Generator of translations involving TIME

In summary, the operator that turns a wave function into a translation is the momentum operator. The generator of boosts is the position operator. The time dependence of the boost is due to the inclusion of the phase factor in the transformation.
  • #1
I'm in one spatial dimension. I want to know what the operator is that will turn [itex]\psi(x)[/itex] into [itex]\psi(x + \frac{vt}{2})[/itex], where [itex]t[/itex] is, yes, time. I know that, usually, we say that (assuming [itex]\hbar = 1[/itex]) [itex]e^{ipa}[/itex] is the generator of translations by [itex]a[/itex], but I was wondering if things were different once we put in a [itex]t[/itex].
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  • #2
This transformation is called a boost (though I don't know why you have a factor of 1/2 in from of the v). The position operator ##x## is the generator of boosts. For example, a particle with some definite momentum ##p_0## has wave function ##\psi(x) = e^{i p_0 x}##. If we act on this wave function with the operator ##e^{i \Delta p x}##, where ##\Delta p## is some number, then we get the wave function ##e^{i (p_0 + \Delta p) x}##. The particle's momentum has been shifted by ##\Delta p##: it has been boosted.

To nitpick the terminology, the "generator" is the operator that appears in the exponential, not the exponential itself. So we say that the generator of spatial translations is the momentum operator ##p## because we can translate a wave function by a displacement ##a## by acting on it with the operator ##e^{i p a}##.
  • #3
The_Duck said:
This transformation is called a boost (though I don't know why you have a factor of 1/2 in from of the v). The position operator ##x## is the generator of boosts. For example, a particle with some definite momentum ##p_0## has wave function ##\psi(x) = e^{i p_0 x}##. If we act on this wave function with the operator ##e^{i \Delta p x}##, where ##\Delta p## is some number, then we get the wave function ##e^{i (p_0 + \Delta p) x}##. The particle's momentum has been shifted by ##\Delta p##: it has been boosted.

To nitpick the terminology, the "generator" is the operator that appears in the exponential, not the exponential itself. So we say that the generator of spatial translations is the momentum operator ##p## because we can translate a wave function by a displacement ##a## by acting on it with the operator ##e^{i p a}##.

Is boost time-dependent?

I would try myself to use a Taylor expansion, and see what's going on... Prolly would find a problem with
[itex] \frac{dψ}{dx}[/itex] which I would have to write as [itex] \frac{∂ψ}{∂x}+ \frac{∂t}{∂x}\frac{∂ψ}{∂t}= \frac{∂ψ}{∂x}+ \frac{2}{u} \frac{∂ψ}{∂t}[/itex] (since you gave the velocity as [itex]u/2[/itex]
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  • #4
The_Duck said:
To nitpick the terminology, the "generator" is the operator that appears in the exponential, not the exponential itself. So we say that the generator of spatial translations is the momentum operator ##p## because we can translate a wave function by a displacement ##a## by acting on it with the operator ##e^{i p a}##.

You're right, and I'm usually aware of that. I just misspoke. Thanks!
  • #5
This is a bit more subtle. In fact the generator of the Galileo boosts is
[tex]\hat{\vec{K}}=m \hat{\vec{x}}-t \hat{\vec{p}}.[/tex]
Since this operator is explicitly (!) time dependent, it does not commute with the Hamiltonian. Of course, it's conserved, i.e., the operator representing its time derivative,
[tex]\frac{1}{\mathrm{i}\hbar} [\hat{\vec{K}},\hat{H}]+\partial_t \vec{K} = \frac{1}{\mathrm{i}\hbar} [\hat{\vec{K}},\hat{H}] + \hat{\vec{p}}.[/tex]
A careful analysis of the transformation properties of the wave function in the position representations yields its behavior under boosts,
[tex]\Psi_{\sigma}(t,\vec{x}) \rightarrow \Psi_{\sigma}'(t,\vec{x})=\exp \left (-\frac{\mathrm{i}}{\hbar} m \vec{v} \cdot \vec{x} - \frac{\mathrm{i} m}{2\hbar} \vec{v}^2 t \right ) \Psi_{\sigma}(t,\vec{x}+\vec{v} t).[/tex]
Here, I've also included the possibility that the particle has non-zero spin [itex]s[/itex]. Thus the wave function is spinor valued with the spinor index taking the values [itex]\sigma \in \{-s,-s+1,\ldots,s-1,s \}[/itex].

