Ghosts Playing with My Computer!

In summary, Zooby's computer was spooked by a ghost and all of her files were moved to a new place on the desktop. Zooby can't remember what caused the ghost to scare her, but suspects it was something she did unconsciously. Zooby has not experienced this ghost activity in a few years and the main difference is that she is less stressed.
  • #1
Gold Member
Wow 3 days ago I just left my computer to bring a cup of tea for myself, but when I came back :bugeye: :bugeye: :bugeye:

lots of windows were opened and the place of files on the desktop were changed :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Please tell me they were done by a ghost! :cry: :cry: I :!) ghosts!
Computer science news on
  • #2
Lisa! said:
Wow 3 days ago I just left my computer to bring a cup of tea for myself, but when I came back :bugeye: :bugeye: :bugeye:

lots of windows were opened and the place of files on the desktop were changed :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Please tell me they were done by a ghost! :cry: :cry: I :!) ghosts!

No joking, i have a ghost, or a some thing.
  • #3
Mr wolram said:
No joking, i have a ghost, or a some thing.
Tell me more about him/her, Sir! :smile:
  • #4
There is not much to tell, little or unimportant things go missing, and sure
not lost by me, and an awfull feeling when on the landing, Kia has seen
it, i have not, but i am sure it watches me when i am in bed, i can feel
it looking.
  • #5
AWful feeling, Sir?
  • #6
Lisa! said:
AWful feeling, Sir?

Like when you know some thing bad is going to happen.
  • #7
OH Sir, you mean you don't like ghosts?
  • #8
Lisa! said:
OH Sir, you mean you don't like ghosts?

I don't know any so I am not sure :confused: if it put some of my stuff back
i would like it some :-p
  • #9
If I were you, I'd feel happy that my items were useful or interesting for a lovely ghost.
  • #10
Lisa! said:
If I were you, I'd feel happy that my items were useful or interesting for a lovely ghost.

What can a ghost do with a credit card and a4 sized envelopes :confused:
  • #11
Mr wolram said:
What can a ghost do with a credit card and a4 sized envelopes :confused:
For sure nothing if it's your credit card! :wink:
  • #12
Lisa! said:
For sure nothing if it's your credit card! :wink:

I will have you know i have the equivlent of 10,000,000 turkish lira in my account
  • #13
Mr wolram said:
I will have you know i have the equivlent of 10,000,000 turkish lira in my account
Nice jokes, Sir! :wink:
  • #14
When things go missing, get moved mysteriously, or other stuff like that happens, it is a good idea to first suspect someone in the vicinity is having some sort of "spell", where they do things without remembering them.

This happened to me quite a bit a few years back. Things seemed to disappear on me, and things were changed from their normal places.

I had no idea I was the culprit until one day a guy who lives in the building mentioned something to me about my plans for thanksgiving. I was baffled and wondered if he'd been reading my mind. Somewhat alarmed, I asked him how the hell he happened to know what my thanksgiving plans were. Equally baffled, he told me I had told him about them earlier in the day. I absolutely couldn't remember the conversation at all.

I still don't know what was causing these little bouts of amnesia - some kind of stress or sleeping badly, or what, but I seemed to be experiencing a big weakness in automatically recalling certain things I'd done casually. If I did anything without paying full attention, it might end up not "sticking" in my memory at all, such that I couldn't seem even to access the vague impression that it was something I'd done.

So, in that state of mind, you might suddenly decide to put a credit card in a "safe" place, or to open a bunch of windows for one reason or another, and then, moments later, not be able to recall that you did it at all.

This hasn't happened in quite a few years, and the main difference between then and now is that I'm quite a bit less stressed than I was then, so I think that is an important factor in causing it.
  • #15
Hi Zooby,

What you wrote is fascinating, but the, "lost", items never turned up, i all ways
kept the credit card in one place in my bedroom, and only ever used it for internet banking so it never left the room, but being a small item i guessed
it was just one of those things, the envelops were A4 size and i kept them
in the top draw of a cabinet, i know they were still there the day before i
went to get one, i even asked every one in the house if i had used them or
seen me with them. the most confusing one was a shoe, i keep two pairs of
shoes in my room and one shoe disappeared, we searched the house from
top to bottom even the out house garage and dustbin with no luck, if i did
remove any of the items what the heck did i do with them ? :confused:
  • #16
It doesn't have to be you, Wolram. Anyone who has access in the house could be having this sort of "spell".

