Getting a physics-related job?

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In summary, this second year student is looking into mathematical modelling of physical processes. He is aiming to specialize in this field and is concerned about his lack of intelligence and lack of social skills. He is hopeful that with hard work and dedication, he can overcome these obstacles and achieve his goals.
  • #1
Greetings, everyone.

First off, sorry for my English, especially some of the terminology, as I am not that acquainted with it yet.
I am a second year student in Physics (bachelors) and I've been thinking about my future and what I will specialize in as well as make the bachelors thesis. So I concluded that one of the best choices (maybe the best, I really have no real way of knowing yet) would probably be mathematical modelling of physical processes. It actually sounds a bit complex, but I must say I do like the idea of simulating physical processes and see the awesome 2d and 3d graphs that come with it, showing all kinds of data so you can make your own conclusions. I talked to a professor who does projects around that and he asked me what I like doing most - go out there and measure things yourself (gather data), work with software (work the data) or develop the software. I was a little torn between the latter two. I have next to no experience in programming but it's always been something I'm interested in a little at least. And working a program? Well I have about as little experience with those so far. Though, if I can modify the software and make my own scripts and such (not that I know how!), I think I would like that.

I am aiming for a sort of a meterological direction that involves some geography and geology too (the projecgts themselves), since there seems to indeed be such an option and I do like the idea of graphing out various statistics of the regions of world (at least my local region) - at least some way of being close to nature.

Another concern I have is that I am not a very good student (partially due to lack of a real job in it, hence getting one). Probably below average. Not sociable either. Not very smart, to be outright. And so I fear that I won't be able to stand next to all the clever people and just be pushed out. I think I'll stop beating the horse here as it also probably belongs in a psychology forum more.

I hope I wasn't being too specfic here or too vague. I know I was a little chaotic, which is part of the reason I was posting here - so that if anybody replies who is also knowledgeable in this, he'd make a coherent post and set my mind a little straight. Maybe I'm fooling myself with this, but hey, I did make it in the university this far, might as well go all the way. And I'm hoping that I do fit into the environment and do like the work I'd be doing so much to even continue doing it as a "career" (living).
So yeah, to end my long-winded post - suggestions, anyone? Corrections on any of my "facts"? Any contribution/addition will be appreciated. :)

P.S. I guess Numerical Analysis will come into play with this quite bigtime. It's such a hellish subject to study, but it seems to be a fun and useful thing to know.

Edit: Oh if this belongs in Academic guidance or some other forum more then please move it.
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  • #3

Let me tell you this, admitting that you think you're not smart or a good student is a sign of intelligence. Most folks are pompous and think otherwise. Your ability to look at yourself in a realistic, if perhaps slightly deprecating manner, is a good thing.

Fix those things! If you have an interest in Physics, and are obtaining a bachelor's degree in it, force yourself to be a better student. Especially if you're not sociable, that should mean you have some time to seriously devote to your studies.

I will advise against not being sociable, which is also something that can be fixed. Being sociable will get you far in academia, work places, and life in general.
  • #4
Thanks for the replies!

UltrafastPED, that does indeed look interesting and I'll give it some thought, though I've somehow always managed to not have a very strong connection to geology. Partly due to the fancy terminology and just having to know things that all look like the same thing on the first look. My (potential) involvement in the upcoming project will also tell me more about what I like and what I can do. Hopefully I can get into some fancy weather predicting.

If anybody knows, can they tell me how much mathematical modelling is actually involved in, say, predicting the weather? I suppose, that pretty much everything there depends on that, as they are the guys responsible for the graphs, hmm?
I'm just asking this for reassurance from somebody who actually does this (or something similar). I don't want to get the wrong idea of something and end up in something completely different than I imagined (to some extent this will happen anyway, I know) that isn't very related to my interests at all.

MrTheBard, thanks for the encouragement, I really need it sometimes. And yeah I completely agree, I'm trying to be more social this year. It does impact surprisingly much... It's actually when the social factor fails me when I am the most demotivated. Difficulties in studies just magnify the effect. Anyway, that is pretty slightly offtopic.
  • #5

Dear fellow student,

It's great to hear that you are considering a career in physics and have a specific interest in mathematical modeling of physical processes. This is definitely a growing field and offers a lot of exciting opportunities for those with a strong background in both physics and mathematics.

While it may seem daunting to think about your future career and specialization, it's important to keep in mind that your interests and skills may evolve over time. It's great that you have already talked to a professor who does projects in this area and have a better understanding of the different aspects of this type of work. It's also perfectly normal to have a mix of interests and skills, so don't feel like you have to choose just one aspect to focus on. You can always continue to develop your skills in programming and software while also working on projects that involve data collection and analysis.

As for your concerns about your academic performance and social skills, I want to assure you that these are not the only factors that determine success in a physics-related job. While it's important to have a strong academic foundation, there are many other qualities that are valued in this field, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. Additionally, there are many different types of jobs within the field of physics, so don't limit yourself based on your current academic performance. Keep working hard and seeking opportunities to improve, but also remember to have confidence in your abilities and unique strengths.

My suggestion would be to continue exploring your interests and gaining experience through projects and internships. This will not only help you gain a better understanding of your own skills and interests, but also make you more competitive in the job market. And don't be afraid to reach out to other professionals in the field for advice and guidance. Networking and making connections can be very helpful in finding job opportunities and gaining valuable insights.

In terms of numerical analysis, it is definitely an important skill to have in this field. Don't be discouraged if it seems difficult at first, as with practice and determination, you can become proficient in it. And remember, it's always helpful to have a strong foundation in mathematics and programming, so continue to work on those skills as well.

Overall, my advice would be to keep an open mind, continue pursuing your interests, and don't be afraid to ask for help and guidance. The field of physics is constantly evolving and there are always new opportunities and challenges to tackle. Best of luck to you in your academic and professional journey!

Related to Getting a physics-related job?

1. What types of jobs are available for physics graduates?

There are various job opportunities for physics graduates, including research positions at universities or national laboratories, teaching positions at schools or colleges, and careers in industries such as engineering, finance, and technology.

2. What skills are necessary to land a physics-related job?

Some essential skills for physics-related jobs include strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, proficiency in mathematics and computer programming, and excellent communication and teamwork skills.

3. Do I need a graduate degree to get a job in physics?

While having a graduate degree can open up more advanced job opportunities, it is not always necessary. Many entry-level positions in the field of physics only require a bachelor's degree.

4. How can I gain practical experience in physics outside of my academic studies?

You can gain practical experience through internships, research projects, or volunteer work at a physics-related organization. Additionally, participating in extracurricular activities such as clubs or conferences can also help you develop your skills and network with professionals.

5. What can I do to make my job application stand out as a physics graduate?

In addition to having a strong academic record and relevant work or research experience, you can make your job application stand out by showcasing your problem-solving skills, ability to think critically and creatively, and any leadership or teamwork experiences you have had. It is also essential to tailor your application to the specific job and company you are applying to.

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