Get the minimum taken to move from A to B given a cap on Velocity

In summary, the problem is to find the minimum time taken for an object to cover a distance x, given the initial velocity V0, maximum permissible acceleration a, and maximum permissible velocity Vmax. The equations provided are the speed of the object at time t and the distance the object will be from its starting point at time t. The attempted solution used the kinematic equation x/2 = V0 + 0.5at^2 and found that it worked for some cases but not for others, such as when Vmax is reached. The solution suggested breaking the problem into cases and solving for the time taken to reach Vmax if necessary.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the minimum time taken for the object to cover the distance x

I'm given the following:
x = the distance i need to cover
V0 = the initial velocity which is zero
a = the maximum permissible acceleration
Vmax = the maximum permissible velocity

Homework Equations

the speed of the object is (v0 + t * a) at time t
the object will be (v0 * t + 0.5 * a * t^2) away

The Attempt at a Solution

I used the kinematic equation x/2 = V0 + 0.5at^2 to find t. In some case this worked for example using the test case x = 1, a = 2, Vmax = 10 then t = 1.414...; x = 1, a = 1, Vmax = 1 then t = 2s
but for the case x = 10, a=1, Vmax = 1 I failed to get the correct answer (11 s). Would anyone here please help me understand how to account for Vmax and a. I'm not sure how the equations given in the problem statement aid in getting the answer. thanks
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  • #2
I don't understand the /2 in "x/2" in your equation. Neither do I see how you got t=sqrt(2) for x =1, a=2, with or without the /2. Did you mean x=1, a=1?
For this sort of problem, the answer is not going to pop out directly from the equations. You have to break it into cases. First, suppose Vmax is not reached, and solve with SUVAT as you have. Then check whether the final velocity exceeds Vmax. If so, start again, finding the time taken to reach Vmax. See how you go from there.
  • #3
haruspex said:
I don't understand the /2 in "x/2" in your equation. Neither do I see how you got t=sqrt(2) for x =1, a=2, with or without the /2. Did you mean x=1, a=1?
For this sort of problem, the answer is not going to pop out directly from the equations. You have to break it into cases. First, suppose Vmax is not reached, and solve with SUVAT as you have. Then check whether the final velocity exceeds Vmax. If so, start again, finding the time taken to reach Vmax. See how you go from there.

I used x/2 because the object after reaching halfway would have to stop accelerating in order to reach the final destination (exactly 1m) with a velocity of 0 m/s. so if x = 1 then using half of x i can find the time it took to reach halfway then multiply by 2 to get the total time for the entire distance.
  • #4
thejackal said:
I used x/2 because the object after reaching halfway would have to stop accelerating in order to reach the final destination (exactly 1m) with a velocity of 0 m/s.
You didn't mention that requirement originally. Is it a requirement? Anyway, what I suggested for taking Vmax into account should work either way.
  • #5

To find the minimum time taken to cover the distance x, we can use the equation x = V0t + 0.5at^2, where V0 is the initial velocity and a is the acceleration. However, we must also take into account the maximum permissible velocity, Vmax. This means that the object cannot exceed Vmax at any point during its motion.

To account for this, we can use the equation V = V0 + at, where V is the velocity at time t. We can set this equal to Vmax and solve for t, giving us the time at which the object reaches its maximum velocity. We can then plug this value of t into the equation x = V0t + 0.5at^2 to find the distance traveled at this time.

If this distance is less than x, then the object has not yet reached its destination and we need to continue the calculation. If the distance is equal to x, then this is the minimum time taken to cover the distance.

If the distance is greater than x, then we need to adjust the value of Vmax and recalculate until we find the correct value. This is because the object cannot exceed Vmax, so we need to find the maximum velocity that will still allow the object to reach the distance x.

Overall, to find the minimum time taken to cover the distance x, we need to iteratively adjust the value of Vmax until the distance traveled at the time when V = Vmax is equal to x. This will give us the minimum time taken to cover the distance x while still adhering to the maximum velocity constraint.

Related to Get the minimum taken to move from A to B given a cap on Velocity

1. What does "get the minimum taken" mean?

The phrase "get the minimum taken" refers to finding the shortest or most efficient path or solution to a problem. In this case, it means finding the minimum amount of time or distance required to move from point A to point B given a maximum velocity limit.

2. Why is there a cap on velocity?

The cap on velocity is typically imposed for safety reasons. It ensures that an object or person does not exceed a certain speed that could potentially cause harm or damage. It also allows for more controlled and predictable movement.

3. How is the minimum time or distance calculated?

The minimum time or distance is calculated using the basic formula: distance = velocity x time. In this case, the velocity is limited, so the equation is rearranged to solve for time: time = distance / velocity. This will give us the minimum time required to cover the distance from point A to point B.

4. Is the minimum time or distance the same for all scenarios?

No, the minimum time or distance will vary depending on the distance between points A and B and the cap on velocity. For example, if the distance is shorter or the velocity cap is higher, the minimum time or distance will be smaller.

5. How does this concept apply to real-world situations?

This concept is applicable in many real-world situations, such as transportation and logistics. For example, when planning a road trip, you may want to determine the minimum time or distance required to reach your destination while adhering to speed limits. It is also relevant in fields such as physics and engineering, where the movement of objects must be carefully controlled and calculated.

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