gamma is also tough for me.
But there are other ways to continue the Euler sum. One involves the Bernoullie numbers and is supposed to be quite easy. Then one which involves a functional equation. So there are really many ways of doing this?


What I outlined is the original derivation used by Riemann which I think is beautiful, except he did not use the mirror-image contour and so had to deal with the [itex](-z)^s[/itex] in the numerator which I think is quite awkward to deal with.
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  • #7
Serre does a nice short job in his "course in arithmetic" pages 69-70, on the continuation to Re(z) > 0.
  • #8
Is there an infinite sum that accurately describes the analytically continued (Riemann) zeta function? This is my first question in a thread - please pardon if not the right place for it.
  • #9
change257 said:
Is there an infinite sum that accurately describes the analytically continued (Riemann) zeta function? This is my first question in a thread - please pardon if not the right place for it.

Hi. If you're interested in mathematics then put Wolfram's Mathworld in your bookmarks. Check it out. Search for the zeta function. Find that series, then fire up Mathematica, code the series, run about 100 of the terms for say three values on the left half-plane, then compare the results with the values returned by the build-in function Zeta.

Related to How can I accurately continue the zeta function to the entire complex plane?

1. What is the zeta function?

The zeta function, denoted by ζ(s), is a mathematical function that is defined for complex numbers s with real part greater than 1. It is often referred to as the Riemann zeta function, named after the German mathematician Bernhard Riemann who first studied it extensively in the 19th century.

2. What is the continuation of the zeta function?

The continuation of the zeta function refers to the extension of the domain of the zeta function beyond the region where it is originally defined (s > 1). This is done using analytic continuation, a mathematical technique that allows a function to be extended to a larger domain by finding a new expression for the function that is valid in the larger domain.

3. Why is the continuation of the zeta function important?

The continuation of the zeta function is important because it allows us to define and evaluate the zeta function for all complex numbers, not just those with real part greater than 1. This extension is essential in many areas of mathematics, such as number theory, where the zeta function has important applications.

4. What are the key properties of the continuation of the zeta function?

The continuation of the zeta function has several key properties, including: it is an entire function (meaning it is defined for all complex numbers), it is meromorphic (meaning it has poles at certain points), and it satisfies the functional equation ζ(s) = 2sπs-1 sin(πs/2)Γ(1-s)ζ(1-s), where Γ is the gamma function.

5. Are there any unsolved problems related to the continuation of the zeta function?

Yes, there are still several open problems related to the continuation of the zeta function. One of the most famous is the Riemann Hypothesis, which states that all non-trivial zeros of the zeta function lie on the critical line s = 1/2. This problem remains unsolved and has been a major focus of research in number theory for over a century.

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