History of Emerging Infectious Diseases

  • Thread starter Astronuc
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In summary, the discovery of new pathogens is an important activity in the field of medical science. Pathogens are organisms that cause disease through infection. Scientists have discovered viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi, helminthes (worms) and prions that have proven to be pathogens. A Center for Disease Control program begun in 1995 identified over a hundred patients with life threatening illnesses which were considered to be of an infectious cause, but could not be identified with any known pathogen.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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2023 Award
A question about purified water got me to thinking about water-borne diseases which lead me to -

History of emerging infectious diseases
The discovery of new pathogens is an important activity in the field of medical science. Pathogens are organisms that cause disease through infection. Scientists have discovered viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi, helminthes (worms) and prions that have proven to be pathogens. A Center for Disease Control program begun in 1995 identified over a hundred patients with life threatening illnesses which were considered to be of an infectious cause, but could not be identified with any known pathogen. [1] The association of pathogens with disease can be a complex and controversial process, in some cases requiring decades or even centuries to achieve. Factors which have been identified as impeding the identification of pathogens include the following:

1. Lack of animal models . . . .
2. Pre-existing theories of disease . . . .
3. Variable pathogenicity . . . .
4. Organisms that look alike but behave differently . . . .
5. Lack of research effort . . . .

For example, Dr. Barry Marshall was the co-discoverer of the theory that a bacterial infection with Helicobacter pylori was responsible for causing most peptic or stomach ulcers. After winning the 2005 Nobel Prize for this work, Dr. Marshall's described his difficulty in producing stomach ulcers in animals by infecting them with the bacteria. He infected piglets with the bacteria, but they did not become ill. He then infected himself by swallowing a culture. His colleague [Dr. J Robin Warren] then examined him and found damage consistent with peptic ulcers which was not present previously.


Marshall, Barry, "The discovery that Helicobacter pylori, a spiral bacterium, caused peptic ulcer disease", in Helicobacter Pioneers, pp. 165-202.

Monique had a thread on the 2005 Nobel prize in Physiology and Medicine.

Really fascinating stuff, and also worrisome because of emerging diseases given the mobility of the global economy.

The US has seen invasive species, plant and animal, from other parts of the planet. I suppose this applies to pathogens too. It seems we've seem an increased frequency of tropical diseases, e.g. W. Nile virus.
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
If I could add a #6: Sensational media coverage
  • #3
Speaking of- an update on Colony Collapse Disorder is due on 9/6. The latest information hints at a virus. Thus far everyone seems to be keeping a lid on it but there was mention of ports of entry not long ago.

I can't find the direct link but Popular Mechanics ran a blurb about the Army's involvement in pathogen detection.
  • #4
The etiology of new diseases is interesting. Hans Zinnser started the concept which was later followed up. 'Guns Germs and Steel' is one of the descendents of this work.

New pathogens appear regularly. Look it at it from a sort of teliological point of view -- humans are a vast untapped source of food and shelter for parasites. If a pathogen can make the jump from some other animal species to us, remain infective, and thrive - well, then it's found a new home.

A lot of our major pathogens have been derived from close contact with other domesticated species - smallpox, cholera, etc. New threats also arise from old sources moved to a new home - West Nile Virus in North America, for example.
  • #5
That's a good point.

The notion that emerging disease is somehow limited to "over there" may not be the norm anymore. Physicians and vets are often the first to see the signs of illness yet many appear to take the high road when they encounter something out of the ordinary. Hence the reference to the role of the media.

Sensational reports about bugs crawling out of lesions and unusual filaments in wounds comes to mind. Judging by what we know as far as the possibility of contaminants and
unsafe manufacturing practices it doesn't seem unreasonable to suspect this type of complaint could have some merit. At least it doesn't now. Maybe not a year ago.

Hindsight again, but I often wonder how the media shapes our perception of what is and isn't when it comes to health and emerging disease. It doesn't matter what my thoughts are. It matters what Dr. Smith down the road thinks when he encounters something unusual.
  • #6
Cutaneous anthrax in the US news:

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  • #7
A current release:


At this didn't reach the tabloid stage before being diagnosed. Sensible reporting at it's best.

Related to History of Emerging Infectious Diseases

1. What is considered an "emerging infectious disease"?

An emerging infectious disease is a newly identified or re-emerging disease that is increasing in incidence or geographic range. It can also refer to a disease that is changing in its virulence or becoming resistant to current treatments.

2. How do emerging infectious diseases spread?

Emerging infectious diseases can spread through various means, including direct contact with infected individuals, contaminated food or water, insect bites, and exposure to infected animals. Global travel and trade also contribute to the spread of these diseases.

3. What are the major factors contributing to the emergence of infectious diseases?

Some of the major factors contributing to the emergence of infectious diseases include environmental changes, such as deforestation and climate change, which can increase human contact with animals and their pathogens. Other factors include population growth, urbanization, and globalization.

4. How is the history of emerging infectious diseases important for understanding and preventing future outbreaks?

Studying the history of emerging infectious diseases allows us to identify patterns and risk factors that contribute to their emergence. This information can be used to develop strategies for prevention, early detection, and control of future outbreaks.

5. What are some examples of significant emerging infectious diseases in history?

Examples of significant emerging infectious diseases in history include the bubonic plague, HIV/AIDS, Ebola, SARS, and Zika virus. These diseases have had major impacts on human health and society, highlighting the importance of understanding and addressing emerging infectious diseases.

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