Heat Storage Capacity of CO2 molecules

In summary, the maximum amount of electromagnetic IR energy that one molecule of CO2 can store at 20c/68f/293K is 5.51eV, but it is not meaningful to talk about the heat capacity of one molecule. The role of CO2 in the greenhouse effect is not primarily due to its ability to store heat, but rather its ability to reemit IR radiation. Therefore, the answer to the question is zero.
  • #1
I am a science hobbyist and working on a paper to illustrate the impact of CO2 on Global Warming.

Question – What is the Storage Capacity in joules, of one molecule of CO2 @ 20c/68f/293k. In other words, what is the maximum amount of IR energy that one molecule of CO2 can store at this temperature.

The mass of one molecule of CO2 is 7.308 x 10^-23g or 7.308 x 10^-26kg and the Specific Heat Capacity of CO2 is 834 at constant pressure (J kg-1K-1)

In essence, I am looking for both the value and the formula for which to use in order to calculate this.

For the cherry on top, how long can it store this amount of energy
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  • #2
It is not meaningful to talk of the heat capacity of one molecule. (Why do you want to, anyway?) Heat capacity is a bulk property.

Heat isn't stored in CO2 molecules. When a CO2 molecule absorbs IR radiation it quickly loses the excess energy by collisions with other molecules in the air, so the atmosphere warms up.
  • #3
Hi M, thanks for the note. I should have properly worded the question to read, "In other words, what is the maximum amount of Electromagnetic IR energy that one molecule of CO2 can store at this temperature. Trying to get the feel for significance of what you described in terms of joules of energy. Thanks Ellsworth
  • #4
Ellsworth said:
Hi M, thanks for the note. I should have properly worded the question to read, "In other words, what is the maximum amount of Electromagnetic IR energy that one molecule of CO2 can store at this temperature. Trying to get the feel for significance of what you described in terms of joules of energy. Thanks Ellsworth
That is still strangely worded. A molecule doesn't store "electromagnetic IR energy." Also, it is strange to think about the role of CO2 in the greenhouse effect in terms of heat capacity.

Strictly speaking, the bond-dissociation energy of CO2 is 5.51 eV, so this is more or less the maximum energy a molecule of CO2 could absorb from IR radiation before breaking apart.

mjc123 said:
Heat isn't stored in CO2 molecules. When a CO2 molecule absorbs IR radiation it quickly loses the excess energy by collisions with other molecules in the air, so the atmosphere warms up.
I would argue that this is not the main factor in the greenhouse effect. It is rather the fact that the CO2 will reemit the IR radiation in all direction, including back towards the surface.
  • #5
If CO2 were unusually good at storing thermal energy, it would reduce global warming.

As worded though, it appears to me the answer to the OP's question is zero.

Related to Heat Storage Capacity of CO2 molecules

1. What is the heat storage capacity of CO2 molecules?

The heat storage capacity of CO2 molecules is approximately 0.22 J/g·K, which means that for every gram of CO2, it can store 0.22 joules of heat energy for every degree increase in temperature.

2. How does the heat storage capacity of CO2 compare to other molecules?

Compared to other common molecules, CO2 has a relatively low heat storage capacity. For example, the heat storage capacity of water is 4.18 J/g·K, which is almost 20 times higher than that of CO2.

3. Why is the heat storage capacity of CO2 important?

The heat storage capacity of CO2 is important because it plays a crucial role in regulating Earth's climate. As a greenhouse gas, CO2 can absorb and store heat from the sun, which helps to keep the Earth's temperature within a habitable range.

4. How does the heat storage capacity of CO2 affect global warming?

The heat storage capacity of CO2 is directly linked to the phenomenon of global warming. As the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere increases, it leads to a higher heat storage capacity and can contribute to an overall increase in global temperatures.

5. Can the heat storage capacity of CO2 be manipulated?

The heat storage capacity of CO2 cannot be directly manipulated, but it can be influenced by human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. By reducing the amount of CO2 emissions, we can help to mitigate the effects of global warming and climate change.

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