Horrible limit with factorials. Need to use Stirling formula?

In summary, when faced with a horrible limit involving factorials, the Stirling formula can be used to simplify the calculation. This formula approximates the value of large factorials, making it a useful tool in solving complex limit problems. By utilizing the Stirling formula, the process of finding the limit becomes more manageable and efficient.
  • #1

Homework Statement

2013-03-16 17.17.22.jpg

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Do I need to used the boring Stirling formula?
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  • #2
tsuwal said:

Homework Statement

View attachment 56798

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Do I need to used the boring Stirling formula?

What is stopping you from trying the use of Stirling's formula to see if it works?

BTW: Stirling is far from boring; it is extremely useful and plays a crucial role in many areas such as probability theory and practice.
  • #3
Actually, i think this problem can be done without stirrings. For the top factorial, you have (2n-2) terms, giving a leading term of (2n)^(2n-2) for the expansion. Then the bottom will have (n^(n-2)+...)(n^n+...), giving a leading coefficient n^(2n-2)... This your limit becomes (2n-2)!/(2^(2n-2)*n!*n-2!)~O(2^(2n-2)*n^(2n-2)/(2^(2n-2)*n^(2n-2))~1
  • #4
tt2348 said:
Actually, i think this problem can be done without stirrings. For the top factorial, you have (2n-2) terms, giving a leading term of (2n)^(2n-2) for the expansion. Then the bottom will have (n^(n-2)+...)(n^n+...), giving a leading coefficient n^(2n-2)... This your limit becomes (2n-2)!/(2^(2n-2)*n!*n-2!)~O(2^(2n-2)*n^(2n-2)/(2^(2n-2)*n^(2n-2))~1

Too bad this answer is wrong.
  • #5
I don't use the stirling formula because it is just a aproximation and I'm not sure if I can substitute n! by n^n/e^n
In fact, wolfram alpha says the limit of n!*e^n/n^n as n goes to infinity is not 1, is infinity, so it is not a good aproximation, right?
  • #6
tsuwal said:
I don't use the stirling formula because it is just a aproximation and I'm not sure if I can substitute n! by n^n/e^n
In fact, wolfram alpha says the limit of n!*e^n/n^n as n goes to infinity is not 1, is infinity, so it is not a good aproximation, right?

Your approximation is not good, but Stirling's formula IS good. The Stirling formula is
[tex] St(n) = \sqrt{2 \pi n}\: n^{n} e^{-n}.[/tex] This is an asymptotic formula for n!, in the sense that
[tex] \frac{n!}{St(n)} \to 1 \; \text{ as } \ \to \infty.[/tex]
St(n) is a useably good approximation to n! for large, finite n, in the sense that the % errors are small.

In fact, St(n) is a lower bound on n! for any positive integer n. An upper bound St1(n) can be obtained simply as
[tex] St1(n) = St(n) e^{1/(12n)}.[/tex]
We have ## St(n) < n! < St1(n)## for all integers ##n \geq 1##. The fancier form St1 improves the accuracy of Stirling remarkably, even for small n. For example, here are some numerical values:
[tex] \begin{array}{cccc}
n & St(n) & n\! & St1(n) \\
1 & 0.922137 & 1 & 1.00227 \\
2 & 1.919 & 2 & 2.00065 \\
5 & 118.019 & 120 & 120.003 \\
10 & 3.59870e+06 & 3.62880e+06 & 3.62881e+06 \\
15 & 1.30043e+12 & 1.30767e+12 & 1.30768e+12 \\
20 & 2.42279e+18 & 2.43290e+18 & 2.43290e+18 \\
30 & 2.64517e+32 & 2.65253e+32 & 2.65253e+32 \\
40 & 8.14217e+47 & 8.15915e+47 & 8.15915e+47 \\
50 & 3.03634e+64 & 3.04141e+64 & 3.04141e+64 \end{array}
Anyhow, for limit results, ordinary Stirling is good enough.
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  • #7
Now it makes sense. I didn't knew "that" stirling formula, mine is deduced from the numerical integration of the logarithmic function by ln(n!). Would like to know how do you get to your formula though.. Thanks!
  • #8
tsuwal said:
Now it makes sense. I didn't knew "that" stirling formula, mine is deduced from the numerical integration of the logarithmic function by ln(n!). Would like to know how do you get to your formula though.. Thanks!

One way is to do an asymptotic analysis of the integral representation
[tex] n\! = \int_0^{\infty} e^{-x} x^n \, dx,[/tex]
as is done in http://mathworld.wolfram.com/StirlingsApproximation.html . Another way (as done in Feller, Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, Volume I) is to look directly at the series for ln(n!). Feller gives a nice, elementary argument that shows
[tex] C + \left( n + \frac{1}{2}\right) \ln(n) - n < \ln (n!)
< C + \left( n + \frac{1}{2}\right) \ln(n) - n +\frac{1}{12n}.[/tex]
The argument leaves the constant C unevaluated, but other methods (such as the above integral method, or the limiting theorems of Probability theory itself) serve to give
[tex] C = \frac{1}{2} \ln(2 \pi).[/tex] Noter that Feller's method gives the lower and upper bounds I mentioned.

Related to Horrible limit with factorials. Need to use Stirling formula?

1. What is the Horrible Limit with Factorials?

The Horrible Limit with Factorials refers to a mathematical expression that involves taking the limit of a sequence of numbers as the factorial of those numbers grows larger.

2. Why do I need to use Stirling's Formula for this limit?

Stirling's Formula is a mathematical approximation that can be used to simplify the calculation of factorial expressions. It is particularly useful when dealing with large factorials, as it provides a more manageable and accurate result compared to directly calculating the factorial.

3. How does Stirling's Formula work?

Stirling's Formula is based on the logarithmic approximation of factorials and is derived from the Gamma function, which is a continuous extension of the factorial function. It uses the natural logarithm to simplify the calculation of factorials and provides an asymptotic expansion for the factorial function.

4. What are the limitations of using Stirling's Formula for this limit?

Stirling's Formula is an approximation and not an exact solution, so there will always be some degree of error when using it. This error tends to increase as the value of the factorial becomes larger. Additionally, Stirling's Formula may not work for all types of factorial expressions and may require additional adjustments to be accurate.

5. How is the Horrible Limit with Factorials used in scientific research?

The Horrible Limit with Factorials can be used in various fields of science, such as statistics, physics, and engineering, to analyze and predict the behavior of large numbers. It is often used to estimate the growth rate of a sequence or to determine the asymptotic behavior of a particular function. It can also be applied in the study of algorithms and computational complexity.

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