Glycolysis & Creb Cycle Biochemistry

In summary: Glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose for energy. Gluconeogenesis is the synthesis of glucose from smaller precursors. So lactic acidosis could occur when there is not enough glucose available for the body to use for energy or when the body can't break down glucose fast enough for energy. The liver is responsible for both gluconeogenesis and glycolysis. It's important to regulate the activity of enzymes in glycolysis so that there is enough energy available for use.
  • #1
Can someone help me out??

1. The synthesis of glucose from smaller precursors is called:
a) gluconeogenesis.
b) glycogenolysis.
c) glucosynthesis.
d) glycolysis.
e) none of the above

I think the answer is A. gluconeogenesis...because gluconeogenesis is from puruvate back to glucose..i am not sure If that's right...

2. Disaccharides commonly found in human diets include:
a) maltose, sucrose and fructose.
b) maltose, fructose and lactose.
c) maltose, sucrose and lactose.
d) glucose, sucrose and lactose.
e) none of the above

I thnk it's c) maltose, sucrose and lactose. because maltose ( glucose + glucose ), sucrose ( fructose and glucose ) and lactose ( galactose in milk and glucose ) I right?

3. The steps in glycolysis that are different than those in gluconeogenesis are catalyzed by these
a) pyruvate kinase, phosphofructokinase, glucokinase
b) pyruvate kinase, glucokinase, hexokinase
c) pyruvate kinase, phosphofructokinase, triose phosphate isomerase
d) pyruvate kinase, phosphofructokinase, hexokinase

I think it's D because pyruvate kinase is irreversible step, hexokinase and PFK 1...

4. Which of the following statements is false?
a) In skeletal muscle glucose is broken down into lactate via glycolysis.
b) In liver lactate is converted to glucose via gluconeogenesis.
c) In skeletal muscle glucose is broken down into lactate via gluconeogenesis.
d) a and b are both false
e) a and c are both false

I think the answer is E because lactate only produce when there is no oxygen present. glucose is not broken down into lactate..only purvuate broken it down when there is no O2.

5. UDP-galactose can be synthesized from:
a) Isomerization of UDP-glucose
b) Exchange of UDP
c) degradation of glycogen
d) a and b
e) a, b and c

I think it's D..because UDP glactose can't go into's just exchange UPD glactose with upd GLUCOSE...

6. Which of the following molecules affect the activity of phosphofructokinase?
a) ATP and AMP
b) TTP and biotin
c) citrate and fructose-2,6-bisphosphate
d) a and b
e) a and c

I think the answer is B.

7. To mobilize glucose from glycogen for energy, the activity of ______ is (are)carefully
regulated to ensure sufficient energy is available for use.
a) pyruvate decarboylase
b) glycogen phosphorylase
c) glycogen kinase
d) a and b
e) a and c

i THINK the answer is D because pyruvate is broken down to give us energy and phophate from glycogen is what give us it right?

12. The cause(s) of lactic acidosis is (are):
a) liver disease.
b) extreme exercise and overheating.
c) drug side effects.
d) a and b
e) a, b and c

I am not sure for this

14. In the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex reactions, the FADH2 is reoxidized by:
a) NAD+
b) FAD
c) lipoamide
d) TPP
e) none of the above

I think it's's need to go back to NAD+...because NAD+ is reduce it needs to go back to it right?

18. Why can’t the citric acid cycle be described as either catabolic or anabolic?
a) because it generates both energy and reducing equivalents
b) because it is a cyclic pathway
c) because 6 of the 8 intermediates are precursors to another pathway or products derived from
another pathway
d) a and c
e) none of the above

I think it's A...

19. Succinate dehydrogenase requires the prosthetic group:
a) TPP
b) FAD
d) all of the above
e) none of the above

I think it's B because FAD is prosthetic's can't leave an enzyme.

25. In cyclic electron flow, the energy is recovered as:
b) a proton gradient.
c) FADH2 and NADH.
d) all of the above
e) none of the above

I think it's E. none of the above...but not sure...because energy is recovered as NADH...but FADH2 IS not..because FADH2 is only help to transfer NADH to electron carrrier

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
Well lactic acidosis is the build up of lactic acid. This occurs when? Also think about the liver and it's role in glycolysis. Is this enough of a hint?
  • #3

1. Correct, the synthesis of glucose from smaller precursors is called gluconeogenesis.

2. Correct, disaccharides commonly found in human diets include maltose, sucrose, and lactose.

3. Correct, the steps in glycolysis that are different than those in gluconeogenesis are catalyzed by pyruvate kinase, phosphofructokinase, and hexokinase.

4. Correct, statement C is false because in skeletal muscle, glucose is broken down into pyruvate via glycolysis, not gluconeogenesis.

5. Correct, UDP-galactose can be synthesized from isomerization of UDP-glucose and exchange of UDP.

6. Correct, ATP and AMP affect the activity of phosphofructokinase.

7. Correct, the activity of pyruvate decarboxylase and glycogen phosphorylase are carefully regulated to ensure sufficient energy is available for use.

12. Correct, the causes of lactic acidosis include liver disease, extreme exercise and overheating, and drug side effects.

14. Correct, FADH2 is reoxidized by NAD+ in the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex reactions.

18. Correct, the citric acid cycle cannot be described as either catabolic or anabolic because it generates both energy and reducing equivalents, is a cyclic pathway, and many of its intermediates are precursors or products of other pathways.

19. Correct, succinate dehydrogenase requires the prosthetic group FAD.

25. Correct, in cyclic electron flow, the energy is recovered as a proton gradient, not NADPH or FADH2.

Related to Glycolysis & Creb Cycle Biochemistry

1. What is glycolysis and what is its role in biochemistry?

Glycolysis is a metabolic pathway in which glucose is broken down into smaller molecules to produce ATP, the main energy source for cells. It is the first step in cellular respiration and takes place in the cytoplasm of cells.

2. How is glycolysis regulated in the body?

Glycolysis is regulated by several control points, including the enzymes that catalyze the reactions, the availability of substrates, and the levels of ATP and other energy molecules. Hormones and signaling molecules can also affect the rate of glycolysis in response to the body's energy needs.

3. What is the role of the Krebs (or citric acid) cycle in biochemistry?

The Krebs cycle is a series of biochemical reactions that occur in the mitochondria of cells. It is the second stage of cellular respiration and plays a crucial role in the breakdown of glucose and other molecules to generate ATP and other energy-rich molecules.

4. How is the Krebs cycle connected to glycolysis?

The end products of glycolysis, pyruvate and NADH, are used as substrates in the Krebs cycle. Pyruvate is converted into acetyl-CoA, which enters the Krebs cycle, while NADH is used to produce ATP and other energy molecules. This connection allows for the efficient use of energy in cells.

5. What is the role of CREB in the Krebs cycle and glycolysis?

CREB (cyclic AMP response element binding protein) is a transcription factor that plays a role in regulating the expression of enzymes involved in both the Krebs cycle and glycolysis. It can enhance or inhibit the activity of these enzymes, thereby affecting the rate of these metabolic pathways and the production of energy in cells.

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