Help with a current, resistance, and resistivity problem

In summary: If you make the substitution u = (bx + a) then the integral is of this form. I'll leave it to you to sort out the limits of integration.I think you have the right idea, but you're overcomplicating it a bit. Remember that the resistance of each infinitesimal slice is just ρdx/A, where A is the area of the slice (which is a function of x). So you just need to integrate ρ/A with respect to x from 0 to L. And since the area A is a function of x, you'll need to use the relationship between the radius and x to express A in terms of x. Hope this helps!In summary, the resistance of a
  • #1

Homework Statement

In the figure below, current is set up through a truncated right circular cone of resistivity 898 Ω·m, left radius a = 2.00 mm, right radius b = 2.30 mm, and length L = 1.64 cm. Assume that the current density is uniform across any cross section taken perpendicular to the length. What is the resistance of the cone?


HINT: Consider a cross-sectional slice of thickness dx. How is the resistance of that slice related to the resistivity of the material? How do you relate the resistance of the slice to the distance x from the left end and the full distance L?

Homework Equations

R = ρ * (L/A)

The Attempt at a Solution

Okay so I haven't gotten very far with this one. I know you have to set up an integral with respect to L, so I tried an integral from 0 to 0.0164 m and I related the radius as (b-a / L) * dx + 22) So I had an integral of [itex]\int\frac{ρx dx}{\pi* ((\frac{b-a}{L} * x) + 2)^{2}}[/itex] but I had a really hard time trying to work this out. Can someone just set me off in the right direction?
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  • #2
Welcome to PF iiiiaann,

I don't think your integrand is quite right. The infinitesimal resistance dR of an infinitesimal cross-sectional slice of thickness dx is just given by:

dR = (ρdx)/A(x)

where A is the area of the slice, and I have explicitly indicated that this area is a function of x. Since the cross sections are circular,

A(x) = πr2(x)

where r(x) is the radius of the slice. So, the question is, how does the radius of the slices vary with x? This is the part I think you didn't do quite right. Hint: the radius increases from a at x = 0 to b at x = L, and since it's a cone, you can assume that it rises linearly from this starting value to this ending value. Does that help you figure out the form of r(x)?
  • #3
would that make r with respect to x = (b-a) * x/L + a or in this problem that would be (2.3 mm - 2 mm) * x/1.64 cm + 2mm?
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  • #4
I agree with (b-a)x/L + a.
  • #5
so the integral would then be [itex]\int\frac{ρ dx}{\pi [((b-a) * \frac{x}{L}) + 2]^{2}}[/itex] from 0 cm to L cm

or with all the numbers plugged in from this problem:

[itex]\int\frac{898\Omega * m dx}{\pi [((0.0023 m - 0.002 m) * \frac{x}{0.0164 m}) + 0.002 m]^{2}}[/itex] from 0 m to 0.0164 m


[itex]\int\frac{898\Omega * m dx}{\pi [0.01829x m + 0.002 m]^{2}}[/itex] from 0m to 0.0164 m

without the units:

[itex]\int\frac{898 dx}{\pi [0.01829x + 0.002]^{2}}[/itex] from 0 to 0.0164

So assuming my above integral was right, you can pull ρ and ∏ out of the integral because they are constant and you get [itex]\frac{\rho}{\pi}\int\frac{dx}{(0.01829x + 0.02)^{2}}[/itex] from 0 to 0.0164 and that integral comes out to [itex]\frac{\rho}{\pi}*\left[(1/0.01829) * ln(0.01829x + 0.02)\right|^{0.0164}_{0}[/itex] or
[itex]\frac{\rho}{\pi}*[\frac{ln((0.01829)(0.0164) + 0.02)}{0.01829} - \frac{ln((0.01829)(0) + 0.02)}{0.01829}][/itex]

or [itex]\frac{\rho}{\pi * 0.01829}*[\ln((0.01829)(0.0164) + 0.02) - ln((0.01829)(0) + 0.02)][/itex]

simplifying to [itex]\frac{898}{\pi * 0.01829}*[\ln(0.0203) - ln(0.02)][/itex]

[itex]15628.33668 * ln(\frac{0.0203}{0.02})[/itex]

15628.33668 * 0.014889

= 232.684Ω

I'm not sure on this answer, but also not sure where I may have gone wrongEDIT: realized i was using 0.02 in the ln's instead of 0.002, i re-did it and came out with 2183.95, does that seem more reasonable?

EDIT 2: Still wrong, any help with finding my mistake?
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  • #6
fml I am an idiot, integrating wrong. I figured it out. Thanks for the help
  • #7
iiiiaann said:
fml I am an idiot, integrating wrong. I figured it out. Thanks for the help

:smile: Well, you certainly went about the integration like a Trojan! I think it might have been easier to leave it in symbolic form for integration rather than carrying around all those numbers.

The form of the integral is [itex] \large \int \frac{1}{u^2} du = \frac{-1}{u} [/itex].

Related to Help with a current, resistance, and resistivity problem

1. What is the relationship between current, resistance, and resistivity?

The relationship between current (I), resistance (R), and resistivity (ρ) can be defined by Ohm's Law, which states that the current through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance. This can be expressed as I = V/R, where V is the voltage and R is the resistance. Resistivity is a material property that measures the resistance of a material per unit length. It is related to resistance through the equation R = ρL/A, where L is the length of the conductor and A is its cross-sectional area.

2. How do you calculate resistivity?

Resistivity (ρ) can be calculated by dividing the resistance (R) of a material by its length (L) and cross-sectional area (A). This can be expressed as ρ = R/A, where R is measured in ohms (Ω), L in meters (m), and A in square meters (m²). The unit for resistivity is ohm-meters (Ω·m).

3. What is the SI unit for current, resistance, and resistivity?

The SI unit for current is ampere (A), which is the amount of electric charge that passes through a point in a circuit per unit time. Resistance is measured in ohms (Ω), and resistivity is measured in ohm-meters (Ω·m).

4. How does temperature affect resistance and resistivity?

Temperature can have a significant impact on the resistance and resistivity of a material. In most cases, as temperature increases, the resistance of a material also increases. This is because at higher temperatures, the atoms in the material vibrate more, causing more collisions with electrons and increasing resistance. The resistivity of most materials also increases with temperature, but there are a few exceptions, such as semiconductors, which have a decrease in resistivity with increasing temperature.

5. Can you give an example of a current, resistance, and resistivity problem?

Sure, here's an example: A copper wire with a length of 2 meters and a diameter of 1 millimeter has a resistance of 0.1 ohms. What is the resistivity of copper?

We can use the formula R = ρL/A to solve for resistivity. Plugging in the given values, we get 0.1 ohms = ρ(2 m)/(π(0.0005 m)²). Solving for ρ, we get a resistivity of 1.59 x 10^-8 ohm-meters (Ω·m) for copper.

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