Free Parameters In String Theory

In summary, the conversation revolved around string theory and its parameters and ingredients. It was mentioned that there is one free parameter (the length of the fundamental string) and that compactification of extra dimensions can be thought of as "rolling up" those dimensions. String theory provides many different ways of creating toy universes, known as the landscape problem. The energies involved in probing strings are around the Planck Scale and there is no experimental evidence to support string theory yet. It is hoped that string theory can explain QCD and the known particle masses, as well as special and general relativity. However, no experimental observations have been made to support this theory.
  • #1
Hello to all:

I heard Michio Kaku talk on string theory recently and I thought I heard him say that the theory had no free parameters. But in thinking about the matter, I could not decide what that meant -- if it is true. Could someone please tell me what ingredients go into string theory? Are c, h and G taken to have the known experimental values, for instance?

Thank you for your help.

Physics news on
  • #2
In string theory there is at first one free parameter: the length of the fundamental string.

Once we start trying different ways of compactifying the extra dimensions, all these different compactifications are sort of like parameters.
  • #3
ExactlySolved said:
In string theory there is at first one free parameter: the length of the fundamental string.

Once we start trying different ways of compactifying the extra dimensions, all these different compactifications are sort of like parameters.

Okay. Thanks for the information. Could I ask you: When you say compactification, are you speaking of ways of rolling up the various dimensions? I have a fair understanding of quantum physics, but that's about it. I earned my Ph.D. in physics in 1980 -- back in the Dark Ages.

Thanks again.

  • #4
Yes, compactification could loosely be thought of 'rolling up the extra dimensions.' In mathematical terms there is a compact (closed and bounded) manifold attached to each point in spacetime.
  • #5
ExactlySolved said:
Yes, compactification could loosely be thought of 'rolling up the extra dimensions.' In mathematical terms there is a compact (closed and bounded) manifold attached to each point in spacetime.

Many thanks.

  • #6
one should say I think "no dimensionless free parameters", c, G etc have dimension
  • #7
malawi_glenn said:
one should say I think "no dimensionless free parameters", c, G etc have dimension


  • #8
RoKo said:


so this is not the case in the standard model, where eg. mass ratios and coupling constants are fixed.
  • #9
malawi_glenn said:
so this is not the case in the standard model, where eg. mass ratios and coupling constants are fixed.

You have been of much help. Thanks.

  • #10
It might be fun to know that the "freedom of string theory" is one of the largest problems in string theory at the moment. People are trying to come up with realistic configurations (i.e. compactifications etc) which would give a description of the Standard Model and a positive cosmological constant (General Relativity itself already comes along quite natural, I think). The point is that different configurations lead to different excitation spectra of the strings and thus different universes.

But apart from the fact that a 'realistic' configuration has not been found, there is not even a mechanism known which explains why it's this particular configuration that corresponds to our universe. In some sense, string theoy provides way too many different ways of coming up with toy universes.

This is known as the landscape problem.
  • #11
xepma said:
It might be fun to know that the "freedom of string theory" is one of the largest problems in string theory at the moment. People are trying to come up with realistic configurations (i.e. compactifications etc) which would give a description of the Standard Model and a positive cosmological constant (General Relativity itself already comes along quite natural, I think). The point is that different configurations lead to different excitation spectra of the strings and thus different universes.

But apart from the fact that a 'realistic' configuration has not been found, there is not even a mechanism known which explains why it's this particular configuration that corresponds to our universe. In some sense, string theoy provides way too many different ways of coming up with toy universes.

This is known as the landscape problem.

Thanks very much.

Could I ask what kind of energies are involved to probe strings? Maybe your answer could be in Gev or Fermis -- as I am an experimentalist. And could I ask you to say a few words about what kind of particle states would be created by strings? And what do you think string theory might explain? Would all of the known particle masses come out of the theory? Would QED come out of the theory -- along with simple quantum mechanics? Would Newton's laws come out, along with special and general relativity?

What evidence now exists to support the existence of strings?

I am a former physics professor and am going to be on a national radio program this Friday. May use part of your answers on the air -- if I am asked any questions about string theory. My main focus on the program will relate to exotic physics phenomena to include scalar electromagnetic weapons.

Thanks again.

  • #12
The energies are around the Planck Scale, like 10e19 MeV

However, String Theory 'predicts' extra dimensions to exists, and if they are "big enough" they might be discovered at LHC @ CERN.

String Theory requires special relativity, but as a result, general relativity will come out - as the weak limit of a higher order theory of relativistic gravity.

One hopes to solve/find QCD from string theory

No experimental observation supports strings so far.
  • #13
malawi_glenn said:
The energies are around the Planck Scale, like 10e19 MeV

However, String Theory 'predicts' extra dimensions to exists, and if they are "big enough" they might be discovered at LHC @ CERN.

String Theory requires special relativity, but as a result, general relativity will come out - as the weak limit of a higher order theory of relativistic gravity.

One hopes to solve/find QCD from string theory

No experimental observation supports strings so far.

Thanks much.

Best wishes,


Related to Free Parameters In String Theory

1. What are free parameters in string theory?

Free parameters in string theory refer to the values that are not determined by the theory itself, but rather must be input by the researcher in order to make predictions. These values can include the number of dimensions, the type of compactification, and the values of coupling constants.

2. How are free parameters chosen in string theory?

The specific values of free parameters in string theory are chosen based on experimental data and theoretical considerations. Researchers often use a process called "scanning" to test different values of parameters and see which ones produce the most accurate predictions.

3. Why are free parameters important in string theory?

Free parameters are important in string theory because they allow the theory to make predictions that can be tested against experimental results. Without free parameters, the theory would be too rigid and unable to account for the complexity of our universe.

4. Can free parameters in string theory be changed?

Yes, free parameters in string theory can be changed. As mentioned before, researchers often use a process called "scanning" to test different values of parameters and see which ones produce the most accurate predictions. If new experimental data or theoretical developments arise, the values of free parameters may need to be adjusted to match the new information.

5. Are free parameters in string theory the same as variables?

No, free parameters in string theory are not the same as variables. Variables are quantities that can vary within a specific range, while free parameters are input values that are not determined by the theory itself. In other words, variables are a part of the theory, while free parameters are external to the theory.

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