Hacker Targeting My Email - Don't Deserve Hate Mail

  • Thread starter wolram
  • Start date
In summary, Wolram is receiving hate mail that mentions specific posts on PFs. He has turned off his email account and blocked Yahoo mail, but is still receving the messages. He suggests that members use two or three email accounts to reduce the chances of receiving hate mail.
  • #1
Gold Member
Dearly Missed
For sure i would not accuse anyone at PFs for hacking my email, but it seems some has, i have had to close two email accounts because of hate mail, may be i deserve it, i am a bit non main stream, and some times a bit nasty, but some times the hate mail goes to far, and it may be my own fault for not having the propper firewalls installed, but i am not internet savy, so i am sorry for not being a good guy, but will the hackers please leave me alone.
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  • #2

Are these emails coming from PF, or from another source? Do they mention anything to do with PF in them? If so, then let us know (privately) the members that are sending such emails and they will be dealt with. Also, note that you can uncheck the "allow people to send me email" button to stop members from being able to access your email.

If, however, these are not PF-specific, then I suspect they are the usual spam that everyone receives, and you will need to put measures in place on your email account.
  • #3

I've never received hate mail spam. I am very sorry to hear you are receiving hate mail wolram. I seriously hope they are not PF members.
  • #4

Wollie, what makes you think it is someone from PF? Are the mails coming from an anonymous mailer or can you read the IP address of the sender?
  • #5

NO Wolly, you in no way deserve it. Who ever is sending them to you, must not know you very well.
  • #6

I want to stress to all members that ANY unwanted contact should be reported. It does not have to be malicious. If any contact makes you uncomfortable, or you feel it's spam, please notify a mentor. If they are contacting you, they may be contacting others. Please let us know.
  • #7

You have you email acount active in your user profile. This allows anyone to send an email.
  • #8

Wasn't me, Woolie. I'd razz you for being old, and English, and perhaps a couple of other things... but I could never hate you. :wink:
  • #9

Thank you every one, the messages all come from people with a Yahoo address, and mention specific posts on PFs, any way i have now turned my Email off in my PF and blocked Yahoo mail.
I will wait and see if that works, bye for a while.
  • #10

wolram said:
Thank you every one, the messages all come from people with a Yahoo address, and mention specific posts on PFs, any way i have now turned my Email off in my PF and blocked Yahoo mail.
I will wait and see if that works, bye for a while.

That is awful. I can't believe people would do that sort of thing, but it's the type of world where we live in, of course.

That should work, unless the same people decide to send you more hateful things. (they already have your email address)
  • #11

Danger said:
Wasn't me, Woolie. I'd razz you for being old, and English, and perhaps a couple of other things... but I could never hate you. :wink:

Thus speaks a man who has carry a suitcase for all his eye glasses and ear trumpet :smile:
  • #12

wolram said:
Thank you every one, the messages all come from people with a Yahoo address, and mention specific posts on PFs, any way i have now turned my Email off in my PF and blocked Yahoo mail.
I will wait and see if that works, bye for a while.

My solution:

Use two email accounts (or three)
- 1 for internet (forums etc.. there are lots of places that ask for email and then send loads of spam. I either end up using temporary email box or my internet email. I hardly check the inbox maybe once a month)
-2 for personal use (only friends/ppl. who know you)
-3 for work
  • #13

Why would a group of people bother to go to the trouble of composing malicious mail?

I can not even imagine what pleasure they would get out of it, initially it does cause some hurt and inconvenience, but these people must know only the first few posts will be read
and one will quickly get over it.

I guess one would have to group these people with the mindless knuckle dragging vandal,
or the spoiled brat who has never learned right from wrong.

Any way it is best if these guys keep spending their time filling my dead email address, it will keep them from stealing candy.
  • #14

wolram said:
I guess one would have to group these people with the mindless knuckle dragging vandal, or the spoiled brat who has never learned right from wrong.

That's right... always consider the source. Cruel words from a moron are like farts in a tornado; you have more important things to think about.
And I'll have you know, Grandpa, that my hearing is perfect... unless it's my wife talking. :rolleyes:

Related to Hacker Targeting My Email - Don't Deserve Hate Mail

What is hacking?

Hacking refers to the unauthorized access or manipulation of computer systems or networks. It can involve stealing sensitive information, disrupting normal operations, or gaining control over the system.

How can a hacker target my email?

Hackers can target your email in various ways, such as phishing scams, malware attacks, or exploiting vulnerabilities in your email provider's security measures. They may also obtain your email address through data breaches or social engineering tactics.

Why would a hacker target my email?

Hackers may target your email for a variety of reasons, including financial gain, stealing personal information, spreading malware, or using your email account to send spam or phishing emails to others.

What can I do to protect my email from hackers?

There are several steps you can take to protect your email from hackers, such as using strong and unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, being cautious of suspicious emails and attachments, and keeping your software and devices up-to-date.

If I receive hate mail from a hacker, what should I do?

If you receive hate mail from a hacker, do not respond or engage with them. Instead, report the incident to your email provider and local authorities. You may also want to consider changing your email address and taking additional security measures to prevent future attacks.

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