Note that the Galilei boost involves a phase factor in addition to the naive transformation rule for the wave function you have assumed in the beginning (despite this strange factor of 1/2, which I don't understand at all).

A very detailed treatment of Galilei transformations in quantum mechanics (involving a lot of subtle group-reprentation theory, including the fact that the mass is to be interpreted as a central charge of the quantum version of the Galilei group) can be found in

Ballentine, Quantum Mechanics, a Modern Development.
  • #6
vanhees71 said:
Note that the Galilei boost involves a phase factor in addition to the naive transformation rule for the wave function you have assumed in the beginning (despite this strange factor of 1/2, which I don't understand at all).

The [itex]1/2[/itex] is present in the particular application I'm considering. For our purposes, I could have just as easily left it off. Sorry for the confusion it seems to have created!
  • #7
vanhees71 said:
A careful analysis of the transformation properties of the wave function in the position representations yields its behavior under boosts,
[tex]\Psi_{\sigma}(t,\vec{x}) \rightarrow \Psi_{\sigma}'(t,\vec{x})=\exp \left (-\frac{\mathrm{i}}{\hbar} m \vec{v} \cdot \vec{x} - \frac{\mathrm{i} m}{2\hbar} \vec{v}^2 t \right ) \Psi_{\sigma}(t,\vec{x}+\vec{v} t).[/tex]
So, my understanding from this is that, if I am in a frame of reference [itex]\mathcal O'[/itex] that is moving with respect to my initial frame [itex]\mathcal O[/itex] with a velocity of [itex]-vt[/itex], and my particle has mass [itex]m[/itex] and wave function in [itex]\mathcal O[/itex] given by [itex]\psi(x)[/itex] then the wave function in [itex]\mathcal O'[/itex] isn't just [itex]\psi(x+vt,t)[/itex]; it's


Is that correct? Are there any additional assumptions I need to place on [itex]\psi[/itex] for this to work?
  • #8
No. You can even prove that this is the correct rule for the Galilei boost by showing that, if [itex]\Psi[/itex] fulfills the Schrödinger equation so does [itex]\Psi'[/itex], and becomes clear, why you necessarily need the phase factor.

There's a famous paper by Inönü and Wigner that the unitary representations of the orginal Galilei group do not lead to physically reasonable dynamics (or a physically interpretable wave equation):

I. Inönü, E. P. Wigner, Representations of the Galilei group, Nuovo. Cim. 9, 705 (1952)

Related to Generator of translations involving TIME

1. What is a Generator of Translations Involving Time?

A Generator of Translations Involving Time is a tool used in computational linguistics and natural language processing to generate translations of text from one language to another while preserving the temporal information and references in the text.

2. How does a Generator of Translations Involving Time work?

A Generator of Translations Involving Time works by analyzing the source text and identifying temporal expressions and references, such as dates, times, and durations. It then uses this information to generate translations that accurately convey the temporal information in the target language.

3. What are the benefits of using a Generator of Translations Involving Time?

Using a Generator of Translations Involving Time can help improve the accuracy and fluency of translations involving time-sensitive information. It also saves time and effort by automatically generating translations instead of relying on manual translation methods.

4. Are there any limitations to using a Generator of Translations Involving Time?

One limitation of using a Generator of Translations Involving Time is that it may struggle with translations involving complex or ambiguous temporal expressions, as these can be difficult to accurately translate between languages. Additionally, the accuracy of the translations may also depend on the quality of the source text.

5. Can a Generator of Translations Involving Time be used for all languages?

While a Generator of Translations Involving Time can be used for a wide range of languages, its effectiveness may vary depending on the language pair and the availability of linguistic resources for that language. Some languages may also have different ways of expressing time, which can make translation more challenging.

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