I spent hours searching for some of the things that went missing, only to find them by accident months later. Once I opened the refridgerator to find, to my complete surprise, I'd put a hammer in there. That time, though, it came back to me: I'd been walking past the fridge with the hammer to put it away in the garage, had a sudden urge for a munchie, and set it on the shelf in there while I grabbed the food, then forgot all about it.

Here, again, it was something I was doing on impulse without thinking much about it: I noticed the hammer where I'd last set it down, decided to put it away, and then, equally on impulse, got distracted by food on the way.

The whereabouts of these things all turned out to be pretty much irrational, and I think it was the result of similar starting out with a rational goal, and then getting distracted by something else on the way. The things might be under the seat of someone's car, or they might have taken them away, who knows where or why. I think it must be a bit like sleepwalking: what you're doing probably makes sense to you at the time but you must be in sort of a trance so there's no guarrantee it would make any sense to you later.

The other explanation, of course, is that you may have been visited by a peculiar burglar: someone more interested in the thrill of invading someone elses space than they are in taking valuables. Hence: the envelopes and the shoe as mere "trophies." I suppose such a thing could happen.
  • #17
To be honest, Zooby, any explanation would be ok, as long as it proves i am
not crazy, the over riding fact is i fear going to sleep with my door open.
  • #18
wolram said:
To be honest, Zooby, any explanation would be ok, as long as it proves i am
not crazy, the over riding fact is i fear going to sleep with my door open.
Wolram, we're a perfect match, my stuff also keeps disappearing.
  • #19
Evo said:
Wolram, we're a perfect match, my stuff also keeps disappearing.
Oohhh i am all speechless, the thought of a perfect match, my mind has turned
to jelly, help me EVO
  • #20
zoobyshoe said:
I still don't know what was causing these little bouts of amnesia - some kind of stress or sleeping badly, or what, but I seemed to be experiencing a big weakness in automatically recalling certain things I'd done casually. If I did anything without paying full attention, it might end up not "sticking" in my memory at all, such that I couldn't seem even to access the vague impression that it was something I'd done.
I've had times like that when I'm under a lot of stress. I chalk it up to my mind being on overload already, and anything I can do on "autopilot" is done without really processing it into memory. Oh, those stress hormones don't really help either. We had a saying in grad school: stress makes you stupid. On the other hand, sometimes that stress-induced amnesia can be helpful; when the stressful event is over, you can happily forget most of the bad experience.
  • #21
wolram said:
but i am sure it watches me when i am in bed, i can feel
it looking.
:redface: Oh, sorry, that was just me. You should wear some pajamas if you don't want me to stare. :-p
  • #22
wolram said:
To be honest, Zooby, any explanation would be ok, as long as it proves i am
not crazy, the over riding fact is i fear going to sleep with my door open.
One of the guys in the building here thought he had a ghost in his room. At night, one of the speakers of his stereo fell over for no apparent reason. I didn't buy the ghost explanation from him, though, because that particular gentleman used to drink himself to sleep every night. You get all dehydrated and your brain chemistry screwed up that way, and you can wake up in the night imagining almost anything is

One night in my room a little plastic buffalo I had on the shelf suddenly fell over and off the shelf onto the floor, breaking. I was at my desk, heard the noise, and turned around to see it on the floor. It about paralyzed me with fear, when all of a sudden a little rat jumped off the shelf where the buffalo had been, and scurried across the floor to the door, where it squeezed itself through the crack and out of the room.
  • #23
Moonbear said:
I chalk it up to my mind being on overload already, and anything I can do on "autopilot" is done without really processing it into memory.
This is a good description of it, yes. Some big, over-riding stress is eating at you, so you don't have any energy left over to pay attention to where you set something down, or who you chatted with. They just don't seem to get into your memory at all, they're so unimportant.
  • #24
I wonder why I don't think its odd to find a hammer or tool in the fridge?

