Hailstone sequence, is it possible to reach 2n starting from n?

  • Thread starter firlz
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In summary, the question is whether it is possible to use the Collatz hailstone sequence to start at a number n and end up with 2n at some point later in the sequence for values greater than 2. This is currently unknown, but it would disprove the Collatz conjecture if such a number exists. There is also a discussion about the existence of a loop in the sequence, with the smallest number in the loop being called l and it being determined that l cannot be even and must also have 2l in the sequence. Methods to prove or disprove this possibility have not been found or published.
  • #1
Is it possible, using the Collatz hailstone sequence to ever start at a number n and end up with 2n at some point later in the sequence for values greater than 2? Can you have a sequence that goes n . . . 2n (I don't care what any of the exact values are, I want to know if using variables it is possible to ever get to a later part of the sequence that reduces to 2n from n, and what the requirements are. From there it should be easy to determine why the number 1 works, and to determine if it is possible for other values to work)?

My reason for the question comes to this. In order for the conjecture to be false there must either be a loop, or a infinitely increasing series. I think that the answer to this question should determine whether or not any loops exist.

If there is at least one loop outside of 1,2,4 (a loop being a sequence of numbers that repeat infinitely), there must be a smallest number that is part of any loop. This number must also be the smallest number in its own loop.

I'll call this number l.

Things I have reasoned must be true

l cannot be even. The reason for this is that if l is even then l/2 would be part of the looping series (which would mean that the number in question does not fit the definition of l, which requires it being the smallest number in its series).

because it is the lowest value, l cannot be reached in the loop from a smaller number (otherwise it wouldn't be l), and thus the only way to get back to l is by dividing the previous number in the sequence by 2. Thus 2l must also be a part of the sequence.

Which leads me to asking, using the hailstone sequence for values greater than 2, is it possible to get to 2n from n? Or does anyone know a method that could be used to demonstrate whether it is or isn't possible? (I suspect that it isn't possible but I would like to know if there is a way to be sure)
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  • #2
Is it possible, using the Collatz hailstone sequence to ever start at a number n and end up with 2n at some point later in the sequence for values greater than 2?
This is unknown, but mathematicians could rule out a lot of possible types of cycles.
If such a number would be known, the Collatz conjecture would be disproven.

Or does anyone know a method that could be used to demonstrate whether it is or isn't possible? (I suspect that it isn't possible but I would like to know if there is a way to be sure)
If someone would be sure, this would have been published.

l cannot be even [...] Thus 2l must also be a part of the sequence.
That is trivial.

Related to Hailstone sequence, is it possible to reach 2n starting from n?

1. What is the Hailstone sequence?

The Hailstone sequence is a mathematical sequence that starts with a positive integer n and follows a specific set of rules to generate a sequence of numbers. The rules are as follows: if n is even, divide it by 2; if n is odd, multiply it by 3 and add 1. This process is repeated until n reaches 1, at which point the sequence stops.

2. How is the Hailstone sequence related to the starting number n?

The Hailstone sequence is directly related to the starting number n. The starting number determines the entire sequence and how many steps it takes to reach 1. For example, starting with n = 5, the sequence would be 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1. Starting with n = 6, the sequence would be 6, 3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1.

3. Is it possible to reach 2n starting from n in the Hailstone sequence?

Yes, it is possible to reach 2n starting from n in the Hailstone sequence. This can only happen if n is an odd number, as multiplying an odd number by 3 and adding 1 will always result in an even number. For example, starting with n = 7, the sequence would be 7, 22, 11, 34, 17, 52, 26, 13, 40, 20, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1.

4. How do you know when the Hailstone sequence will stop?

The Hailstone sequence will stop when it reaches 1. This is because, according to the rules, when n reaches 1, it will always result in 1 and the sequence will continue with 1, 4, 2, 1, 4, 2, and so on. This is known as the "hailstone loop".

5. What is the significance of the Hailstone sequence in mathematics?

The Hailstone sequence is significant in mathematics because it is an example of a Collatz conjecture, which is a famous unsolved problem in mathematics. It also demonstrates the concept of an iterative process and how a simple set of rules can lead to complex patterns and sequences.

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