My cat did send random e-mails one time. Seems I can't use the "nature"screensaver, makes the cats want to play on the pc too much
  • #25
hypatia said:
I wonder why I don't think its odd to find a hammer or tool in the fridge?
Cause around here we keep 'em in the freezer.
  • #26
hypatia said:
My cat did send random e-mails one time. Seems I can't use the "nature"screensaver, makes the cats want to play on the pc too much
oh, so that's who sent me that email. I sent the 10 packs of kitty treats, 5 rubber squeaky mice, and the dime bag of catnip to the address as instructed. I was told if I followed the directions explicitly, no one would be harmed.

Can't believe I fell for that one. Though it's not quite as bad as the incident with those Nigerian tabbies that sent me emails last Spring.
  • #27
Math Is Hard said:
oh, so that's who sent me that email. I sent the 10 packs of kitty treats, 5 rubber squeaky mice, and the dime bag of catnip to the address as instructed. I was told if I followed the directions explicitly, no one would be harmed.

Can't believe I fell for that one. Though it's not quite as bad as the incident with those Nigerian tabbies that sent me emails last Spring.
:smile: :smile: :smile: I can't believe you fell for that one! I got suspicious as soon as they asked to have the dog locked up in the bathroom.
  • #28
Moonbear said:
:redface: Oh, sorry, that was just me. You should wear some pajamas if you don't want me to stare. :-p

How did you know i don't wear pajamas, has this computer a hidden camera?
Oh my----- what about my secrets
  • #29
Lisa! said:
Wow 3 days ago I just left my computer to bring a cup of tea for myself, but when I came back :bugeye: :bugeye: :bugeye:

lots of windows were opened and the place of files on the desktop were changed

It seems more likely that either you have some malicious software, or even someone else controlling your computer. How is your firewall, anti-virus, anti-spam etc protection?
  • #30
yea sounds like you are trojaned. unplug your webcam and microphone asap lol
  • #31
I am pretty sure that on one occasion I was working so hard and going on so little sleep that [on at least one occasion] I actually sleep-walked down to my office and worked; and never remember a thing about it. One night Tsu got up and I was gone, and I don't know where I was. Later it clicked when I thought of all of the little oddities found in my office - such as things being assembled that I never put together, AFAIK.

What's the past tense of sleep-walk?
  • #32
Ivan Seeking said:
It seems more likely that either you have some malicious software, or even someone else controlling your computer. How is your firewall, anti-virus, anti-spam etc protection?
Yeah, I know the problem was occurred by a virus and I sorted out the problem on Thursday, but I told myself let's have some funwth it. It was really funny while I was just watching and windows were opened one after another. :smile: :smile:
  • #33
Lisa! said:
Yeah, I know the problem was occurred by a virus and I sorted out the problem on Thursday, but I told myself let's have some funwth it. It was really funny while I was just watching and windows were opened one after another. :smile: :smile:
But now we have all your secrets :smile:
  • #34
This is what I like about WebTv. It's impossible to get a virus. Anything hinky that might happen happens in some big center somewhere far away and it's someone elses job to deal with it. It seems to go out only a couple hours at a time about twice a year.
  • #35
Mr wolram said:
But now we have all your secrets :smile:
My secrets?

Related to Ghosts Playing with My Computer!

1. What is "Ghosts Playing with My Computer!"?

"Ghosts Playing with My Computer!" is a popular computer game that simulates the experience of ghosts interacting with a computer system.

2. How does the game work?

The game is played by controlling a character who is trying to prevent ghosts from taking over their computer. The player must use various tools and strategies to keep the ghosts at bay.

3. Is this game based on real events?

No, "Ghosts Playing with My Computer!" is a fictional game and is not based on any real events or experiences.

4. What makes this game unique compared to other computer games?

The unique aspect of "Ghosts Playing with My Computer!" is its focus on supernatural elements and the challenge of protecting a computer system from ghosts.

5. Can anyone play this game?

Yes, "Ghosts Playing with My Computer!" is suitable for players of all ages and skill levels. However, it may not be suitable for those who are easily scared or have a fear of ghosts.

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